2012 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread of Don't Use Imgur

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - All in game settings maxxed, 1920x1200, sorry about the jaggies.

Pretty mediocre game. Graphics could look horrendous at times. Some (most) of the fights were pretty dumb, too.




Low Poly Gynecologist
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - All in game settings maxxed, 1920x1200, sorry about the jaggies.

Pretty mediocre game. Graphics could look horrendous at times. Some (most) of the fights were pretty dumb, too.



That first shot looks actively great. The game may not be great (I don't know, I haven't played) but damn at least those visuals are spot on.


Watercolour mode?

Also, quick hit-up to you guys: I noticed something while running JC2 that looked really odd, kinda like motion blur (I guess it was done for DOF) but it was like the outer edges of Rico were getting affected by the blur at times as well? Can this be made more precise or something, or is it an all-or-nothing thing?
Messing around with some downsampling on this 5:4 monitor I'm using until I can afford a widescreen one. Both are resized to 1280x1024 down from 2560x2048 but the Dead Space shot also has SMAA.




solely playing the multiplayer mod made me forgot how satisfying blowing up shit and seeing the resulting explosion is




Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
scitek, you forcing SGSSAA through the an nVidia card? Any custom bits?
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - All in game settings maxxed, 1920x1200, sorry about the jaggies.

Pretty mediocre game. Graphics could look horrendous at times. Some (most) of the fights were pretty dumb, too.

I agree that TFU looks meh in a lot of places, but sometimes it can look pretty great. TFU2 however...Now that thing is definitely a looker. Much improved in every sense. I enjoyed the game a lot more too; although most levels were far too repetitive. Good popcorn game in the sense that you can knock it out in one sitting and enjoy the thrills, but probably never go back.
More Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
1920x1200, maxxed in-game, massively lacking AA

First shot is one I really really liked before I noticed the "wires" on the orange stuff in the background. Really killed it for me. Second one just made me laugh.


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