Things to look forward to in April:
*Exciting trade deadline
*Calgary Flames making a run to the playoffs
*Phil Kessel saying "no thank you" to a dessert
*Tabris acknowledging that the NHL existed before 2011
*Smiley not posting 17 times on every page
*wsox becoming a successful troll

NHL-GAF Allegiance List

- Dastardly Jerks
- Giggzy
- Heretic

- ActStriker
- ATF487
- MacAttack
- Sanjuro
- vatstep

- CrankyJay
- Fei
- HadesGigas
- OnPoint

- CREMSteve
- jackbugs
- Terrordactyl
- yodathesoda
- zedge

- AngmarsKing701
- Entropia
- littleworm

- Akkad
- alexthekid
- apocalidiot
- Marvie_3
- MeBecomingI
- Revenant
- Seda
- wsoxfan1214

- 19 & 21
- rhfb

- Leeroy3101
- vas_a_morir

- Barrage
- kingslunk
- Rafa=FedKilla
- TurtleSnatcher

- CrazedArabMan
- Plinko
- pringles
- scissorfight
- SpacLock
- Wingfan19

- Dem
- Pochacco
- RaySpencer
- The Internet

- Dubbedinenglish
- twinturbo2
- Vilam

- Clydefrog
- Phthisis
- Pickles the Firecat

- FUBAR McDangles
- Rodeo Clown
- SummitAve
- Vman

- Kifimbo
- lamaroo
- Mr.Green
- Rand0m TAG
- Razorskin
- Red_Man
- Row
- Solo

- Milly79
- sefskillz

- Cagey
- Osorio

- TeethMummy
- toro5741

- Fox318
- KingHenrik30
- MetatronM
- Stasis

- Buba Big Guns
- Cake Boss
- equippedwithtowel
- KernelPanic
- MrToughPants
- Silexx

- brucewaynegretzky
- Curufinwe
- gcubed
- Slurmer
- t0mp
- yankeehater
- Zod the Bear

- .

- Alucard
- kassatsu
- purg3
- Zaraki_Kenpachi

- Acid08
- Cat Party
- Giant Robot

- belvedere
- Freyjadour
- Holiday Cagney

- ZeroGravity

- BigJonsson
- bonesmccoy
- Brinbe
- Cactus
- DopeyFish
- E-DuB
- FortunateSon
- Kave_Man
- Kuro Madoushi
- lupinko
- Merguson
- Montresor
- Quick
- sammich
- Simon Belmont
- Stet
- SuperSonic1305
- Surge
- Wendel Clark
- Zombie James

- bishoptl
- CCF23
- Cold-Steel
- Crazymoogle
- Desibabu
- Lone_Prodigy
- Mike Works
- MutFox
- NetMapel
- opticalmace
- ShaneB
- Smiley90
- snack
- Socreges
- SpectreFire
- Tabris
- TemplaerDude

- Coldplay619
- rellix
- sazabirules

- calder
- Erdrick
- fallout