Vita PSN Game & Service Thread | February 2013 | The most desirable handheld in Japan


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Because I liked his post so much:

TOP OF THE PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!

Buy games from Indie developers. Show your support and prove to them the Vita is a viable platform for their games.

Sound Shapes
Strangers Wrath
Retro City Rampage
Future Lab games like Surge

Keep on the look out for upcoming Indie games as well:

Hotline Miami
Binding of Issac
Frozen Synapse
Dragon Fantasy
Lone Survivor
Velocity HD
Rainbow Moon
Starlight Inception
A Virus named Tom

and more....."


On second thought don't buy Ninja Gaiden Σ2+ unless you like sub-30fps.
At least that's what I'm hearing. I'll confirm once I play it myself.



Well only two more days left for the Vita referral program. If any has bought a new Vita recently or if you are planning on buying one before the 28th and want to get $20 in PSN credit, go to then enter my referral number: 14224003

The main rules for the referral program are its only for the U.S., you have to be 18 or over and your Vita has to be new that you are registering.

I took your referral number.

Now we wait for our $20 credit, Vitabro!


Well I got Sine Mora in the end and pretty happy about it. The story is confusing as heck but the gameplay is great and it looks beautiful on the Vita.

I was also happy to learn it was co-developed by Digital Reality, who made the classic Imperium Galactica back in the day, made me happy to see an old studio that has not only survived to the present day, but is also still developing great games.
Indie games are honestly what's keeping the vita interest at the moment, but yeah, it would be nice, but you shouldn't hold your breath. Bioshock is a major vaporware and dev on it hasn't even started, Killzone Mercenaries got overshadowed by its bigger brother, no GT, no big 3rd party games, yea....

famousmortimer (and ubi) say we know Bend is working on something and Gravity Rush 2 has been alluded to.

i've got high hopes for Tearaway too.


playstation awards happened... only ones that might be of interest to vita owners


like i figured legend of dragoon didn't win :/
I'll do it if there is no thread in a few minutes while I am creating it, but dont you dare to leave me hanging guys.

i'll give a supoprtive post or two... but i dont want to touch a vita thread in defense... so paranoid of banning. i've already been perma banned once in my life... that was enough.
Damn. Looks like the $20 thing won't be coming this month of the $10 PSN bonus deal.

For both Contestant and the Referred PS Vita Purchasers, in order to claim the twenty dollar ($20) PlayStation®Network gift card, such Contestant or Referred PS Vita Purchaser must sign into PSN and visit the PlayStation Store, then use the code that is provided in the email. Any applicable Points will be awarded to the Contestant in his/her Sony Rewards account within approximately 4 to 8 weeks after the end of the Contest. All terms of the Sony Rewards Program apply to the Points received in conjunction with the Contest.

Oh well, still got my $10 freebie from the other day il put towards it.


was there a classic winner?

/ where'd you find the winners?

yeah it was the game that when you looked at the list you should have gone either oh cool GTA will get a discount or damn it GTA will get a discount aka it was Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

"where'd you find the winners? "
I linked it in my original post :p it's a vita thread so I only posted about the vita stuff. full discussions of the awards can be found here
I would generally agree with you about this game, but considering the dev is THIS vocal about Indie Vita support... makes me actually want to support him. If anything gets other Indie devs on board.. its Indie devs.

I like people who agree with my ideals or wants or whatever... and it's good that he loves Vita and wants things on it.

But that doesn't mean I think he should be given money for what was a pretty terrible game (IMO).

At least they're only asking $10 bucks for it, but I'd assume most people here already got it for free through PS+ or are about to if EU PS+ hasn't had it yet. :)
So is there ANYTHING coming from that Destination Playstation event? I know last year they confirmed LBP Karting and some other stuff right? It's a shame we're not hearing anything.


So is there ANYTHING coming from that Destination Playstation event? I know last year they confirmed LBP Karting and some other stuff right? It's a shame we're not hearing anything.
Probably just embargoes. IIRC, they usually have those for these events, we'll probably hear about stuff that was revealed there later this week or in the upcoming weeks.


So, with MGS HD being free on Plus for EU this month, I was wondering if 2HD is an acceptable starting point for a Metal Gear newbie, or whether I'd be lost without some prior knowledge?


So basically no reason to buy this for America unless you have a PSP then. Yay, Konami/Sony.

Well like anddo0 and toto said, it could be transfered over PS3 then I guess it's good news that you can just download it direct to Vita now?

Seriously, I don't think news like this deserved a whole post about it unless it could Transfarr saves to the HD collection like in JP.
It literally started today xD

Give it time

I really hope we get SOMETHING for Vita ;( Throw us a bone here Sony, please. It's been hard being a Vita owner these past several weeks. I mean it's been rough for awhile but even moreso now that everyone is all about the PS4 (I want one too but ugh).

The hero looks pretty demonic, like normally he can just look evil but there he literally looks like a demon.


anyone with PS3 was able to transfer it to Vita since day one.

PW was really bad (not a surprise since it was released after that crap that called MGS4) don't waste your money.

10/10 Totos.

It's certainly not MGS3, but I found it to be a fantastic game. Only game on the PSP that might be better is P3P imo.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
anyone with PS3 was able to transfer it to Vita since day one.

PW was really bad (not a surprise since it was released after that crap that called MGS4) don't waste your money.

Peace Walker was pretty much among the best MGS and definitely felt more like a proper MGS than MGS4.
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