Football Thread |OT12| Kicked the Ballboy Like Stan Hit Ulrika


Things are heating up at the top, but the gap between the top 4 and below is widening :(

7 points between £100 and £15


Adebayor is the key to us getting 4th and potentially 3rd.

I think 4th is doable but we have to beat Arsenal at home and hope they continue to stutter along.

Chelsea won't drop out of top 3, as everyone has said, Mata and Lampard are the difference for them.

Someone in here recently referred to Lloris as handsome. They're certifiable.


Anyone think Spurs could actually challenge for the title next season? I've been looking at where the next challenge is going to come from that isn't City or United.

I would be surprised if City or United didn't win the title for years to come but you never know. AVB is a great coach and has the team moving in the right direction. Quite a young core as well so if they can keep them together, you could see Spurs making a run. They really needed to get Leandro or some sort of other youngish striker though. All of their strike force is in their late 20s/early 30s.

Xenoblade is amazing, highly recommended. Have not yet had a chance to play Ni no Kuni but I can't wait. I recently put in nearly 100 hours into Persona 4 Golden -- it was my first play through of the game and I was absolutely hooked from the start.


You guys are just not sophisticated enough to appreciate the beauty of JRPGs and grinding.

come on wilbs, the main character is a little boy

I really am enjoying it.

Ni no kuni? what's that? I don´t play games whose name is ridiculous. I´m playing Wave race 64 these days. Ride that dolphin!!, you cunts.


venison crêpe
Anyone think Spurs could actually challenge for the title next season? I've been looking at where the next challenge is going to come from that isn't City or United.

For a title challenge they would need to bring in two high quality strikers, keep Bale, and add depth to allow them to rotate more effieicntly in the European and Domestic Cup fixtures.
I still don't get why they didn't translate Ni no Kuni's name.

On Giantbomb, they said the direct translation would sound stupid, seemingly unaware of the fact that they could easily have changed the name completely. Ni No Kuni sounds undeniably silly, and will negatively effect sales.
Ni No Kuni sounds undeniably silly, and will negatively effect sales.

Oh I doubt that. It was never going to be a huge seller in the final fantasy class of JRPGs, but this way it caters to the Japanophile crowd at least and the reviews will do enough to get some of the other hardcore gamers in. It's fine as it is, I like the name for some reason, sounds good lol


On Giantbomb, they said the direct translation would sound stupid, seemingly unaware of the fact that they could easily have changed the name completely. Ni No Kuni sounds undeniably silly, and will negatively effect sales.

It's #1 on the UK charts.

And it's sold out almost everywhere. Standard edition too. I've been into 2 GAME stores today and neither had a copy.

Amazon have also sold out. It fucking rules.


Starting a new FM game. My Italian manager is called Ezio Mangiare Micio. Italian speakers, tell me I've done well

also who should i be
Starting a new FM game. My Italian manager is called Ezio Mangiare Micio. Italian speakers, tell me I've done well

also who should i be

That's brilliant in English.

Not so much in Italian (Micio is the male name of cat/pussy). I suggest Ezio Mangiapassera, if you want something on that line (passera actually means bird, but it's how we say pussy/beaver).

What the fuck did I just wrote.


That's brilliant in English.

Not so much in Italian (Micio is the male name of cat/pussy). I suggest Ezio Mangiapassera, if you want something on that line (passera actually means bird, but it's how we say pussy/beaver).

What the fuck did I just wrote.

best post


venison crêpe
The localization of this game is fantastic. I just read a pun reference to
Bruce Forsyth
. So good!


On top of those brilliant

I'm not saying it will bomb, but I think it would sell better with a more Western-friendly name

I don't think so. JRPGs don't have a huge audience these days and this is selling on the strength of Studio Ghibli. I think they were hopeful they'd get the anime audience with the name of the game and then thought the pedigree and look was enough to bring in the others who may be interested.

Also, Jordi Alba confirmed the Messi car park incident happened for those who doubted its veracity.
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