are there any games you are ashamed for not enjoying?


Absolutely Cozy
Chess. I'm somewhat good at it, but I get very anxious playing it for some reason. Same with strategy games against human opponents.

Aside from Wind Waker I've never really enjoyed playing any of the 3D Zelda's. I've tried many times but the games just aren't for me.

As WW is my favourite Zelda I'm happy you liked at least it. I don't try to force myself to enjoy genres anymore. I love Zelda style games and especially platform adventures. But I've had friends who don't care about controlling a character in third-person, instead they might love stuff like Age of Empires and Kerbal Space Program. Or grindy RPGs.

I can see that those are quality games, but I don't enjoy them enough to learn the ropes and invest the time.
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No but for my own sake I sometimes wish I could understand what others can see, when they’re raving about how awesome something is and I just keep falling asleep, like Baldur’s Gate 3, everything was soooo slooooooooow.

And it pains me that I can’t get past the frame pacing stutters in Bloodborne, my only hope there is a 60fps Bluepoint remake.

Online gaming is something I don’t understand the appeal of either. I remember trying Star Citizen during a free weekend and the space adventure immersion was just swooping in when two guys ran up to me in their underwear and then ran away jumping over tables and the immersion was instantly shattered. Then I went on to do a mission and when I reached the target location someone had been waiting for some noob to arrive and then my ship was shot down when I had landed and I lost about an hour of gameplay.
Alan Wake, everyone says it's awesome but I found it a torture. Inside, a work of art but I didn't really click for me. It's good, I admit it, but wouldn't replay it.

I so agree. I like most everything about it, except the gameplay. Just didn't do it for me. I have liked Remedy's other games however.


We, hardcore gamers were fighting good fight back in the 80s and 90s where it was not hip/cool to play videogames, just coz of that there is no way we can be ashamed of playing or not playing any game.
Saying all that:
To guys playing infinity nicky and those other girly games:
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Not ashamed, but all these JRPG's that get praise and great reviews, and I just never seem to be able to get into them. Most recent was FF16 and I literally had to force myself to finish it. Made me realise never to force myself to finish game just for the sake of it, just a waste of time. On the other hand Western RPG's have me sinking days into them and is one of my most enjoyable genres.
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Chess. I'm somewhat good at it, but I get very anxious playing it for some reason. Same with strategy games against human opponents.


As WW is my favourite Zelda I'm happy you liked at least it. I don't try to force myself to enjoy genres anymore. I love Zelda style games and especially platform adventures. But I've had friends who don't care about controlling a character in third-person, instead they might love stuff like Age of Empires and Kerbal Space Program. Or grindy RPGs.

I can see that those are quality games, but I don't enjoy them enough to learn the ropes and invest the time.
Yeah I don't know what it is. I can play slower more methodical action games but games like OoT, TP and BotW just don't do it for me. I guess I prefer a more structured overworlds and the artstyle for WW is fairly appealing and timeless.

For other genres I used used to love CRPG's but can't back into them and the same with strategy games. I guess my patience for game is much smaller than it used to be lol.

And yeah I can see stuff that are quality and that are well designed, but a lot I just can't get into.
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I found halo games to be boring and frustrating at times.

Havent touched any halo game since halo 3.

The first one at least was a graphical highlight and added a lot to be invested but those grqphics started to fade from halo 2 on


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
One set of games that I can't stand are Bayonetta.

I can't say I am ashamed, because I am not. It's just 100% not for me.


It's true that some games are more mentally taxing. I'd consider bg3 one. And I'm just not in the mood a lot of the time.

As for me, I wouldn't say ashamed, but I do have some that I know are important or classic games that I tried and didn't click. I try to eventually go back to them and give another go. Ninja Gaiden 2 release recently was a good example. I've tried the games a few times, didn't really get it, and meant to revisit. It's been a long time so this release seemed like a great time to go back. And I gotta say I did manage to dig up a better appreciation of it. That doesn't make it my favorite game but I'm glad to understand more what others see in it.

Rat Rage

Actually, yes. I'm ashamed of not being able to enjoy Vagrant Story because of its battle system no matter how hard I try.

Bert Big Balls

Gold Member
Not ashamed, but there's a ton of games I couldn't get into for whatever reason: Witcher 3 probably being the biggest one that I've tried 4 times. Always seem to lose interest after the bloody baron quest line and just can't be arsed to carry on.


No shame, but I have an irrational dislike for Monster Hunter games. I find the gameplay to be pure trash, hideous graphics and audio, a confusing UI, way too wordy, amongst a bunch of other stuff. It crosses into irrational because I sort of have distain for people that do like them and (big part of it) that talk up how the gameplay is rock solid.

I played Rise recently and one of the missions had me looking for oysters that randomly spawned in a frozen lake area for over 10 minutes. That's horrible gameplay. Maybe in the PS2 eras, this was gold but not today.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Of course not. I enjoy what I like and that's it.
I always felt like I should have enjoyed Witcher 3 more than I did. It had everything I love. Great writing, great world, great quests… but it just never fully clicked.

I had fun with slightly over half of this game and finished the second half out of spite. I think it is the one Fromsoft game I've played that I do not care to ever go back to (so far).


Not really, but when I always heard people talking about Metal Gear games, it seemed like they were talking about those games from a different universe where they were actually worth playing. I almost want to be from that alternate universe where those games with all the mad stories and memes were not just tedious.
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Not really, but when I always heard people talking about Metal Gear games, it seemed like they were talking about those games from a different universe where they were actually worth playing. I almost want to be from that alternate universe where those games with all the mad stories and memes were not just tedious.
MGS 1 and 2, much like horror games with static cameras, are the types of games where 'you had to be there' which sucks to say but it's true.

They're two games which should be not only remade, but should be put together in the same remake as one long experience.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Breath of the Wild. I loved exploring the overworld, and some of the shrines were fun. But I really hate the battle system. Just couldn't get used to it..

Dr. Suchong

Shmups like R-Type, Raiden or modern bullet hells.

I'm decent to very good in most game genres but i completely suck at those. I always sucked, even at the easier ones.
Same here.
Playing Pulstar earlier, was an absolute embarrassment.
I did finish Super Aleste with no continues lately though.


Biggest Trails Stan
There are games I didn't enjoy that are popular but I'm not ashamed to admit that I hated them

Breath of the Wild
Baldur's Gate III

Are a few example

I enjoyed Twilight Princess but give the game a B Grade. It's nothing special

Same with Metaphor ReFantazio


Same here.
Playing Pulstar earlier, was an absolute embarrassment.
I did finish Super Aleste with no continues lately though.
I don't remember finishing a single Shmup in my gaming career. Not even something like Solar Striker on the Gameboy, which i think was on the easy side for the genre's standards.

My brain just doesn't process the task of avoiding multiple bullets coming from any direction very well. This also affects Run & Gun games like Contra and Metal Slug but overall these are more doable for me. Except for Cuphead, i could never beat that.
Not ashamed but I never could get into Hollow Knight even though it ticks most of the right boxes. I usually play for 5 or 6 hours then quit. I want to try again sometime soon.
allow me to tell you: upgrade your nail! for me it was amazing how the fame clicked after i upgraded the basic attack first


When they show their age cause I missed them when they were released, there's no turning back and I have to move on. I fully support remakes by the way cause they give a second chance.


I grew up on CRPGs (planescape torment, fo1-2, arcanum, bg2, etc.) but I guess as I've gotten older I've become retarded. I can acknowledge that BG3 is likely one of the best games I've touched in years, yet I can't seem to get through the first 10 or so hours. the sad part is that I don't think it's exceptionally hard or anything. I just find myself having to think the entire time I'm playing, from either the dense, well-written, fully realized story or the highly strategic combat. sometimes I would dread having my party level because then I had to sit down and figure out how I want to level each character.

I end up taking a break from the game then when I come back to it's been so long I decide to start over. I've done this 3 times already.

I think a part of it is that I do work a lot, and after a day of work I often feel too exhausted to play a game like this. and yeah, I might just be getting old.

are there any games you wished you love but can't get into them?
This suddenly matches with your praises for Avowed in the other thread.
This suddenly matches with your praises for Avowed in the other thread.
I haven’t played Avowed yet, just visually agree with the SkillUp review

Based on the rest of his review, it might not be for me, but luckily, I can just try it out with Game Pass

edit: if you haven't seen SkillUps review yet, he gives the game ton of praise visually.

I don't blame him, it is a stunning game
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I wouldn't say ashamed but overlooked.

Mad Max was one of it as the idea of movie tie in games often seen as low quality. I completely ignored it until it went on PS+ for free and gave it a shot.

Turns out to be the best experience of apocalyptic open world game.


King Snowflake
I grew up on CRPGs (planescape torment, fo1-2, arcanum, bg2, etc.) but I guess as I've gotten older I've become retarded. I can acknowledge that BG3 is likely one of the best games I've touched in years, yet I can't seem to get through the first 10 or so hours. the sad part is that I don't think it's exceptionally hard or anything. I just find myself having to think the entire time I'm playing, from either the dense, well-written, fully realized story or the highly strategic combat. sometimes I would dread having my party level because then I had to sit down and figure out how I want to level each character.

I end up taking a break from the game then when I come back to it's been so long I decide to start over. I've done this 3 times already.

I think a part of it is that I do work a lot, and after a day of work I often feel too exhausted to play a game like this. and yeah, I might just be getting old.

are there any games you wished you love but can't get into them?
I kind of struggled with BG3 too. It's weird because I am a huge Larian fan and the game is great is a lot of ways but I don't seem to like the turn based stuff and save scumming. I dropped the game half way through the 3rd act, but I did put in a lot of hours. I think it was too long.


What time is it?
I'm very critical of games but I can typically see the parts in games that people would enjoy and understand the weights that tip the scales of their enjoyment are just different from mine. Most recently I found the new Indiana Jones game to be mediocre but it did make good use of the license, far better than the recent movies, so I can understand why people would be into it.
I'm very critical of games but I can typically see the parts in games that people would enjoy and understand the weights that tip the scales of their enjoyment are just different from mine. Most recently I found the new Indiana Jones game to be mediocre but it did make good use of the license, far better than the recent movies, so I can understand why people would be into it.
I should have liked that game a lot more than I did. they're some of my favorite movies. I don't think I felt a huge incentive to explore based on how equipment/inventory works, and I didn't like that.

also combat felt weird


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
- Soulslike games
- Zelda: Ocarina of Time



So, dunno if this really counts because I did (do?) enjoy this game, I just don't find it to be the second coming like most of GAF.

it's Bloodborne

Again - I like it and think it's great, but also think Sekiro and Elden Ring are better.

Also, for a forum that loves to cry about anything less than 60 fps y'all sure do love dick riding a 30 fps uncapped game with awful frame pacing.
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allow me to tell you: upgrade your nail! for me it was amazing how the fame clicked after i upgraded the basic attack first

I don't think I ever had an issue with combat or anything like that. I just found it kind of boring and getting around the map was an absolute chore.


I finished both Horizon games
As a lover of Sony action adventure games, Horizon to me is boring and shit.. I have tried multiple times to play both and can't get into them at all. It feels like a Ubisoft open world title to me and they are shit too. The graphics are nice, Forbidden West really impressed me graphically but the games themselves are not my cup of tea.
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I respect and am amazed by Red Dead Redemption 2, but it bores me to tears. Just not my thing. No shame, but I genuinely wish I could enjoy it.


Not ashamed. I don't have to like and play every game. I do wish, though, that I would like RDR2 and Witcher 3. But both are annoying at the best of times and just boring at the worst of times to me. And of recent times, Armored Core 6. I can genuinely see why people like it, but every time I rather want to play a MechWarrior game instead, and so I just go do that...


Who did they think I was shilling for?
I dont like side scrolling games. Just the perspective. Haven't played any metroidvania or platformers in ages. I know I should give them a chance but I avoid them.
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