Why don't you ask all your brethren who have spent the best part of the last 6 months attempting to fabricate this "console (PS5/pro) vs PC" war then?
If you think people have nowhere to go then why has there been a coordinated and concerted effort from Xbox and their media/influencer/ambassador lackeys to attempt to paint PC as the future of gaming while stating consoles will be a thing of the past?
You have no idea what you're talking about. Here are some facts:
- GPU prices have risen linearly across all vendors since covid (the trend actually began a couple of years prior, but covid was an accelerant, so let's start there).
- The reason for this - there are limited places where chips get fabricated, and the demand for chips has gone through the roof in recent years owing to the fact that pretty much every electronic device has some superfluous chip in it - everything from cars, to fridges, to light bulbs.
- The likes of TSMC have limited capacity, as a result anyone who wants chips to be made by them need to compete for said capacity. That, combined with the ever increasing demand for smaller process nodes, has resulted in TSMC being able to raise their prices.
- What this has resulted in is represented by a largely linear price/performance ratio across Nvidia and AMD GPU's over the last 2/3 generations of releases, where more performance comes at a cost in linear fashion - something which I pointed out in 2023.
So in summary, you're talking about things you clearly don't understand and to top it off you're pointing your finger in the wrong places.
Unfortunately at this point it's preety much par for the course when it comes to individuals who such as yourself who are willing to throw yourself in to the proverbial fire for a business who are out here attempting to sell the Series S for $350 in 2025.