Joke post?
80% of those aren't high-profile, there are quite a few unreleased games in that list of yours, the list has games like Monkey Island 2 (lulz @ it being a "zombie game") plus I think he meant this generation in particular. That list is awfully short for having a lot of small indie games & some DLC as well as spanning a multitude of decades & genres.
For this generation, there's Dead Rising (which is a zombie hack 'n slash), Dead Space & Resident Evil 5 (which are action/adventure games), Dead Island (first person open-world stuff) and Left 4 Dead (coop orientated FPS) + a few twin-stick shooters on PSN/XBLA. How people get "OMG SO TIRED OF DEM ZOMBIE GAMES" when many have probably not even played all of those yet they probably cream their pants with the mention of Sequel X to Generic Franchise Y.
Last of Us looks really good. Sure, the setting isn't the most original around (kind of like a mix of The Road & I Am Legend), but then again, people have suggested Naughty Dog should've made a game with a scifi or medieval setting, as if those would be original at all. Seriously, being original isn't the most important thing (if it was, Skyrim would be the worst game in existence), it's how well you execute what you try to do that is important. It's not like Crash Bandicoot, Jak & Daxter or Uncharted were original. Naughty Dog just executed them really well, which is why people love those games.