Dedication Through Light
Yay, I have access to Survivor 2!
Does it warrant an OT?
Yay, I have access to Survivor 2!
Does it warrant an OT?
The worst part about waiting a week for free Crunchyroll is people spoiling the episodes in advance.
The worst part about waiting a week for free Crunchyroll is people spoiling the episodes in advance.
I don't trust myself with that much power.Do you want to borrow my banhammer?
Man, that was me the whole winter season with Funimation's Haganai NEXT. It was five days later than the earliest broadcast (TBS), so with all the fansub screencaps being posted, I gave up on reading the thread except during the two-day window between the stream on Tuesdays and the TBS broadcast on Thursdays.The worst part about waiting a week for free Crunchyroll is people spoiling the episodes in advance.
I don't trust myself with that much power.
I just won't actually read any posts.Man, that was me the whole winter season with Funimation's Haganai NEXT. It was five days later than the earliest broadcast (TBS), so with all the fansub screencaps being posted, I gave up on reading the thread except during the two-day window between the stream on Tuesdays and the TBS broadcast on Thursdays.
Still, even five days was earlier than some parts of Japan. I felt sorry for the people in the 2ch thread watching it on Japanese stations that were a full week behind TBS, so they never had a safe zone the whole time.
The worst part about waiting a week for free Crunchyroll is people spoiling the episodes in advance.
Stop it you prickssssssssssssssssssssss.
I don't know how to use these.Guest passes:
I don't know how to use these.![]()
Majestic Prince - 1
What did surprise me in a rather positive way was the soundtrack, which turned out to be pretty enjoyable and fitting for the material.
So here's a thing I've been wondering about. How many great OPs out there stay great after the part used in the actual opening? I mean, there are some that are really good all the way through, but I've encountered a lot that just feel like they gave up after the first 1:30 of the song and just knocked out the rest in a day or two because "well, we do have to sell this as a single I guess".
Took the second one. Thanks.Guest passes:
Got it, thanks.
Took the second one. Thanks.
So here's a thing I've been wondering about. How many great OPs out there stay great after the part used in the actual opening? I mean, there are some that are really good all the way through, but I've encountered a lot that just feel like they gave up after the first 1:30 of the song and just knocked out the rest in a day or two because "well, we do have to sell this as a single I guess".
Whenever someone mentions that series I always get it confused with Mahoraba even though they're entirely different.
Oh god, that opening. The bad memories come flooding back.
Guest passes:
All gone!
Funimation got Karneval, thankfully(via their sms messages). Starting Monday April 8 at 1:35PM ET.
Funimation's second pick up for a stream is The Devil is a Part Timer (Hataraku Maou-sama!)
I wish Kobayashi was alive. I don't think she's in anything this season.![]()
Yo Quartet had an interesting premise. Manga was bollocks though. Wonder what the anime will be like.
Man, that was me the whole winter season with Funimation's Haganai NEXT. It was five days later than the earliest broadcast (TBS), so with all the fansub screencaps being posted, I gave up on reading the thread except during the two-day window between the stream on Tuesdays and the TBS broadcast on Thursdays.
So is The Diary of Anne Frank as bad as ANN says or is this ANN being ANN?
She really had quite the imagination for such a young girl.I remember reading that story for English class in high school. It was nice.
Contains episodes 1-13 plus a full-color, 28-page hardcover art book styled after the Book of Friends and featuring detailed info about the characters, an episode guide, and key character and background art.
Special Features: Clean Opening, Clean Ending, Japanese Commercials.
Sexy cat girl Kobayashi? lolYou can always watch Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal for that three second Kobayashi cameo every episode or so wwwwwwwwwwwwww
Natsume's Book of Friends season 4 on July 2, 2013.
Sexy cat girl Kobayashi? lol
So it's not half naked girls with big breasts fighting each other with martial arts? lol
someone asked whether he thought the CG techniques he'd employed in the film would eventually start making their way into popular TV anime like Bleach or Fairy Tail. Clearly whoever it was had never seen KingdomKamiyama felt that at present not only was the technique too expensive (he estimated that producing the film in this way had cost possibly four times as much as it would have done to produce it in traditional animation, even though the production process wasn't significantly longer than normal for an anime movie at around 2 years) but there simply aren't enough 3D animators in Japan to produce more work of this type.
I never noticed it before, but I think I see Natsume jumping to her death outside that window.
Miyukichi already present, 10/10 show of the year.