2012 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread of Don't Use Imgur

Would I be able to run iCEnhancer 2.0 on a 2500k stock and 560ti 1gb? My monitor is only 1440x900. And is there anyway to get it to work with the steam version?


Would I be able to run iCEnhancer 2.0 on a 2500k stock and 560ti 1gb? My monitor is only 1440x900. And is there anyway to get it to work with the steam version?

I don't know if it can handle Steam but there is a version included for patch (newest) which I assume is the one used by Steam.

However, it says "it doesn't look so good" in the readme so I don't know if it is worth it.



erotic butter maelstrom
I wish they had made the hud a little smaller. I mean, geeze.

And not so close to the center of the screen. I HATE that. The hud belongs in the corners of the screen, where it doesn't get in the way of everything. Judging from the screens alone, it seems like it might be a decent Deus Ex-y game, but I've heard next to nothing about it.
I'm kinda stunned people think Syndicate looks good. IQ looks a mess with no particular redeeming features as pay off. The bloom is criminal. I would even say MW2 looks better (please God Scitek use some transparency AA! :p)


Anno 2070 :) Came out in November last year :-D Beautiful game.

Is it fun? Played Anno 1404 to death and back. Was the most awesome entry in the series for me. But I've been hesitating for quite some time now to start playing this. Don't know if it's the setting or the absence of my beloved medieval ressources :/


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Syndicate, one of the most enjoyable shooters I've played in years. Visuals aren't amazing nor are they as abhorrent as people like to claim ( disregarding pc shortcomings like lack of options for fov and bloom etc ).




Is it fun? Played Anno 1404 to death and back. Was the most awesome entry in the series for me. But I've been hesitating for quite some time now to start playing this. Don't know if it's the setting or the absence of my beloved medieval ressources :/

It was my 2011 GOTY, amazing game. One of the best in the franchise to be sure.
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