Yes, they would, to mislead you and make the PS3 seem like it is capable of those exact visuals.
Naughty Dog likes to mislead people into thinking the PS3 can create amazing visuals? OK. Those swines.
Yes, they would, to mislead you and make the PS3 seem like it is capable of those exact visuals.
Didn't play Crysis.
I played a slightly enjoyed Far Cry 2. I'm also playing Assassin's Creed Brotherhood at the moment.
Again, I just prefer something more linear and focused. Otherwise, it feels like I'm running from one mission to the other. Nothing feels connected, nor important. There's no sense of urgency (oh, I can do that mission whenever I want). There's not much excitement.
I do however like having a playground to game in. Some of the areas in UC3 felt like that.
I didn't realize that trailer for The Last of Us wasn't CG. I'm not anymore excited for the game, but that's just really amazing. Dunno if you were joking, but you're right, who needs next gen anytime soon if this is what is already possible?
They have an R&D Institute for it in CHICAGO.
Let me repeat:
A sentient fungus that infects our goddamn pets and then moves on humans, which affects the brain at such levels as to cause SCHIZOPHRENIA - is apparently common all over civilized North America.
The only time I see anything resembling aliasing is during the last few seconds where the environment is being shown. Take a look at the shadow penumbras of the characters, they're completely devoid of any artifacting. That's not real-time.Exactly. So why put that statement at the beginning of the video?
You can see the aliasing/shimmering. It's running and rendered in real-time. Just accept it.
I can capture footage of Avatar DIRECTLY from a PS3, doesn't mean the actual movie is being rendered.
Very exciting. Has this been in production alongside UC3?
Naughty Dog likes to mislead people into thinking the PS3 can create amazing visuals? OK. Those swines.
I can see shadow artifacting on the intitial dead body. There's aliasing and shimmering in the window... it's all there.The only time I see anything resembling aliasing is during the last few seconds where the environment is being shown. Take a look at the shadow penumbras of the characters, they're completely devoid of any artifacting. That's not real-time.
Do you not understand what "imply" means?
In development for 2 years now.
Not saying the game wont look great, but it wont reach the exact quality of the trailer in real time.
Sony sure does.
Not saying the game wont look great, but it wont reach the exact quality of the trailer in real time.
Anyone thinking gameplay will look even remotely that good is insane anyway.
well, that explains Uncharted 3
the horror, i really suck with gimp
That kind of looks like Ellen Page.
I love the way AC does a small focused open world, but they are saying this game takes place as they journey accross the country. Seems like it would be difficult.I hope there's a semi-open world structure, like Batman: Arkham City. And please, add some RPG elements.
I love how Naughty Dog understood years ago that Uncharted would wear thin after the third entry, and that Sony would start making spin-offs.
OK, please understand the difference between real-time cutscene and real-time gameplay.
This is the real-time cutscene. The game will not look as good in real-time gameplay (mainly the faces, lighting and shadows will be downgraded).
I can't believe how so many people are sick of zombie games.
Do they play every single zombie game that comes out? Because I don't get sick of something just because there are a lot of them out there. I mean I've played my fair share of zombie games I guess, but it's not like I'm sick of them.
Yeah, thought the same thing! Looks good btw, but I wonder how scripted the game will be.Parts of the plot synopsis sounds kind of like Enslaved.![]()
I miss ken. He knew we would see this day.
Especially since there really isn't that many big budget zombie game. L4D, Dead Rising, Dead Island and Resident Evil are only ones that I can name without googeling it up. There is also games like Dead Space that I wouldn't really call Zombie games and going by that trailer this doesn't really look nor feel like a zombi game.
the recorded cinematics in uncharted 3 is indistinguishable from the gameplay.
I dont see how this would be any different.
It all looks completely achievable - not beyond UC3. We've yet to see ND do a game that's trying to be realistic, their current engine is up to it. The textures aren't insane, nor is the geometry, nor the lighting, shadows or facial animation. Not the hair etc etc. In fact, it's on the levels of Heavy Rain in my eyes (which you could describe as a real-time cutscene)
The quality of animation, the level of detail and image quality is far and above Uncharted's real time cutscenes.
crap, I wouldn't know which is worse, cordyceps or this one
The good news is that anything above an insects brain is too complex for this kind of shit to actually control.
But still.
And it incubates in cats and dogs. My cat is sleeping on my bed right now. Good thing my cat doesn't crap on my bed, or I'd be in... *puts on glasses*... direct control.
Because 'deep shit' was too obvious.
Are you fucking joking?! Look at that shirt, every wrinkle there is polygonal and smooth as hell. I can't see a single polygonal edge. The poly count being displayed here is beyond insane. Unless Naughty Dog has somehow managed to pull off some insane tessellation for their models, this is (once again) not real-time.
Other than the post-apocalyptic world common in many zombie-based fiction and the -- you know -- zombies.
So the lead designer of Enslaved is working on it.
Goddamn I could not be more hyped for this game right now.
The good news is that anything above an insects brain is too complex for this kind of shit to actually control.
But still.
And it incubates in cats and dogs. My cat is sleeping on my bed right now. Good thing my cat doesn't crap on my bed, or I'd be in... *puts on glasses*... direct control.
Because 'deep shit' was too obvious.
I have only seen the trailer and last few pages of this thread but those weird creatures don't really look or feel like zombies to me. Has it been said some where that they are zombies?
Wha? Source?
Too complex to control = true.
But not too complex to influence.
I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing.So the lead designer of Enslaved is working on it.
Goddamn I could not be more hyped for this game right now.