Football Thread |OT12| Kicked the Ballboy Like Stan Hit Ulrika


I had put on a stone (6 kilos or 14 pounds) about 3 months ago and ive really struggled to get rid of it. But today its finally gone and now I am breaking new ground on my weight loss.

Good work, fella. I dropped 36 pounds over the summer, then my achilles issues rose and i got stuck in a rut and put back about 10 pounds. Kicked off last week and am back on track.

Best bet is to never get depressed or beat yourself up about it, mate. Eventually you're gonna hit your target weight and dem wimmins gonna be wanting that BIG barca-loving dick that you got, in and around their mouths.

Slap it around.


Good work, fella. I dropped 36 pounds over the summer, then my achilles issues rose and i got stuck in a rut and put back about 10 pounds. Kicked off last week and am back on track.

Best bet is to never get depressed or beat yourself up about it, mate. Eventually you're gonna hit your target weight and dem wimmins gonna be wanting that BIG barca-loving dick that you got, in and around their mouths.

Slap it around.

I do this all the time, its my worst habit.

Yes. Yes I did.



Back then I imported the limited special edition blu ray of advent children from japan which included the demo of FF XIII. I was so fucking hyped. Too bad the full game turned out to be crap. gooood, i used to love FF back in the days.


Back then I imported the limited special edition blu ray of advent children from japan which included the demo of FF XIII. I was so fucking hyped. Too bad the full game turned out to be crap. gooood, i used to love FF back in the days.

The demo was crap too.
For all who care, I am totally hooked to Xenoblade.

This is the main reason I want to steal someone wii for a few weeks.

i was blown away by the graphics :(

and you know, Lighting was actually pretty cool I thought. But everyone else (ok Sach was awesome too) just sucked so hard, the way their stupid origin stories were told even more melodramatic and silly than ever before and the worst of all, one way corridors. The battle system was shit too, stupid AUTO FIGHT, you know they made a shit battle system when they just give you that option.


So much that you didn't realise the gameplay was horrible? :p

well, to be honest, back then, i still believed square enix could come up with a good game....

This is the main reason I want to steal someone wii for a few weeks.

and you know, Lighting was actually pretty cool I thought. But everyone else (ok Sach was awesome too) just sucked so hard, the way their stupid origin stories were told even more melodramatic and silly than ever before and the worst of all, one way corridors. The battle system was shit too, stupid AUTO FIGHT, you know they made a shit battle system when they just give you that option.

...but as wooden said, it turned out to be crap. especially the story. l'ci, fall'cie... wtf? I still have no idea what they wanted to tell me.

FF VII and VIII are still absolutely fantastic.

Man, life and final fantasy games were so much better back then lol


Tried playing FF7 on the PS3 for five minutes, just disliked it from the start. Will never get into those games. C'est la vie

same goes for resident evil

Even with the hilariously bad dialogue back then, it's probably better written and more engaging than any of the RE this gen lol. Got the first RE when I was way too young, it was so intense running through that mansion many times not even knowing what was in front of you, but you could hear those damn Zombie noises and was scared as fuck. Ever since the PS2 came out I became a Silent Hill fanboy though, those games have fallen even harder than RE now. :(


I tried playing Xenoblade, but the jaggies are unacceptable to my eyes anymore. Hopefully they'll release an HD edition for the Wii U.


Even with the hilariously bad dialogue back then, it's probably better written and more engaging than any of the RE this gen lol. Got the first RE when I was way too young, it was so intense running through that mansion many times not even knowing what was in front of you, but you could hear those damn Zombie noises and was scared as fuck. Ever since the PS2 came out I became a Silent Hill fanboy though, those games have fallen even harder than RE now. :(

and fucking nemesis. never ever was an enemy more frightening than him. he could be everywhere and there was always this sense of being chased by a very big and scary zombie.


I tried playing Xenoblade, but the jaggies are unacceptable to my eyes anymore. Hopefully they'll release an HD edition for the Wii U.

X looks hot in that regard. Man, I wish I would be 10 years younger. With the low standards I had back then I would totally adore the current video game generation lol.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
They're still a team full of players who have never won anything in contrast to most of the teams around them. It's always much easier when you've done it before. Removes a mental bloc.

Yep, we just can't compete with all those trophy winners at Arsenal.

Oh wait even we have won more trophies than them in the last 7 years. Though I suppose they do consider 4th place a trophy.

No, for several reasons;

Bale will go
We have no world class striker and don't have the money for one
Not got the mentality or leader


These two right here.

Bonus: Sandro rapping
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