I cannot WAIT to see how Wolf tries to spin this as a tie.
Seriously. It's been going in one ear and out the other because barely anything he's saying has any coherence.I literally have no idea what Romney just said. That was total verbal diarreah.
I think Obama did better last debate honestly. However, I don't think anyone is watching this one.
STOP: 0x00000000003
People here act like the commander in cheif doesn't have HUGE advantage in the FP debates. It's like no one remembers how awful he was in these same debates 4 years ago.
STOP: 0x00000000003
CNN: "It's a tie."
As a Canadian I really don't understand the whole Israel masturbation circle going on.
They are just as bad as any other country that wants to bomb, kill, etc.. as well as having nuclear arms.
Will Obama actually answer the question that Mitt Romney ignored?
Looking like... no
There's nothing fascinating about racism.
Heavan and Earth were moved
your move Mittens
Obama's now making Romney debate himself.
As a Brit. I hope you fucknuts don't vote Romney in.