Activated it. Thanks dogg.
Try looking in your email for the order page. That's what I did.well for some reason I cant login to the humble bundle page and I cant redeem the cortex command I bought way back
Try looking in your email for the order page. That's what I did.
Also, has anyone tried out the XCOM: Enemy Unknown demo? It's actually really good, and I played it with a controller in BPM, works fantastically. I would pre-order it now but I don't get paid until next week :/
Coming back to this thread, I've been active in the iOS Gaming and Dolphin threads instead. Also, I don't know if this has been posted by anyone else or not, but Postal 2 is on Greenlight and they're asking for help to get verified to Steam! They're giving out free Steam or Desura keys if you help them out, here's the link
Also, has anyone tried out the XCOM: Enemy Unknown demo? It's actually really good, and I played it with a controller in BPM, works fantastically. I would pre-order it now but I don't get paid until next week :/
And how does Castle Crashers play on PC? Multiplayer Locally?
Wait, people hiding keys on their posts? LOL
Yeah, I agree.This is kinda abusing the Greenlight system imo.
Yeah, I agree.
I bet Valve will crack down on this if it becomes more common.
dammit are really making me quote every post aren't you?
Coming back to this thread, I've been active in the iOS Gaming and Dolphin threads instead. Also, I don't know if this has been posted by anyone else or not, but Postal 2 is on Greenlight and they're asking for help to get verified to Steam! They're giving out free Steam or Desura keys if you help them out, here's the link
Also, has anyone tried out the XCOM: Enemy Unknown demo? It's actually really good, and I played it with a controller in BPM, works fantastically. I would pre-order it now but I don't get paid until next week :/
And how does Castle Crashers play on PC? Multiplayer Locally?
Hope so, ruins the point of having a voting system in place if people just want free games.
If you were expecting a TF2 total war promo item, they went live a few minutes ago
Farming Sim 2013 is going to go up for preorder soon. I wish Valve would troll with TF2 hats.
It would be kind of hilarious if Valve started going through their store and picking the games that sell the least. "If this had some HATS we could make up for the popularity!"Farming Sim 2013 is going to go up for preorder soon. I wish Valve would troll with TF2 hats.
got the key, thanks!Chime key hidden, uhm, somewhere.
I am actually quite shocked at how little interest there is in Carrier Command. It was released on Steam today and you wouldn't even know it if you look on Neogaf :-( . But hey who needs Carrier Command when there is Farming 2013.
I think Bohemia haven't marketed it very well (or at all, actually).
Just to point out that if you bought the Groupees Be Mine bundle number 3, it included a key for Postal 2 complete. I'm not actually sure where you're supposed to use that key, but the greenlight page for the game that previous buyers with verifiable Postal 2 purchases will probably get a Steam key if the dev can manage it.
Does SSF4 Arcade Edition have a thriving online community on pc?
Looking though my old humble bundles, I seem to have a code for World of Goo, Anomaly, Osmos, and EDGE. Wish I could split them up.
Let me know if you grab it
Call of Duty Black Ops for $19.99 on GameFly
Should I buy it? Knowing Activision, I don't think it will go cheaper! What do you think guys?
The Postal 2 key is for Desura, the digital distribution platform indies in these indie bundles tend to use when they can't get their game on Steam.
Call of Duty Black Ops for $19.99 on GameFly
Should I buy it? Knowing Activision, I don't think it will go cheaper! What do you think guys?
It's not going to get cheaper, but are you sure you want to jump into Blops right now?
It's too expensive to just put it in your library and forget about it, but if you're actually going to play it right now, why not?
Cortex Command Steam key hidden here, post if you grab it.
I am actually quite shocked at how little interest there is in Carrier Command. It was released on Steam today and you wouldn't even know it if you look on Neogaf :-( . But hey who needs Carrier Command when there is Farming 2013.
But what if...the game people are voting for on Greenlight (like Black Mesa) is itself going to be free for everyone? WHAT THEN. :O
I'm not really seeing a problem with it compared to the free games that are going to be hosted on Steam, unless people somehow feel that a for-pay game being hosted on Steam with low sales is bad. Valve gets the final word in regard to the game and the game quality either way. getting them a game that they want on their account. Which means there will be people on Steam who claim to want a game. Which means that there is some level of interest in a game.The problem is that the game is just going to come on Steam because the devs are essentially bribing the community to vote for them.
Does SSF4 Arcade Edition have a thriving online community on pc? I have a real urge for some street fighter and never got around to playing this version (played SF4). I really want to have a go with the new characters and all but the price seems way too high at £25. Would be more willing to pay something like £15
Bumping because it never got answered...
Or maybe it got answered, as in there isn't a thriving online community seeing as no one knew what the state of it is
I bought Carrier Command over a year ago. There was a pre-order beta.I am actually quite shocked at how little interest there is in Carrier Command. It was released on Steam today and you wouldn't even know it if you look on Neogaf :-( . But hey who needs Carrier Command when there is Farming 2013.