Avowed has pronouns


Gold Member
Maybe they just need an option in the beginning to turn on/off pronouns. Would that make everyone happy?
lol no. If I make a male character his pronouns should be automatic. Same for anyone who creates a female character. It shouldn't be an option in the first place. The only reason the option exists is to cater to 'non-binary' Redditard brainrot.

They need to remove pronouns from the character sheet because it's gonna be in your face the whole game. No bueno.

Also, don't get it twisted. This is a modern day Obsidian product. Avowed is going to be infested with cringe woke shit. Mark my words.
lol no. If I make a male character his pronouns should be automatic. Same for anyone who creates a female character. It shouldn't be an option in the first place. The only reason the option exists is to cater to 'non-binary' Redditard brainrot.

They need to remove pronouns from the character sheet because it's gonna be in your face the whole game. No bueno.

Also, don't get it twisted. This is a modern day Obsidian product. Avowed is going to be infested with cringe woke shit. Mark my words.
Yeah even if they turned it off, it still won't matter much if they're going to have those shitty woke shit with disgusting sick characters and messaging throughout the game.
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Gold Member
Yeah even if they turned it off it, it still won't matter much if they're going to have those shitty woke shit with disgusting sick characters and messaging throughout the game.
I just expect more Outer Worlds with this where I see what the writers are doing and this is my face the entire game



God I don't fucking care about pronouns, it can be in the game or not, as long as I enjoy the game I don't care. ÍThis whole grift and bullshit from Grummz is tiring. They'll immediately turn a corner once the game is successful and pretend they never tried to brigader against the game
The guy comes across as a massive creep tbh


If the game ends up being good I couldn't care less about pronouns and that kind of stuff. To not give this kind of s**t about pronouns any visibilty is the better option imho.

I'm more worried about the game being as good as Pillars of Eternity series honestly.


I’m sure the game will sell very well. They’ll just give advanced copies to IGN and kotaku for day 1 reviews.
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SF Kosmo

Every job application these days has a pronoun field, are y'all gonna boycott work now?

I applied for a job once and one of the pronouns choices was fae/faer, which is apparently for people who identify as fairies. 😂
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Even having the option to fuck a bear is plain disgusting. way different than getting it on with say a alien or succubus chick etc.


Don't even bother even if you are right cause those poster secretly support this evil shit. Not even worth replying to them.

Yeah 10 years ago I was still among the neutral or tried to be that didn't let these shit get to me but it's been a long time now and more and more of these sick disgusting evil shit are being shoved so I'm no longer neutral about this. And over these past 10 years you'll see a lot of folks who never used to have problems with this are now hating on it and rightfully so. The evil side definitely aren't helping themselves as the more they push the more hated they become instead of the other way around.

Evil? It's fucking dumb, but it's not evil. Are you some kind of religious loon or something? Evil is child abuse and murdering people when they don't share your beliefs. This is some dumb political agenda shit in a video game. Calm the fuck down.

Also, bear fucking is fabulous.
Not only will have the same energy ill be enjoying the game too, Gamepass day one!


People mention Remedy and say Alan Wake 2 was woke.....I frikken loved the game, its sales have no impact on my enjoyment of it.
Fact that Remedy are already working on Control part 2 has me excited for the future as well.

Battlefield V didnt bomb because it had women soldiers (or whatever people were calling Woke about it), it bombed because it didnt bring enough to the table after Battlefield 1.
Funny enough that Battlefield V is the current highest charting Battlefield game daily on Steam, if they had crossplay im sure even BF1 would still be charting pretty damn high.
If you meant BF2042 that bombed because they were chasing the Hero Shooter trend that Battlefield players never wanted.
Concord and Saints Row were just games no one asked for, they got what they deserved,.

Remedys last two games were Alan Wake 2 and Control.......what am i missing?
Alan Wake 2 was the shit and Control was my GOTY of 2019.

Veilguard I havent actually given a chance, I didnt like the artstyle or the changes to the gameplay loop, but I plan on giving it a chance during the Christmas holiday ill judge it myself.
Concord was a damn bomb from the get go, even if it had nothing but macho white men, its a game no one wanted.....not because it was woke but cuz it was like 8 years too late on release.
You can keep trying to rewrite history to suit your narrative, it won’t work. The funny part is reality can slap you in the face and you’d still be oblivious. In this thread, several of the target audience have told you why they didn’t buy certain games despite being in the target audience for the game.

Instead of trying to invent, maybe get off your high horse and listen for a change. This arrogance of being dismissive towards people’s dislikes is a horrible trait of a certain agenda pushing group of people. And when people disagree in opinions, the name calling and branding starts. Just with Veilguard, entire segments of people were labeled as “chuds”, “incels”, blah blah blah. The problem with name calling is that it no longer works since people don’t care. They’ll just laugh and not buy the game. If the hardcore don’t buy it, they’ll tell their friends who are casuals not to buy it by spreading bad word of mouth. Now your hundred plus million dollar game has a huge problem.

I’ll steer clear of delving into politics but, it’s very obvious that a majority of the population does not want this shit anymore based on recent results. Any dev that is out of touch with the desires of their audience deserves to die. Your sole existence as a developer hinges around creating products that people want to consume. The moment you think your desires supersede that of the audience is the moment you’ve lost the plot.
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You can keep trying to rewrite history to suit your narrative, it won’t work. The funny part is reality can slap you in the face and you’d still be oblivious. In this thread, several of the target audience have told you why they didn’t buy certain games despite being in the target audience for the game.

Instead of trying to invent, maybe get off your high horse and listen for a change. This arrogance of being dismissive towards people’s dislikes is a horrible trait of a certain agenda pushing group of people. And when people disagree in opinions, the name calling and branding starts. Just with Veilguard, entire segments of people were labeled as “chuds”, “incels”, blah blah blah. The problem with name calling is that it no longer works since people don’t care. They’ll just laugh and not buy the game. If the hardcore don’t buy it, they’ll tell their friends who are casuals not to buy it by spreading bad word of mouth. Now your hundred plus million dollar game has a huge problem.

I’ll steer clear of delving into politics but, it’s very obvious that a majority of the population does not want this shit anymore based on recent results.

The posters who tries to handwave this stuff ain't fooling anybody. We all know they support these evil and disgusting shits. It's so obvious too and from the usual posters you'll expect too throughout these pages.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Personally couldn’t care less either way. But it feels like devs are just attracting negative attention to their games with little to gain.


Personally couldn’t care less either way. But it feels like devs are just attracting negative attention to their games with little to gain.

This is a very good point. Regardless of personal feelings, you have to question the decision to include them, given the current climate. They must have known it would cause controversy and divisiveness... which will inevitably affect sales.

Are Obsidian so captured by the ideology that they will willingly sacrifice profit to make a point? The only answer to that must be yes.
Evil and disgusting?

Captured by ideology?

Who here has lost the plot exactly?

This thread is super active, and look what it is about. Two words being in tiny font in the top right corner of the screen. Nothing else, no previews have noted 'woke' stuff. No SBI or similar controversy with this game. People take the pronouns and look what they have extrapolated that to mean.

Like, it's literally just replacing 'Male or Female' on a character screen.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I mean, let's not get into a science debate or talk about people who are born with two sets of genitals, and try to define them.
Yeah ok.

It's a role playing fantasy game, being more inclusive hurts who exactly?
Inclusive with who? Sorry but imo there's just men and women.

If someone wants to feel like a fluid genderbending machine then go ahead, their lifes their rules, but I don't think every game needs to cater to those.

Plus, just me, but I think all that stuff about needed to feel "included" or "represented" in every piece of media is the lamest shit ever. I'm from Spain, been playing games for 30 years now and not even once did I think "oh shit I would enjoy this game so much more if the protag looked like me!". For me all this reeks of insecurity.
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Yeah ok.

Inclusive with who? Sorry but imo there's just men and women.

If someone wants to feel like a fluid genderbending machine then go ahead, their lifes their rules, but I don't think every game needs to cater to those.

Plus, just me, but I think all that stuff about needed to feel "included" or "represented" in every piece of media is the lamest shit ever. I'm from Spain, been playing games for 30 years now and not even once did I think "oh shit I would enjoy this game so much more if the protag looked like me!". For me all this reeks of insecurity.

I'm sorry that not everyone on the planet fits nice and tidy into a easily defined box, but life is more complicated than that.

Hermaphroditism is a thing. How do you define these people? If you don't care, that's perfectly fine. I don't care either. But I also don't call more people being catered to evil and disgusting, or pass wholesale judgement on a game because they put he/him instead of 'male' on a characters screen. THAT is crazy behavior.


I'm on the lgbt committee for a pretty big company and I won't put pronouns in my sig. I've told a few that I think it's misguided and provoking backlash/resentment. If they could hang out in a space like this they might see that it's driving people up the wall at this point.

Just put a flag or something in your sig if you want to show solidarity. Listing your pronouns, at least if they are gender-typical, is an orwell mind fuck. I have a non-binary (I know, I know) person at work and introduced them to to a client that claims the same. My nb addresses the other as 'She', I politely correct that it's 'they'. A quick 'oh pardon me', and 'no it's okay!" Are exchanged and we all carry on.

Also, the one I work with, I explained that there was this older lady that is never going to be able to get 'they' in a million years. And they were like "yeah I wasn't counting on it lol".

This perfectly civil irl behavior is completely at odds with listing pronouns that everyone knows they are going to 'guess' correctly 99.99% of the time! Shit drives me nuts, too. Maybe for different reasons.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I'm sorry that not everyone on the planet fits nice and tidy into a easily defined box, but life is more complicated than that.
Is it really? I think it's quite simple, but some seem dedicated to make it look more complicated, for some reason.

Hermaphroditism is a thing. How do you define these people?
You know this is not about hermaphrodites you silly. Devs changing "male and female" for pronouns or body types has nothing to do with them.

But I also don't call more people being catered to evil and disgusting
Guess you and I are different when it comes to that. For me, using my beloved videogames to push political agendas is disgusting indeed.

or pass wholesale judgement on a game because they put he/him instead of 'male' on a characters screen.
I'm not passing judgment on the whole package. I'm just not buying the game because it has stuff inside it that I find stupid. Simple as that.
I'm sorry that not everyone on the planet fits nice and tidy into a easily defined box, but life is more complicated than that.

Hermaphroditism is a thing. How do you define these people? If you don't care, that's perfectly fine. I don't care either. But I also don't call more people being catered to evil and disgusting, or pass wholesale judgement on a game because they put he/him instead of 'male' on a characters screen. THAT is crazy behavior.

Gender dysphoria is a mental illness. They try to change that too but it always has been.

If you look into what is being pushed lately it’s all about not being able to procreate whether it’s gay or trans or “gender affirming care” or to kill your unborn. Add that to most pushing this stuff are satanic pedophiles and you can start seeing why some people call it evil.
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness. They try to change that too but it always has been.

If you look into what is being pushed lately it’s all about not being able to procreate whether it’s gay or trans or “gender affirming care” or to kill your unborn. Add that to most pushing this stuff are satanic pedophiles and you can start seeing why some people call it evil.
Yeah and it's just common sense too and shouldn't even be a debate in the first place yet unfortunately there are some in this current day world that would support these evil and twisted upside shits even in this and the other thread.
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness. They try to change that too but it always has been.

If you look into what is being pushed lately it’s all about not being able to procreate whether it’s gay or trans or “gender affirming care” or to kill your unborn. Add that to most pushing this stuff are satanic pedophiles and you can start seeing why some people call it evil.
And this is being ‘pushed’ on us because a game has pronouns…?

Just want to make sure I’m all caught up. I missed the last satanic pedophile meeting.
And this is being ‘pushed’ on us because a game has pronouns…?

Just want to make sure I’m all caught up. I missed the last satanic pedophile meeting.

Did you know one of their clothing companies that Target got shit for was a satanic trans clothing brand?

Pronouns signals acceptance of mutilating children so they never procreate and are a customer to big pharma forever.
Wouldn’t be surprised at all if KC2 destroys all of them
Not MH Wilds lol

MH World sold 19 million, MH Rise sold 15 million

If anything KC2 should be watching out for Wilds but in reality KC2 and Wilds occupy completely different market segments and one will not affect the other

AC Shadows on the other hand.........


Gold Member
Emphasis on pronoun usage is a signifier for the inclusion of gender theory. As soon as gamers see that shit they recoil on mass. A large backlash soon follows whilst those invested dig incessantly for evidence of further rot. It’s particularly alarming when developers obscure and obfuscate such divisive content, almost like they think we won’t notice. These new ideas foisted on unsuspecting fans. The games themselves masquerading as just another entry whilst pushing subversive leftist ideological perspectives. Truly despicable, especially considering the access this type of content has to children and young adults.

It’s still shocking, even after all these years, that developers would so readily betray the very people that consume the majority of their content. It doesn’t matter if they make games in genres that skew overwhelmingly towards men… or that men are the largest group in opposition to gender theory, feminism and the other leftist ideologies. It is tough to accept but straight men aren’t the target audience anymore. The ethereal non-entity often referred to as the ‘modern audience’, is simply a code word, a stand-in expression for the real intended audience… modern leftists. As soon as you realise that truth it becomes much easier to discern palatable content.

With the above, it is clear that we are currently in the midst of a large scale experiment… developers have asked the question, can we make money selling products tailored to the audience that we are in solidarity with? Or will we be forced to make content for the traditional audience that we loathe. Thankfully us consumers get to decide the outcome. Spend accordingly.
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Did you know one of their clothing companies that Target got shit for was a satanic trans clothing brand?

Pronouns signals acceptance of mutilating children so they never procreate and are a customer to big pharma forever.
Not surprised that satanic stuff relates to that since it'll make sense that something like Satan would want to corrupt all that is good and correct. So he'll try to twist the two genders into something evil, and twisted. The Baphomet looks trans already and those drag trans freaks that tries to corrupt kids in some school already look like demons anyway.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Not surprised that satanic stuff relates to that since it'll make sense that something like Satan would want to corrupt all that is good and correct. So he'll try to twist the two genders into something evil, and twisted. The Baphomet looks trans already and those drag trans freaks that tries to corrupt kids in some school always look like demons anyway.
“Satanists” don’t even believe in Satan, certainly don’t profess anything evil. They are just nerds trying to trigger religious people.

SF Kosmo

Emphasis on pronoun usage is a signifier for the inclusion of gender theory.
Making your own character is a core concept of RPGs since their inception, and games have been letting you assign gender independent of appearance for a long time too. It's literally just the word "pronoun" that seems to upset people, which is weird because that's a normal part of speech that you should have learned about in second grade.

SF Kosmo

Not surprised that satanic stuff relates to that since it'll make sense that something like Satan would want to corrupt all that is good and correct. So he'll try to twist the two genders into something evil, and twisted. The Baphomet looks trans already and those drag trans freaks that tries to corrupt kids in some school always look like demons anyway.
I don't know what argument you think you are making but all anyone is hearing is that we need to regulate home schooling better.
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