I've made a bunch of characters on various game saves... and my pawns always make a crap ton of RC. Every time. Even before I hit gran soren I have 100,000+ RC.
You need to make them look awesome. And they need to have decent gear for the early level. Even if it's just early gear, upgrade it, and make sure it looks cool. Also, try your best to make a smart pawn whose behavior fits their roll. If you have a strider, they need to attack ranged targets first. That's what people want. And people also want pawns who pick up everything and anything. Unless a player has sinew, they are always worrying about their encumbrance, and not wanting to pick up wolf pelts and ore or whatever. If your pawn takes 5 mins to pick shit up, or mine an ore vein, they will drop you like a brick and find one that will.
So, to get RC: Cool looking, stylish pawn and good behavior. You will rake in the RC. If you want a shit-ton of RC, consider throwing your main off a cliff and killing them (after you have recruited other pawns, if you're not looking to solo) and then level up without your main. You can get to gran soren, buy a bunch of awesome shit and then stick it on your low-lvl pawn. Bring them back, sleep at an inn, and the people who are lvl 1 or 2 will be seeing your awesome pawn when they go to the rift. They'll recruit and keep them for a while and you'll get tons of RC.