Dragon's Dogma |OT| For the night is dark and full of terrors

Sword Familiar

178% of NeoGAF posters don't understand statistics
Nice try, but at least it can clear out a room in Everfall. Killed a bunch of zombies and two Cockatrices with it.

I know which room you mean. It's an optional fight in
Chamber of Apprehension. It also has 2 Vile Eyes in it
. I frequently have trouble with it because my pawns insist on being ... "clumsy".

Hardest room I've encountered yet is the optional one in
Chamber of Fate:

Lich – Summons Hellhounds

It may not look so tough, but those Hellhounds will push you down and drag you off, the chimeras will knock you down and the Lich will float about and shoot spells at you, laughing all the way. I'm sure it's a piece of cake for a leveled party, but my pawns kept dying, leaving me to resurrect them all while being chased by everyone and the GoreChimera healing stuff. Madness.

Still I probably couldn't justify using a finger in any of the rooms or in any other situation. It's simply too expensive.
I got to the Ur-Dragon just in time... Was playing around with being a mage so I got a dragon forged Talarian White (Or is it Volant White?) for my mage main pawn. Now all of her gear is dragon forged, yay!

Some day I'll get my Ascalon dragon forged (after I finish maxing out sorcerer, the only vocation I haven't reached max rank with), and then maybe I'll actually be of some help against that damn dragon.


This game is hard. Not even Demon's Souls-rewarding-hard. More like, 'there is a random super difficult bandit hidden in a bunch of easy bandits that keeps randomly killing my mage and I have to spend 15 minutes just walking back to this spot on my reload' hard.

Conclusion: I need to not be a Mage anymore. I'll try Mystic Knight or something with armor.
And considering my backlog, I'll probably never beat this. Which is sad. I still kinda like it though. It's just... kind of soulless right now.

I agree with everything you said, I'm kind of lukewarm on it right now. Also I don't think being a mage matters much, I'm an assassin and I still get randomly wiped out by enemies that are only feet away from the enemies that I can easily handle. There's seemingly no real reason or pattern for these tough enemies, they just appear and mess your shit up. I like a tough game but when you're just guessing and hoping for the best then you've run into a game design problem.
I agree with everything you said, I'm kind of lukewarm on it right now. Also I don't think being a mage matters much, I'm an assassin and I still get randomly wiped out by enemies that are only feet away from the enemies that I can easily handle. There's seemingly no real reason or pattern for these tough enemies, they just appear and mess your shit up. I like a tough game but when you're just guessing and hoping for the best then you've run into a game design problem.

The problem is that we i explore all i have is : "it's best to be prepared for what's ahead" or "let's be carefull" regardlessif said new territory is at my level or not ..Everything is dangerous and you're in the wild it is really frustrating , especially during the lv 11 to 25 part

You want to explore but you'll have mostly trouble and after so many death now i'm just too carefull and still don't explore as i want


I agree with everything you said, I'm kind of lukewarm on it right now. Also I don't think being a mage matters much, I'm an assassin and I still get randomly wiped out by enemies that are only feet away from the enemies that I can easily handle. There's seemingly no real reason or pattern for these tough enemies, they just appear and mess your shit up. I like a tough game but when you're just guessing and hoping for the best then you've run into a game design problem.

I just had this happen yesterday. I was wiping out bandits with 1-2 shots at around 100 xp. There were a few stronger bandits that took a few seconds to kil that gave around 350 xp. But then there was this hyper bandit that I seriously had to shoot at for 5 minutes straight before he died. Mysteriously he also only gave 350 xp... I can't say that it was not an epic fight, after all it lasted an entire ingame night, but these contant surprises and not being able to judge the difficulty of a quest before embarking on it are annoying me.

The problem is that we i explore all i have is : "it's best to be prepared for what's ahead" or "let's be carefull" regardlessif said new territory is at my level or not ..Everything is dangerous and you're in the wild it is really frustrating , especially during the lv 11 to 25 part

You want to explore but you'll have mostly trouble and after so many death now i'm just too carefull and still don't explore as i want

That sums it up pretty well. Currently at level 19 so in the middle of the "hard part"...
I agree with everything you said, I'm kind of lukewarm on it right now. Also I don't think being a mage matters much, I'm an assassin and I still get randomly wiped out by enemies that are only feet away from the enemies that I can easily handle. There's seemingly no real reason or pattern for these tough enemies, they just appear and mess your shit up. I like a tough game but when you're just guessing and hoping for the best then you've run into a game design problem.

What enemies in particular are you having trouble with? If it's the bandits in southern Gransys, yeah, they're supposed to be pretty tough at lower levels, you can come back to them later.

I can't think of any other tough enemies in the game, unless you're talking about the large enemies that are supposed to be avoided early on


What enemies in particular are you having trouble with? If it's the bandits in southern Gransys, yeah, they're supposed to be pretty tough at lower levels, you can come back to them later.

I can't think of any other tough enemies in the game, unless you're talking about the large enemies that are supposed to be avoided early on

Well I picked up the escort quest in the inn in the main city, thinking it would be kind of easy but in order to get to that area I think I had to go through location #1 on that chimera list on this page. The bandits there were pretty easy but then all of a sudden they got impossibly hard about 30 feet from where I had just wiped out a group of 6. Then a chimera comes out of nowhere so I had to dodge that next time. Then it led up a mountain pass with giant ogres or whatever and I just had to give that one up for now. It was far too ridiculous.

Since then I've had random smaller enemies almost take my level 16 guy out in 2-3 hits. My problem isn't being prepared, I have a lot of healing items on every character, it's just the randomness of the difficulty. I also wasted about an hour and a half last night on an apparently unkillable enemy right now. It wasn't too hard but it just keeps infinitely respawning and there's no way the game lets you know about it. The pawns just kept saying "hit the tentacles!!". Well no shit, there's nothing else to hit!


I haven't really ran into anything hard after doing the gran soren guild quest and delivering the head (I came out at around lvl17), enemies' level and placements are static around the map, from my experience most of south gransys' level seems really close to each other all ranges from around 20 at most.

Since I remember I was able to kill everything on my way to bloodwater beach at lvl17-20 and then wiped the entire bandits camp at around 22 so they can't possibly be that high, maybe I remember wrong, and also it could be that the classes aren't properly balanced, since for example strider gets their roll later and even then they're kind of weak without ensnare.
Well I picked up the escort quest in the inn in the main city, thinking it would be kind of easy but in order to get to that area I think I had to go through location #1 on that chimera list on this page. The bandits there were pretty easy but then all of a sudden they got impossibly hard about 30 feet from where I had just wiped out a group of 6. Then a chimera comes out of nowhere so I had to dodge that next time. Then it led up a mountain pass with giant ogres or whatever and I just had to give that one up for now. It was far too ridiculous.

Since then I've had random smaller enemies almost take my level 16 guy out in 2-3 hits. My problem isn't being prepared, I have a lot of healing items on every character, it's just the randomness of the difficulty. I also wasted about an hour and a half last night on an apparently unkillable enemy right now. It wasn't too hard but it just keeps infinitely respawning and there's no way the game lets you know about it. The pawns just kept saying "hit the tentacles!!". Well no shit, there's nothing else to hit!

Ah, yeah, some of the bandit groups in that area don't contain the "warrior" bandits, which are probably the impossibly hard ones that destroyed you. Whereas the strider and mage bandits are much easier to kill and don't do nearly as much damage.

I would avoid doing escort quests at that point if I were you. Most of the escort quests have you going REALLY far away from Gran Soren (often into territory that far outlevels you). Save them for when you need to go in that direction anyway, or something. I wasted a lot of time doing those in the my first play through, they don't have the greatest rewards, unless you really want the affinity.

Level 16 does sound a little bit low for where you are in the game... though I screwed around near Cassardis and the Encampment for probably way longer than I should have when I just started, but there are quite a few notice board quests and a few NPC quests around there that level you up.

If you'd rather just continue on with the story and doing quests around Gran Soren, though, that probably won't result in you getting murdered by bandits either. Quests given to you by NPCs are usually okay to do, but notice board quests I think are more long-term and on-the-way kind of things (well, that's how I treated them anyway).


Well I'm level 15-16 now but I haven't really done any quests in the city yet. I picked up a ton from the various boards but the only thing I did was get to the bottom of that dungeon in the pawn guild only to fight that ridiculous enemy. So today I'm going to just ignore that guy for now and get some of these other quests done.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
DD is not a game where you should try to do everything on your first playthrough. If you try and push yourself (into the unknown) the game will rough you up. I'm not saying you shouldn't explore - that's half the fun - , but I'd advise against doing stuff like escorts or missions where there's an NPC that can die.

Although remember you can always retry after disaster strikes and go back to your last checkpoint save at an Inn or Riftsone. Understanding fully how the save system works will save you a lot of hassle.


I am not finding it hard at all.
At the beginning i had some problems but after that, aside from the escort missions (and that's because your clients are basically brain dead) i'm going through it like a breeze.
Cyclops are quite easy, Chimeras too, as long as you know where to hit first, bandits you have to separate them from one another and take care of rangers/mages first, i have yet to find a hard as nails enemy.
Trolls, Drakes and Griffins are the only one i'm a bit worried (though the last Griffin i killed was piss easy, too).

Though the save/checkpoint system is retarded, that is true.


Well I'm level 15-16 now but I haven't really done any quests in the city yet. I picked up a ton from the various boards but the only thing I did was get to the bottom of that dungeon in the pawn guild only to fight that ridiculous enemy. So today I'm going to just ignore that guy for now and get some of these other quests done.

Not sure who you mean by "that ridiculous enemy".

If it's the ogre I think you should be able to either circumvent it via use of levers (and opening side passages) or you can stagger it near the edge and push it to its death. If you are talking about the tentacle monster, you are not supposed to fight it. You're supposed to flee to the surface
04./02. [PS3] Dragon's Dogma (Capcom) - 34,184 / 419,208 (-59%)

almost going to get to half a million in japan (sales) - from the media create thread. When's NPD coming? Should be soon no? This isn't well going to hit the 10 million (Was it 10?) that Capcom had in mind for it; but I think its going to sell very well on word of mouth.

Great game.

I am not finding it hard at all.
At the beginning i had some problems but after that, aside from the escort missions (and that's because your clients are basically brain dead) i'm going through it like a breeze.
Cyclops are quite easy, Chimeras too, as long as you know where to hit first, bandits you have to separate them from one another and take care of rangers/mages first, i have yet to find a hard as nails enemy.
Trolls, Drakes and Griffins are the only one i'm a bit worried (though the last Griffin i killed was piss easy, too).

Though the save/checkpoint system is retarded, that is true.

you should go out at night. 2x trolls. have fun. and try wandering around to find a death knight. Night is when you'll truly suffer. How did you fight a griffin so early on??


Capcom is providing us pawns which belongs to 2 voice actress Hikasa Yoko and Eri Kitamura. Hotdamn!, I'm gonna fire my pawns and hire them!


Now that I'm well above level 30 (actually, level 45 now), I've been doing a lot more exploring, and it's always exciting even if it's usually not hard. The game has turned into a huge time vortex now. It always keeps me going for an hour or two longer than I expect.

I had something really strange happen in my game, though. During the "Pride Before the Fall" quest (the story-ish one with Mercedes), I encountered a really weird glitch.
After her duel with Julian, when the game turned from pre-rendered cutscene to realtime, she vanished completely. Julian talked to a wall for a while, talked to me, and then left. The game, still in cutscene mode, panned around in empty space and total silence for a minute or two, cutting between wide shots of the courtyard and closer shots of the Arisen and a spot in front of him. My character did not emote. Eventually, it ended, and I was told to report the results of my mission. A Silver Rapier appeared in my inventory without a prompt appearing onscreen.

Should I be concerned going forward? And what would have happened normally had my game not glitched?


almost going to get to half a million in japan (sales) - from the media create thread. When's NPD coming? Should be soon no? This isn't well going to hit the 10 million (Was it 10?) that Capcom had in mind for it; but I think its going to sell very well on word of mouth.

Great game.

The "10 million copies" was just the developers wishful thinking.
Their official projections showed 1.5 millions for Dragon's Dogma and I think they'll be able to meet it.


Not sure who you mean by "that ridiculous enemy".

If it's the ogre I think you should be able to either circumvent it via use of levers (and opening side passages) or you can stagger it near the edge and push it to its death. If you are talking about the tentacle monster, you are not supposed to fight it. You're supposed to flee to the surface

Nah it was
that thing with the infinite tentacles at the bottom of the spiral staircase. The ogre was pretty easy and I actually got it to charge off of the edge and kill itself, but even if it didn't I would have easily killed it.
I didn't know I wasn't supposed to fight that creature though, the game as far as I can tell didn't do anything to let me know that. I remember the quest thing popping up for 2 seconds (another bad part of this game, too much info pops up when you complete a quest and it's all gone in about 5 seconds) but the enemy was actually easy if it didn't infinitely spawn lol.


Nah it was
that thing with the infinite tentacles at the bottom of the spiral staircase. The ogre was pretty easy and I actually got it to charge off of the edge and kill itself, but even if it didn't I would have easily killed it.
I didn't know I wasn't supposed to fight that creature though, the game as far as I can tell didn't do anything to let me know that. I remember the quest thing popping up for 2 seconds (another bad part of this game, too much info pops up when you complete a quest and it's all gone in about 5 seconds) but the enemy was actually easy if it didn't infinitely spawn lol.

Yeah, I was lucky to notice that 1 second quest update that did not say "kill the enemy" but "return to questgiver".


Nah it was
that thing with the infinite tentacles at the bottom of the spiral staircase. The ogre was pretty easy and I actually got it to charge off of the edge and kill itself, but even if it didn't I would have easily killed it.
I didn't know I wasn't supposed to fight that creature though, the game as far as I can tell didn't do anything to let me know that. I remember the quest thing popping up for 2 seconds (another bad part of this game, too much info pops up when you complete a quest and it's all gone in about 5 seconds) but the enemy was actually easy if it didn't infinitely spawn lol.

I recall all my pawns yelling, "Run away!" so I got the message pretty fast.


you should go out at night. 2x trolls. have fun. and try wandering around to find a death knight. Night is when you'll truly suffer. How did you fight a griffin so early on??

I fought several trolls by now. :p
I'm not at the start anymore (infact, i'm around level 40something) i meant that trolls and drakes were the only enemies that really made me sweat.
Not saying its an easy game, but i'm finding it incredibly easier than the Souls games, maybe i just have good Pawns? I dunno.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
There are a few scripting bugs in the game.

One funny one is the quest Mason gives you to trail a suspect leaving the castle at night. The problem is that a prerequisite for finishing it is having completed Barnaby's request to investigate the Everfall, because finishing that triggers an event activating a bunch of stuff going forward.

Mason's quest should be part of that lot, but unfortunately it seems that it (Mason's) actually becomes available immediately upon accepting Barnaby's request. Undertaking it under those circumstances creates a situation where it cannot be completed, the guy you are following simply vanishes into a wall at the end of the pursuit - the final cut-scene/event never happens!


Nah it was
that thing with the infinite tentacles at the bottom of the spiral staircase. The ogre was pretty easy and I actually got it to charge off of the edge and kill itself, but even if it didn't I would have easily killed it.
I didn't know I wasn't supposed to fight that creature though, the game as far as I can tell didn't do anything to let me know that. I remember the quest thing popping up for 2 seconds (another bad part of this game, too much info pops up when you complete a quest and it's all gone in about 5 seconds) but the enemy was actually easy if it didn't infinitely spawn lol.

Strange i remember my pawns endlessly shouting "we can't fight it, let's run away" i guess it has to do with pawn's knowledge on the quest.

EDIT: Beaten.


I fought several trolls by now. :p
I'm not at the start anymore (infact, i'm around level 40something) i meant that trolls and drakes were the only enemies that really made me sweat.
Not saying its an easy game, but i'm finding it incredibly easier than the Souls games, maybe i just have good Pawns? I dunno.

Probably your class :p Were you on Fighter or Mystic knight? I sometimes feel like I was invincible with a shield on my fighter, but feel kind of vulnerable on other classes that wears skimpy outfits


Probably your class :p Were you on Fighter or Mystic knight? I sometimes feel like I was invincible with a shield on my fighter, but feel kind of vulnerable on other classes that wears skimpy outfits

Strider, then turned into Magic Archer(when i reached Strider's max rank), now turned into Assassin (since i reached Magic Archer's max rank).
Also, quick snip into Warrior to get Bastion: gotta be clever about augments, man.


Strider, then turned into Magic Archer(when i reached Strider's max rank), now turned into Assassin (since i reached Magic Archer's max rank).
Also, quick snip into Warrior to get Bastion: gotta be clever about augments, man.

It's worth it to upgrade Warrior to max, one of the level 9 augments is Clout which greatly increases your strength. Useful for a lot of classes.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I went down that huge spiral staircase just to run? Oh well I think it did say I completed the quest when the enemy spawned. I noticed a tiny stone doorway somewhere down there too, guess I'll look at that first.

There's some decent loot down there (for your level) if you explore a bit. Once the boss has attacked you and you escape, you can go back down and explore without worry of him.
Mine just kept yelling to hit the tentacles.

Yeah I know...really helpful :|

Well some pawns have various degree of quest knowledge ..Serious just put that quest on hold and do something else ...Once you reach Lv 20-25 it'll be hard but doable , afterward you'll have enough to survive anything without frustration ..i too was very frustrated ..but now i tend to explore more each time i play


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Well some pawns have various degree of quest knowledge ..Serious just put that quest on hold and do something else ...Once you reach Lv 20-25 it'll be hard but doable , afterward you'll have enough to survive anything without frustration ..i too was very frustrated ..but now i tend to explore more each time i play

I forgot all about that creature! So it is kill-able? I should go back down there today.At level 42 it should be cake right?


I forgot all about that creature! So it is kill-able? I should go back down there today.At level 42 it should be cake right?

I don't think so, the quest was just to make you go down there and see what you find and report back, you really just do that and be done with it, it's doable as your first quest at gran soren and I'm pretty sure he has already moved on :p


I hate it when people don't rate your pawn, they just leave it at 3 stars and make no comment. My pawn is 5 stars dammit!

I got a few people rating my pawn 5 stars for battle and helpfulness, but 4 stars for appearance, fuck them.



I'm level 20. I can go either west at the encampment into the direction of a shadow fort thingy (for an escort) or I can stay north near gran soren. I went into the dungeon below the pawn guild already once.

What would be better?



I'm level 20. I can go either west at the encampment into the direction of a shadow fort thingy (for an escort) or I can stay north near gran soren. I went into the dungeon below the pawn guild already once.

What would be better?

At level 20 you'd be better off going to Shadowfort through Ancient Quarry near Gran Soren, even then it's probably not going to be easy at that level.

I got a few people rating my pawn 5 stars for battle and helpfulness, but 4 stars for appearance, fuck them.

Lol, burned.


If anyone is looking for:

• Saving Grace (Warrior two handed)
• Dragon Knight's Helm (Fighter, Warrior, Magick Knight) Taken
• Direwolf Veil (Warrior, Ranger, Magick Archer, Magick Knight) Taken
• Meloirean Cyclops Veil (Warrior, Magick Knight)
• Grisly Bone Armour (Fighter, Warrior, Magick Knight) Taken
• Dark Lorica (Assassin, Ranger) Taken
• Shadow Gauntlets (Fighter, Warrior, Magick Knight) Taken

I have multiples of them I'm not going to use, so if you wanna trade send me a PM (I'm on PSN).


I hate it when people don't rate your pawn, they just leave it at 3 stars and make no comment. My pawn is 5 stars dammit!
Yeah, i always rate+ select an appropriate comment.

I'm level 20. I can go either west at the encampment into the direction of a shadow fort thingy (for an escort) or I can stay north near gran soren. I went into the dungeon below the pawn guild already once.

What would be better?

Escort missions are the toughest ones, from experience, i suggest you explore the map alone (with your pawns, of course) first, so that when you'll have to escort someone, you'll know if and how to avoid the toughest encounters. :)
Also always start escorting first thing in the morning, it's a bitch to find yourself in the woods at night, with some assassins and a chimera ganging up on you.


At level 20 you'd be better off going to Shadowfort through Ancient Quarry near Gran Soren, even then it's probably not going to be easy at that level.

Any other options? I think I've seen/done most other alternatives... Although I received this wyrm hunter certificate, but that sounds a lot more difficult.


Any other options? I think I've seen/done most other alternatives... Although I received this wyrm hunter certificate, but that sounds a lot more difficult.

The Wyrm Hunt stuff are the story missions so you'll be fine doing them. One of them is actually head to the Shadow Fort so you might want to kill two birds with one stone there.
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