Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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looks like it's BRS time!

Inu x Boku SS 11

Wow, that was even more boring than last weeks episode. I wonder how they'll manage to make the last one even more boring.

But then they wouldn't have any material for the second season!

I'm so bitter about this
it sucks man :(
Guilty Crown END(Thankfully)

Dumb ending, to a dumb show.
Inori's "death" was a forced attempt to invoke catharsis. Gai and Mana die... again, and Gai's reason for turning into an asshole is poorly explained at best.

Shu ends up blind, and I highly doubt Inori is 'dead'. The last 2 images of her are ambiguous at best.

Wheelchair-moe and Hacker-cat girl are some sort of housemates.

Also, baby robots? What the fuck? I wish I could say this was the most nonsensical thing about this episode, but I'd be lying.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Doujin Crown End:

Well... that was dumb. But fucking pretty. I hate when awful shows like this get a fucking HUGE animation budget when better works... erm... don't. >>; Oh well, it was fucking dumb, but at least it's over now.

I'm going to lie down before attempting BRS's finale, or I might not make it out alive.


But the pink-haired chick and the action fighting and the lobster destroyin'!

The gifs have misled me!

Only gif I've seen of the show:


Dunno, wasn't feeling it.

/goes off to watch milky homies


sealed with a kiss
Doujin Crown End:

Well... that was dumb. But fucking pretty. I hate when awful shows like this get a fucking HUGE animation budget when better works... erm... don't. >>; Oh well, it was fucking dumb, but at least it's over now.

I'm going to lie down before attempting BRS's finale, or I might not make it out alive.

BRS ending is just fairly boring, not bad.


Hix, I appreciate your efforts to put screenshots in 4:3 in your second post. My eyes thank you.

However, if you want to make them smaller, it's better to post them full size and quote, instead of downsizing manually.


sealed with a kiss
Hix, I appreciate your efforts to put screenshots in 4:3 in your second post. My eyes thank you.

However, if you want to make them smaller, it's better to post them full size and quote, instead of downsizing manually.

Like I did!

Dres, there is hardly any fighting in Boku X Inu, it's mostly just cute stuff.
Hix, I appreciate your efforts to put screenshots in 4:3 in your second post. My eyes thank you.

However, if you want to make them smaller, it's better to post them full size and quote, instead of downsizing manually.

No problem. Manually switching for you guys was tiresome but worth it.

Thanks for the advice, I'll try that next time, wasn't sure if it'd work like that.


The Light of El Cantare
Nichibros 11:

Literature Girl wins the episode without even saying a word. Can someone explain to me why Karasawa tops the character poll when he's barely in the show (and presumably manga)?

So incredibly sad that this is over next week. Good comedy anime are a precious commodity and I'm not seeing anything of the sort in the spring season.


sealed with a kiss
Nichibros 11:

Literature Girl wins the episode without even saying a word. Can someone explain to me why Karasawa tops the character poll when he's barely in the show (and presumably manga)?

So incredibly sad that this is over next week. Good comedy anime are a precious commodity and I'm not seeing anything of the sort in the spring season.

But there's AKB0048 next season!


Nichibros 11:

Literature Girl wins the episode without even saying a word. Can someone explain to me why Karasawa tops the character poll when he's barely in the show (and presumably manga)?

So incredibly sad that this is over next week. Good comedy anime are a precious commodity and I'm not seeing anything of the sort in the spring season.

Eureka Seven Ao, Accel World, Zetman . . . there's plenty of comedy coming up.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Black★Rock Shooter 8 -END-


Ouch. I think there's something wrong here.

But that was cool, I guess. The finale had great scenes,
everyone overcame insanity...
It was exactly what I was expecting.

In the end, I think this show was worth my time. I laughed at the craziness in the first episodes, I had fun with the action, and we even got cool gifs for posterity.


Black Rock Shooter 8

Aside from the aforementioned, the final battle was less impressive than I was hoping.

Anyway, that was... alright, I guess.
Even though they put Mato and Yomi front and center in all the promotional stuff, it really was Yuu's story all along.
I don't regret the 160 minutes or so it took to watch the whole series, but it's not something I'd run out and recommend unless you were looking for a particular type of show.

Bring on Spring BrotaminA!
Tantei Opera Milky Holmes II 9-10 - Yes, I'm still one episode behind (almost two I expect), but I'm closer to being caught up now, I fell 4-5 eps back... anyway, these episodes are both pretty good, classic Milky Holmes stuff much like the first season. These episodes continue the plot of the last several, as this season heads towards its climax... seriously, if you haven't watched the show, go watch it instead of reading this. I'd rather not spoil it for anyone who hasn't watched the show. It's a great, funny show, watch it!

Ep. 9 - This episode is pretty hilarious. It's about the police girls and Milky Holmes, and how Kokoro tries (successfully of course) to con them into messing with her three cohorts' lives, because she's unhappy that they're all taking a day off from work, even though she approved them all. Yeah. She's like that. The resulting antics are often very funny stuff, but I won't spoil it. Kokoro's such a jerk though, and Milky Holmes are such easy marks... :lol

In the end though, Milky Holmes pull off a surprise --
completely by accident, they actually rescue a kidnap victim, and directly lead to the kidnappers getting caught by the three other police girls, too!
Yeah, it's kind of amazing, but it happens...
It was nice to see them successful for once, by accident or no. :)
All in all it's a fun, classically Milky Holmes episode.

Ep. 10 - This episode focuses on Mori Arty's efforts to convince Milky Holmes to steal something for her, and then the consequences of what happens after that. So yeah, it's a plot episode of sorts, though in this series every episode is funny too. Of course, they fall for her pretty lame excuses without much trouble, and off they go. Oh Milky Holmes, why can't you be more suspicious of suspicious people? :lol At least the thing being stolen isn't something most people would miss, so they're not robbing a store or something. It's more of a treasure hunt. This is another solid, fun episode. My favorite episodes of this season are probably the fourth and fifth episodes, and this doesn't change that, but it's a good Milky Holmes episode even so.

So, with
a vast number of Toys released, thanks to Milky Holmes opening that pandora's jar of sealed Toys,
in this episode, a new villain is revealed! It's
not Mori Arty; she takes the one she wanted and sneaks off. No, it's the pig-guy who went to the Holmes Detective Academy and loves eating lard, who Milky Holmes have falsely accused of being a criminal multiple times this season and also accidentally deny his lard multiple times in this episode. So yeah, it's all sort of their fault, not that they know it. Heh... like usual. :)
Once the villain is revealed, the thief guys and the police girls go to stop him, but they fail --
you see, the guy absorbed most of the vast number of Toys that were released in the previous episode, so among his new powers are the ability to pull much lard to him, draining most people of their strength (but not Milky Holmes, they were lucky), and also to send out waves of failure, that make people want to give up and let him win.

And it's that latter point which sets up one of the episode's funnier jokes. He asks Milky Holmes why the attack didn't work, and they all say the obvious reason why:
they're already complete failures, so no failure ray would work on them!
And it's obviously true, so it's entirely consistent. :) Overall, this was a good episode. I wonder if Milky Holmes can actually manage to save the day next time... we'll see once I watch ep. 11. :)

Milky Holmes 2

D'aaaw, look how cute they're suffering!

Expect variations on this to be the main theme of most episodes through both seasons.

Fortunately, they keep it quite funny most of the time... :)

Milky Holmes 3

The rival team appears!

I looked out my window after watching the first-half of this episode...


Dat Twister tension
For the most part the show is quite mild with the fanservice, but that scene was one of the more fanservicey parts I can think of, yeah... that and the beach episode. Still though, Milky Holmes is not a creepy series, and it's often the male characters who are doing the creepier stuff (like Twenty, or
that flasher guy
in the second season). There was that first season episode where
Sherlock becomes a dominatrix of sorts
, but even there it was the guy who wanted it...
and then the ending of that episode was so funny... I won't spoil it though, except to say that it doesn't quite end how most people would expect. :lol

Wonderful reaction from Cordelia.[/quote]
Yeah, the occasional reaction shots, or scenes, done in alternate art styles are great. Those happen every so often in the series, often in Cordelia episodes, and they are good stuff... :) They mix things up, and make the show more interesting (and entertaining) too.

But so far, I think I'm still liking Nero the bestest.

And Twenty's Engrish never fails to get a chuckle. He is also a funny creep.
And Herc gets her powers back for a second.
Coolio. I wonder who's next.
Yeah, Twenty is definitely entertaining in his creepyness... is Beautiful Me in the show yet at this point? And those nipples... :lol

Bodacious Space Pirates 1-4

Like some of the sci-fi technology and the back story seemed like it had some promise. Not feeling the characters and not much good action so far. Not sure if I should keep going with this one.
Whether or not people liked the first five episodes, everyone agrees that the show picks up speed a bit starting with ep. 6, when she goes to the pirate ship. Don't give up on it yet.


so did guilty crown actually end up doing reset end or was envelope just trolling me? i need to know as i have money riding on this!


a rather predictable but action packed end to an incredibly unpredictable (for all the wrong reasons) series. at least it not only made me appreciate the OVA much more than I use to but also utilised CG in a very visually pleasing way. hopefully this'll help make the inevitable cg future look somewhat decent... :(


Dont listen to their lies.

The show is actually pretty entertaining.
erm, have you seen the last two episodes?

Nichibros 11:

Literature Girl wins the episode without even saying a word. Can someone explain to me why Karasawa tops the character poll when he's barely in the show (and presumably manga)?
because karasawa fucking owns. thats why!
So incredibly sad that this is over next week. Good comedy anime are a precious commodity and I'm not seeing anything of the sort in the spring season.
E7 AO's gonna be absolutely hilarious!

Lupin III ep3

Luupinn his a nice man such a nice man in fact his starting to come off as whiteknight james bond that puts a stop to evil organizations plans just to get on a woman's good side, James bond at least gets salary for doing it.

Episode was bad, the scenes felt disconnected thanks to the pacing being all over the place

From the liner notes on the upcoming DVD set:
Not a Fan Favorite
This episode has been criticized by western fans as a terrible episode. The episode unfortunately falls victim to a vague premise which requires a pretty high suspension of disbelief. For example, in what way is Linda’s existence reliant on the flowers? What makes her a “witch” as opposed to a woman with a man-made medical condition? The weirdness factor kicks up a notch when she
meets her untimely end by disintegrating into a sparkly, purple blob.


so did guilty crown actually end up doing reset end or was envelope just trolling me? i need to know as i have money riding on this!

It's not really a reset...
people that got cancer'd get healed, but already dead people don't come back.


sealed with a kiss
Perhaps Deus ex Machina would be a better term to use?
I mean, I would still call it a reset ending, but others might disagree.


Guilty Crown - END


Black Rock Shooter - END


I watched stuff this past hour and I have no clue what the fuck just happened, both shows tried to have a sad yet happy end, and it just evoked the wrong type of reactions out of me.

Hopefully this is the worst Noitama hour ever in their history and it never happens again.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Guilty Crown 22 -END-


Just as predicted, the final concept the writers tried to copy without thinking anything through was
Evangelion's Instrumentality
. It wouldn't happen, though. Shu
could still use his secret deus ex machina weapon: a raise of his hand.

I laughed hard at
Arisa's Void disappearing causing her to get shot
, harder at
"Deep down you're a cool guy, Daryl"
, and then became dead serious when the
showed up.

So much crap. It'd probably be cool to rewatch this series with every function that isn't related to hearing or vision turned off in my brain, though.

And now, let's not think about how any of that crap happened. Let's all just be happy that it's over.
Nichibros 11:

Literature Girl wins the episode without even saying a word. Can someone explain to me why Karasawa tops the character poll when he's barely in the show (and presumably manga)?

So incredibly sad that this is over next week. Good comedy anime are a precious commodity and I'm not seeing anything of the sort in the spring season.

Stoner-kun is secret best character.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Black Rock Shooter 08:

Well... that was dumb. But fucking pretty. I hate when awful shows like this get a fucking HUGE animation budget when better works... erm... don't. >>; Oh well, it was fucking dumb, but at least it's over now.

Stop hitting yourself.


Stop hitting yourself.


Stop hitting yourself.


Lol! Envelope, someone's gonna mail you off for dat trolling one of these days!

But I'm glad an official, concrete
Ayase x Shu
didn't happen. The boy didn't deserve it!

Woah wtf where did that come from? That would be awesome yet rage inducing at the same if that happened
on one hand the best girl would have won, on the other hand Shu doesn't deserve Ayase as you said.


Guilty Crown - Finale aka You Can (Not) Trust Envelope

Well it ended badly so at least it's consistent. Oh, it was also pretty.


Woah wtf where did that come from?

*Fry squint*

And I guess also a bit from that episode where
Shu tells Ayase she's perfect and stuff, but even then, that's pushing it

For the most part the show is quite mild with the fanservice, but that scene was one of the more fanservicey parts I can think of, yeah... that and the beach episode. Still though, Milky Holmes is not a creepy series...
Yeah, Twenty is definitely entertaining in his creepyness... is Beautiful Me in the show yet at this point? And those nipples... :lol

Hah, I wasn't legitimately scared off/disgusted by it, just teasing it. lol So far the series is not bad, I want to watch more. It could be due to my lack of very light-hearted material in my anime diet lately. (Haven't had one since
, which I quite enjoyed, everyone...please don't burn me at the stake) Anyways, I've been wondering, who's your favorite of the gang?

And yes, I believe I've heard "Beautiful Me" at this point! Twenty is a DOG. Haha

Milky Holmes 4

Loli uppercutting bears.
Dat beast tamer trope killing.
I lost it.

I'm gonna need to start making gifs for this series. Some of this stuff is asking for it!

Specifically, the part where they're feasting on a pile of bananas
Dat Nausicaa
I apologize everyone, I give this headbutt no justice by not making it a .gif

Best episode yet.


People, lets rejoice with the good part of B★RS; the big amount of work done to make cool things with such CGI:

BRS03_189_CGW .mov






『ブラック★ロックシューター』CG後記 | REGULAR |

Be advised; evidently, each title represents first the number of the episode and secondly the cut number, so the videos contain minor spoilers of their respective episodes... careful!
ooh milky homie talk reminded me to watch eps 11.

God of Lard.

WTF did i just watch?


What a world in which parodies of shounen final battles end up better than the real thing for the most part >.>"
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