I'm sure most of you who complain about second-hand games and internet-only will buy one, probably even at launch. Unfortunately gamers are very forgiving when it comes to such bullshit.
several development sources have told us that Sonys solution is preferable when it comes to leveraging power. Studios working with the next-gen Xbox are currently being forced to work with only approved development libraries, while Sony is encouraging coders to get closer to the metal of its box. Furthermore, the operating system overhead of Microsofts next console is more oppressive than Sonys equivalent, giving the PlayStation-badged unit another advantage.
Reduce the price of the games then or I'll skip it this time. What about rentals?
+ paid online + focus on Kinect...Microsofts next console will require an Internet connection in order to function, ruling out a second-hand game market for the platform.
I'd say the platform where game prices reflect that reality.Gemüsepizza;47372395 said:PC? You mean the platform, where you have to register nearly all your games on a steam/origin/... account and can't resell them?
To be fair, none of these things would dissuade me from a purchase, really.
Never buy used and have reliable fast internet.
The always-online thing would just be way less convenient, and bring lots of headaches to the experience of playing a console. Hope they decide against.
Valve will force SEGA to use steam lol
What does it mean if you have a connection issue? does the console shut off?
Internet-only it's a massive damage for the future of next xbox; if it's really true, could lost a lot of gamers, it's not matter of outrage, simply a lot of people don't care to have internet connection to play the game, believe me.
This.There is absolutely NO WAY one of the next-gen systems will lock out used games and the other won't.
Either BOTH Microsoft and Sony enable this to appease third-party developers and screw Gamestop over... or NEITHER of them will.
It would be suicide for one company to approach this without the other following suit.
I somehow really doubt that. Always-online requirement is ludicrous. They *can* probably get away with blocking second hand games.Lets face it, people will bitch and moan about, but will still buy it in droves. Sony and Microsoft knows this for a fact.
So basically it will be like retail PC games with Steam codes. Not surprising.
Doesn't make sense for Microsoft to do it alone.
And again I'll plead.. Sony don't do this!
There is absolutely NO WAY one of the next-gen systems will lock out used games and the other won't.
Either BOTH Microsoft and Sony enable this to appease third-party developers and screw Gamestop over... or NEITHER of them will.
It would be suicide for one company to approach this without the other following suit.
Please Sony, don't follow in Microsoft's footsteps.
Sony's PlayStation division has patented technology that can block the use of second hand games on a console.
The idea sees individual game discs matched to user accounts. Games which have been associated with another user's account will be rejected.
Discs would come branded with a contactless tag which would be recognised and read by your console, using the same sort of NFC technology present in modern bank cards.
Yeah: PC gaming is vile as well. Awful. SICKENING.
I say this as somebody in the industry who gives a shit about his livelihood and future ability to work on games: I'm fine with this.
I can't believe more people aren't discussing this. If it's true, Sony's games should be able to look considerably better than any game on the next xbox. It's pretty much what the FXAA dev said and everyone called him out for being Sony bias.
We still have the Wii U... right?
I can't believe more people aren't discussing this. If it's true, Sony's games should be able to look considerably better than any game on the next xbox. It's pretty much what the FXAA dev said and everyone called him out for being Sony bias.
I somehow really doubt that. Always-online requirement is ludicrous.
The one time activation code; the end of friends being lended a game I suppose!
Please consumers. Please be smart enough to realise when you're being lead up the garden path to be shot in the back of the head. Do not support this console if this all turns out to be true.
Saying that, we're fucking doomed if both PS4 and 720 do this. Gaddamit.
Always online DRM has to be the absolute worst cast scenario and i can't believe it's happening right now.
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea???
No second-hand games, huh? That'll be interesting in in the way of unintended consequences.
Objective: butter up developers by locking out secondhand to boost developer revenue
- No sales of new "slim" console as people won't be able to play their games on it
- No entry point for people who can't pay full price, lower uptake of games/genres
- No game sharing = lower exposure to games = reduced sales
- Whatever goodies and massive fines the European Commission comes up with