Why is there such animosity for ANN? I don't really get it.
They are fans of horrible shows, and so are we.
We just have different reasons.
I dunno really. They always seemed like a pretty informative site to me. I use ANN alot to look up connections between series, who is singing the OP/ED stuff like that.
ANN is one of
the most well known, if not the most well known, websites that specialize in all things relating to anime.
ANN provides a number of services - they stream anime, they provide the news, they have a podcast, they feature features, they have an extensive database and they review titles.
Now, when you're talking about using ANN as a knowledge resource for facts - such as who sung what song for what show that's one thing. Their database contains information that's either true
or false. Quite often their information is correct and so their database gets used on a regular basis and few would complain about that.
However, once we step into the territory of
subjective opinions things get a little bit more complicated. The quality of their written reviews is all over the place, both in terms of the quality of the written prose and the actual level of the writers critical analysis. Their reviews seem to be on the same level as a hastily dashed off blog-post or forum comment. As some of their reviews are quite literally written by they are watching a movie for the very first time it's not particularly shocking that these reviews would be so shallow.
Now, why is this a problem? Lots of anime blogs have poorly written, shitty reviews, after-all. For better or worse, ANN holds a much higher position than those sites because they are so well known and so, arguably, they can reach and influence a far wider audience than anyone else. As such you might think that they have a duty to provide high quality, thoughtful reviews of anime. If they're one of the most well known, well-read voices in this sphere they could lead the way forward by engendering some interesting and thoughtful ideas into the wider community, rather than acting as a echo-chamber for the internet.