whats shocking is you didnt figure it out somehow
So Arne, now the cat is out of the bag, were there any other hints like the UC3 newspaper? Did we miss anything?
whats shocking is you didnt figure it out somehow
Really hope it ISN'T open-world.
Would hate for ND to go the boring open-world route and also have to impact their incredible graphics.
Wait, where was it confirmed that the game was worked on for two years already?
Usually pre-production can take up to 8-12 months depending on the game, with only a small core team, so I think it's been in full production for a year. If this is true, and if they can leverage the expertise they've accumulated from the UC3 team, the release window COULD be 2012.
However, if they are coming up with a lot of innovative gameplay or new gameplay mechanics they are unfamiliar with, a longer dev cycle wouldn't be surprising to me.
2013 is too far away though, and who knows what state PS3 will be in by then.
Yeah, me too. Unfortunately as soon as I see those creatures scurrying around growling and shit it kills it.
Really hope it ISN'T open-world.
skin looks so gewd
hair needs more bounce
I would like to request an immediate ban on member deepbrown.
What is the point of making this game neutered, corridor and linear like Uncharted?
I would like to request an immediate ban on member deepbrown.
What is the point of making this game neutered, corridor and linear like Uncharted?
skin looks so gewd
hair needs more bounce
Since arne is reading this I hope this game will have more control given to the player, something which UC3 sometimes seemed to lack, particularly at the start. I think UC2 struck the right balance between control and cinematics, but a few games recently just seem to be press a button at a certain time while the character goes through some motions and it's a worrying trend. Games should be more about the player controlling the action and determining outcomes.
I hope you all saw that the Lead Designer of Enslaved is working on this game.
"Okay, so I never worked on Uncharted 3 - I was really doing this: http://t.co/Xbvx6AuV Finally I can stop lying!
*explodes into a shower of jizz*
I hope it's linear
I hope you all saw that the Lead Designer of Enslaved is working on this game.
"Okay, so I never worked on Uncharted 3 - I was really doing this: http://t.co/Xbvx6AuV Finally I can stop lying!
*explodes into a shower of jizz*
You used to be cool. What happened?
You used to be cool. What happened?
That stretch of levels is why I say U3 is better than U2...so amazing. On topic it seems like some places look to be on U3's level graphically, then gifs like the one above are on another level.I'd argue that UC3 offers some of the most open and tactically diverse shooting segments in any shooter out there. The ship graveyard segment in particular. About the farthest thing from a linear 'corridor interactive movie' as you could possibly get.
Not everyone likes open-world. Some people like focused, shorter experiences. We don't all have hours to play games. A game with more options and choices, yes. Open-world with lots of quests. No.
Aren't most open world games just filled with linear missions?
Having a developer good at linear experiences isn't exactly a bad thing.
Aren't most open world games just filled with linear missions?
Having a developer good at linear experiences isn't exactly a bad thing.
I imagine that Naughty Dog will try to make the game not-Uncharted so I remain optimistic that while it won't be sandbox, it will be more open. And not all sandbox games have to be 50+ hours....
The recent, and underrated, Dead Island is a good example.
a good example of a game with a bunch of stupid sidequests? I sure hope ND wasn't looking at Dead Island when designing this, that'd just play away from their strengths.
Keep the story strong, no sandbox.
No I was just hoping the game wasn't going to have that type of enemy.You wanted those creatures to "meow" instead?
Dead Island CG
Naughty Dog black magic
Who needs PS4
It is a bad thing if the world is boring. I'd argue that most open worlds in games are boring. I wouldn't want to have to push through a boring world in order to get to some exciting missions. That's how I felt about several open world titles this year.
I imagine that Naughty Dog will try to make the game not-Uncharted so I remain optimistic that while it won't be sandbox, it will be more open. And not all sandbox games have to be 50+ hours....
The recent, and underrated, Dead Island is a good example.
lol zombies
"uuuggg, me eat brainzzzz!"
Can't wait to get a good close look at the cordycept victims. I wonder if there are different fungi or different mutations or maybe stages to infections. I find the real life fungus incredibly fascinating and seeing the videos with the lifeless skeletons of insects spawning these strangely beautifull is so haunting.
So, this is in-engine, but not real-time. Ugh, I wish they'd stop using this loophole.
I, for one, love pretentious trailers. It's only an issue when there is a massive emotional disconnect between my initial exposure to the game and the game itself e.g. Dead Island/Gears.I will never not be sick of trailers for games that show absolutely zero gameplay or really even any indication of what the game will be like. This trailer literally means nothing.