Dragon's Dogma |OT| For the night is dark and full of terrors

Sword Familiar

178% of NeoGAF posters don't understand statistics
I have a very vague idea of where another could be, for any who are up for some aimless searching. I had a "stumble" travelling east from the Ancient Quarry on a straight path towards Gran Soren's south gate. If you align yourself directly in such a fashion, you may find it. I've never fallen into that one before, though. Could have just tripped over a tiny hillock.

Is this the place?


He kind of stumbles when I try to walk over it, but I don't seem to be able to trigger anything else.


I realise the pictures are kind of dark, but I figured if it's the right place you should know.

Edit: On the opposite wall there's a place where he kind of jitters as he's touching the wall. Trying some different stuff...
I'll warn you that even with a guide I still missed a few things and had to do a third playthrough to cover it all.

One was me messing up on what I thought was an unrelated quest and screwing the whole quest line and the other was the guy just not giving me the quest for some reason.
Thanks for the answer, guys. It seems like the post-game is the real meat of the game.

Does anyone know how many quests/side-quests you can get in the post-game in total?

I think I will save doing them on New Game +, but wondering if it was worth exploring the corners of the entire map for any new quest or monsters/loot?
Is this the place?

I realise the pictures are kind of dark, but I figured if it's the right place you should know.

I can't see too well, but if you're on the main road towards the waycastle right where it turns off towards the goblins, you're in the right place. If you get the little "snag", slowly walk forward and see what happens.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Its weird, I keep finding little areas (often named) that I missed on my first playthrough; which at close to 100 hours was pretty thorough.

Places like Nightcall Crevasse, Caverns of Delusion, and the Ceremonial cage. Have these always been there are have they been switched on with the DLC?

Sword Familiar

178% of NeoGAF posters don't understand statistics
I can't see too well, but if you're on the main road towards the waycastle right where it turns off towards the goblins, you're in the right place. If you get the little "snag", slowly walk forward and see what happens.

Ah, I see. The picture's on the way up to the water stuff. I'm in the wrong spot.
Its weird, I keep finding little areas (often named) that I missed on my first playthrough; which at close to 100 hours was pretty thorough.

Places like Nightcall Crevasse, Caverns of Delusion, and the Ceremonial cage. Have these always been there are have they been switched on with the DLC?

Always been there. I just found the Caverns of Delusion while trying to find a shortcut to Bloodwater Beach. I wish there was more to these out-of-the-way places.
Story question about post-game...

Some of the dragons you meet (such as the on in Water God's Altar, and the one in Bluemoon Tower) speak to you as if they know you, the one in Water God's Altar even says he "had not expected to meet a fellow countryman" (and, if you ask me, it totally sounds like Mason). My question is, have some NPCs really been turned into dragons? If so, why and how does that make any sense?

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Does anyone know how many quests/side-quests you can get in the post-game in total?

I think I will save doing them on New Game +, but wondering if it was worth exploring the corners of the entire map for any new quest or monsters/loot?

Very few actual quests. Not much reason to explore either. Many old locations have new enemy placements added, including some tougher boss fights...all of which are also found in the Everfall dungeon anyway.

I'm not too keen on post-game currently. The rewards and further progression is not really worth the effort to grind, and almost all of the thrill that accompanied the first several hours of the game(venturing through the dangerous unknown world) is lost.

Just not really seeing the appeal that so many have for the post-game. Cool idea, but haphazardly thrown together.


I'm level 33 now and I still havent found Witchwood...trying to reach it yesterday I got to the female bandit Camp,then the Wall place,thank god I could sell and take a break there,another castle where I just got the black screen,turn around greeting and the Soulflayer place...no Selene to exchange for ale yet hehe...so I decided to ferry to Gran Soren and now I am escorting the Pawn Guild guy to the beach...

So no way to send more then one gift with a Pawn on release....?
Story question about post-game...

Some of the dragons you meet (such as the on in Water God's Altar, and the one in Bluemoon Tower) speak to you as if they know you, the one in Water God's Altar even says he "had not expected to meet a fellow countryman" (and, if you ask me, it totally sounds like Mason). My question is, have some NPCs really been turned into dragons? If so, why and how does that make any sense?
Now I regret
not checking out those areas in postgame. I went straight for the Everfall and didn't look back.

Sword Familiar

178% of NeoGAF posters don't understand statistics

So, I'm still not sure I got the place right, but I think it's where I have the unpaved road to my left, the Mountain Waycastle in front of me, and a slope down towards the sea on my right?

I can't seem to find any place where my guy behaves unnaturally though. Is it in the middle of the road? A wall, perhaps?

I'll probably have to wait for you to show me to get it. ^^;

And, do you have the 360 or PS3 version (I have the PS3 one)?
So, I'm still not sure I got the place right, but I think it's where I have the unpaved road to my left, the Mountain Waycastle in front of me, and a slope down towards the sea on my right?

I can't seem to find any place where my guy behaves unnaturally though. Is it in the middle of the road? A wall, perhaps?

I'll probably have to wait for you to show me to get it. ^^;

No worries - I might have trouble finding it again myself. From your description, it sounds like you're in the right place.

If I can find it again tonight, I'll post screens of the exact location. I'm on PS3 by the way.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
I'm level 33 now and I still havent found Witchwood...trying to reach it yesterday I got to the female bandit Camp,then the Wall place,thank god I could sell and take a break there,another castle where I just got the black screen,turn around greeting and the Soulflayer place...no Selene to exchange for ale yet hehe...so I decided to ferry to Gran Soren and now I am escorting the Pawn Guild guy to the beach...

So no way to send more then one gift with a Pawn on release....?

You were in the wrong area, it is south in the area next to the encampment (turn left out of the encampment, up the trail going up with the boulder that rolls down). Then head south when the map opens up, when everything gets foggy you are there. The exit comes out right next to the encampment, though you have to drop down so the exit is one way.


just sold ~100 wakestones and some armor I'll never use, now I'm rich at last! time to breeze through ng+, missed quite a few quests first time, yay.

edit: fighting Two (Gore)Chimeras, hellhounds and some other stuff at the same time is so much fun :S


Finally got around to playing the demo, and based on that have just ordered the game. HYPE!!

Thinking of rolling a Strider / Magick Archer for Arisen, and a Fighter for my Pawn. Quick question, can I roll a Hybrid from the get go, or do I have to unlock them at a later stage?
Its weird, I keep finding little areas (often named) that I missed on my first playthrough; which at close to 100 hours was pretty thorough.

Places like Nightcall Crevasse, Caverns of Delusion, and the Ceremonial cage. Have these always been there are have they been switched on with the DLC?

i've discovered a couple of new chests in NG+. i think i have all areas by now.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I wish I could play with just my status visible... so I could monitor my stamina and health without having to see pawns'/enemies'...


WAT? I uhh...think I just drop kicked a troll/ogre/cyclops/whatever off of a cliff lmao. He hit me with a club and sent me flying and my game kind of glitched out and my character was spazzing out in the air along with the camera, next thing I know I sort of snap back into normalcy right beneath the thing and it kind of just fell off the edge.

At this point with everything crushing me in 2 hits I'll take what I can get! lol


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
There's a few different items that can pop out per chest, it's random.

The game is dicking me over hard atm... I'm in witchwood and open a chest, it's the gossip mask, which it pretty good for my early character but I'm thinking maybe there's something more mage specific. So I reload. It's a shitty hood like 3 times in a row. Then for two loads it's a golem strategy scroll. Now I'm annoyed, because I'd rather just have the mask that I started with. Surely it can't take that many tries to draw it? The next five loads are a strength potion. :/ I can't even get the hood.

haha... :(

I'm just wondering what's going on... if the mask will ever come 'round again. I've been loading the game now pretty much out of disbelief, and to satisfy my own curiosity. After almost 11 or so loads, it has yet come back around.


And you should really be able to cancel a spellcast...

Just jump.
Also, if a Pawn is casting the wrong enchantment, pick him/her up and set them down, they'll then recast something possibly new, and get the right enchantment.

The game is dicking me over hard atm... I'm in witchwood and open a chest, it's the gossip mask, which it pretty good for my early character but I'm thinking maybe there's something more mage specific. So I reload. It's a shitty hood like 3 times in a row. Then for two loads it's a golem strategy scroll. Now I'm annoyed, because I'd rather just have the mask that I started with. Surely it can't take that many tries to draw it? The next five loads are a strength potion. :/ I can't even get the hood.

haha... :(

I'm just wondering what's going on... if the mask will ever come 'round again. I've been loading the game now pretty much out of disbelief, and to satisfy my own curiosity. After almost 11 or so loads, it has yet come back around.

It'll come around again. According to the guide, some items have a 2% chance of appearing, amidst others that have a 40 or 50% chance.


And you should really be able to cancel a spellcast...

Dude, jump man. Pawns do it all the time when getting attacked while casting. You can cancel a lot of skills that require charging by jumping as well.

Also, my solo assassin has hit lvl 30. I'm actually enjoying the escort quests now. It turns the game into a sneaking mini game where I plan an optimal route so as to meet the least number of enemies.
Anyone else on PSN having issues with the game when it tries to access the server today? I keep getting blank dialogue boxes and have to wait a minute =/

edit: and getting stuck pre-loading screen forever
anybody finished aelinore escort to healing spring? i've been to two springs, it just won't trigger the completion.

nm, i just went to the wrong one.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Augemitbutter said:
anybody finished aelinore escort to healing spring? i've been to two springs, it just won't trigger the completion.

Every escort to the healing springs I've done involves taking the client to the one North of the Blighted Manse, far East of the ones near the Catacombs.

Make sure you've got the quest set as primary so you can see the target marker on the map, its quite specific.


Ugh spiders. Why does every RPG have to have spiders?

edit: Haha I got an ogre to charge off the stairs and kill itself at half health in those crypts below the major city. I'm such a trolling asshole.

Part of me wishes I could have finished it off though. We were fighting for a good 8 minutes and he was only at half health.
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