I disagree. Cut it down to its absolute core elements -- "game features reanimated corpses" -- then, yes, it does sound derivative. But that's not the trailer Naughty Dog's released. We see humans killing other humans in order to collect some bullets, a teenage girl who's only ever known life with the infection, and a modern world conquered by nature.
Furthermore, the "undead" themselves look nothing like zombies of the traditional sense, and appear to be infected by a similar fungus to the ant videos released pre-announcement. There's room for a frightening, natural tale here, and it's coming from a studio that has outstanding pedigree in writing and character development.
I really don't understand the generic complaints. But I guess there are some people that are really bummed out on zombies. The point is, the zombies here aren't the same as the ones that you've been shooting in Call Of Duty: Black Ops and every other game that decided to chuck a horror element into their action game. This looks much more personal.