Professor Beef
Love me some Rain.
My issue with Sand Stream/Drizzle/Drought is that they last until something replaces them. They should be just like Sandstorm/Rain Dance/Sunny Day--5 turns only.
I almost want to go so far as to say 'when the Pokémon with the ability is no longer active, the weather stops'.Agreed completely. Or maybe even something stricter than that. I'd go for 'when the Pokémon with the ability is no longer active, the weather stops 3 turns later'.
I wouldn't mind a nerf to weather inducers, but a bettewr option IMO would be to give some good Pokémon a weather cancelling ability.
That's good too. Rayquaza is currently the only one with Air Lock, so maybe Gen VI could pass it (or something similar) around to a few more Pokémon.
Golduck gets Cloud Nine to block Weather.
Golduck should get another evolution that makes him strong so he can be the ultimate weather destroyer.
I'm cool with weather. Use Gastrodon.
I'm cool with weather. Use Gastrodon.
I'm not really sure what this has to do with anything. Even if you take away user rules like evasion clause, tiers and banned Pokemon weather abilities still vastly overpowered. The only real way to counter infinite weather is through a weather blocking ability which 4 Pokemon lines have and once they are out of battle their effect is gone (unlike the weather abilities) or to use weather yourself.Weather really isn't that terrible... I think rain should be more on the level of the other weather inducers because water just has such a ridiculous pool of good Pokemon, abilities, and attacks that it makes sun look like nothing. It's kind of stupid to bitch about how "unbalanced" weather is while playing a metagame with user-created rules like Smogon or Pokemon Online's Singles OU. That's not what the game is balanced for.
Suck it everyone in this thread who wanted a t-shirt.
I am saying that when you watch the finals of the World Championships you'll see that neither is using weather as the crux of their team. These are who I (and just about anyone else who follows the game) would consider the two best players in the world. They had ways of dealing with weather. They had ways of taking advantage of weather. They had ways of setting weather to either benefit themselves and/or remove a weather's benefits from their opponent. However, they did not use weather-based teams.I'm not really sure what this has to do with anything. Even if you take away user rules like evasion clause, tiers and banned Pokemon weather abilities still vastly overpowered. The only real way to counter infinite weather is through a weather blocking ability which 4 Pokemon lines have and once they are out of battle their effect is gone (unlike the weather abilities) or to use weather yourself.
Sub DD kingdra is unstoppable :'(
My Sableye stops it pretty well. Taunt to stop the sub then WoW to burn it or trick a lagging tail onto it.
Pokemon TCG Online launches today but the server just crashed.
I've always wondered does Trick work on a Pokemon if they have a sub up?
I'll probably be trying it too. Im getting into the card game again. Just bought two Terrakion EX on eBay for $32 shippedThank you for the news, I shall be there when it's stable.
I'll probably be trying it too. Im getting into the card game again. Just bought two Terrakion EX on eBay for $32 shipped![]()
Sub DD kingdra is unstoppable :'(
Wow I had no idea that I could rematch gym leaders in Platinum.
Can I only rematch them once, or is it a once a day thing?
Once a day. Or technically, three a day.
In any case, the only one that could be considered "overpowered" is Drizzle which is at least given to a Pokemon that's completely unremarkable. Snow Warning is nice to remove weather and for 100% accurate Blizzards but doesn't do much beyond that. Sandstream is great for Tyranitar itself but aside from Garchomp and maybe Excadrill most of the other viable Pokemon can't make much use of it. Nice for residual damage like hail though. Drought is on a terrible Pokemon and can barely be used by anyone viable unfortunately which I think should be changed. Sun is still the worst weather by far =/
Why is B2W2's music so damn good?
Moxie Mence is sooo good haha.
Actually Hail is the worst weather, by far. Until Hail boosts ice types in some way (defense boost go go go) or they get more hail abusers it will always be a niche option at best (I'm talking about OU... I guess it could see some use in VGC because Blizzard is amazing there?). Abomasnow itself is kind of meh (not ninetales meh, but not that impressive either) Sun is actually pretty strong now (even stronger now since the Genesect + Dugtrio combo is AMAZING at dealing with things that sun hates).
I didn't realize Mew was that popular, and by popular I mean beloved.
Where there any other new changes to breeding that we know about yet? I hope they figure out the RNG soon though. I need to RNG an Imposter Ditto.We still can't RNG in bw2 due to the new mechanics right? Hope they fix this in the western version :^
Is it possible to transfer Items from Leaf Green to Platinum? Like if I attach a TM to be held by my Pokemon, and then migrate it over...does it work?
Hail's pretty great. Like I said, OU is kind of a stupid metagame to judge balance on because it's not what the game is built for in multiplayer. It's great for single-player which is meant to be easy for six year olds to understand (although personally I think Game Freak gives too little credit to those kids), but it's not what the game itself is balanced for. There's a reason Singles / Triples / Rotation tournaments aren't allowed to be sanctioned events and are listed as "unsanctioned fun formats" in the official rulebook.Actually Hail is the worst weather, by far. Until Hail boosts ice types in some way (defense boost go go go) or they get more hail abusers it will always be a niche option at best (I'm talking about OU... I guess it could see some use in VGC because Blizzard is amazing there?). Abomasnow itself is kind of meh (not ninetales meh, but not that impressive either) Sun is actually pretty strong now (even stronger now since the Genesect + Dugtrio combo is AMAZING at dealing with things that sun hates).
Hail's pretty great. Like I said, OU is kind of a stupid metagame to judge balance on because it's not what the game is built for in multiplayer. It's great for single-player which is meant to be easy for six year olds to understand (although personally I think Game Freak gives too little credit to those kids), but it's not what the game itself is balanced for. There's a reason Singles / Triples / Rotation tournaments aren't allowed to be sanctioned events and are listed as "unsanctioned fun formats" in the official rulebook.
Hail, 9th place at Worlds 2012. In the running for coolest team at the tournament alongside Wolfe I think.
A certain Shota and how he just made everyone... Well, you get the idea. It's quite the shocker that it sounds so unlike past games for some reason.
Maybe it's time for Masuda to leave the composing to these guys forever.
It's time for Masuda to leave the franchise forever. It's the only way.
Maybe it's time for Masuda to leave the composing to these guys forever.
It's time for Masuda to leave the franchise forever. It's the only way.
The way you guys talk, Pokemon never had good music before BW2. That's bollocks, frankly.
The way you guys talk, Pokemon never had good music before BW2. That's bollocks, frankly.