STEAM announcements & updates 2013 II - ITT we buy $1 games and complain about them

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The main difference between Xbox One's approach and Steam's is the fact that the PC is hardware agnostic with forward-compatibility basically guaranteed.

Buying into Xbox One is like investing heavily in minidiscs.

I just got the entire Unreal franchise dating back over 10 years for 10 dolla.

Thats really all that needs to be said. Fuck Xbox One, Steam box chooo-choooooooo!


Guys I never had a severe enough issue with Steam back in 2004 to still be lamenting it in 2013.

Does that make me insane?

It took me 16 hours download the unlock for my preloaded copy of Half-Life 2 on launch night and the key was something like 100 KB. That is the main thing that sticks with me.


Unconfirmed Member
It doesn't really work like that I'm afraid. Good or not, companies will want you buying games and hardware on new consoles and PC gaming will be "dead" again in about a year or two. See EA's new engine.

Then of course it'll pick back up again and be glorious.

Circle of gaming.
EA can die for all that I care. I don't want to touch the new Mass Effect, nor Medal of Honor, nor the Mickey Star Wars games.
It doesn't really work like that I'm afraid. Good or not, companies will want you buying games and hardware on new consoles and PC gaming will be "dead" again in about a year or two. See EA's new engine.

Then of course it'll pick back up again and be glorious.

Circle of gaming.

I think the increasing costs of making games will ensure that publishers can't just ignore the PC gaming market like they did at the start of the 360/ps3 generation. Worst case is some lazy ports which we've all gotten used to over time. PCs will brute force them as always and you'll likely still get the best possible experience on the PC platform.

Guys I never had a severe enough issue with Steam back in 2004 to still be lamenting it in 2013.

Does that make me insane?

I bought HL2 in on launch day (November 2004) when I was still in college and I couldn't decrypt the game until I got home for the holidays (December 2004). Steam was hopeless back then.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
I bought HL2 in on launch day (November 2004) when I was still in college and I couldn't decrypt the game until I got home for the holidays (December 2004). Steam was hopeless back then.

I actually had it unlock the day it came out. I remember accidentally recording like 10 minutes of gameplay with Fraps in the hovercraft.


I can choose one: Mark of the Ninja, or $10 Sega Magnificent Array Pack on Amazon with Nights, JSR and some games I have and/or won't play.
Anyone want to bet on whether they'll release the Xbox One controller for Windows, or even bother to make it compatible? They actually made it a point to say they're using a new proprietary protocol.

Valve's controller can't come soon enough.

I am only looking forward to Valve's controller. I want it to be the face of pc gaming like steam is. sure 360 controller is standard but its still xbox,i rather valve which is the face of pc gaming standardize the controller.




I don't care if it's old. With everything being about Xbox One, I'm going to relive this as many times as I want to.


Unconfirmed Member
Finished Prototype. The last few missions are repetitive (actually, all of them are) and frustrating, as Alex, despite being an overpowered mutant, is actually pretty weak against those endgame enemies.

It's a fun game, though a little longer than I would have liked. I don't see myself playing the sequel anytime soon.


I am only looking forward to Valve's controller. I want it to be the face of pc gaming like steam is. sure 360 controller is standard but its still xbox,i rather valve which is the face of pc gaming standardize the controller.

The analog sticks on the new Xbox One controller are pretty fucking sexy.

But I'm ready to ditch these 360 controllers as well.


Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Finished Prototype. The last few missions are repetitive (actually, all of them are) and frustrating, as Alex, despite being an overpowered mutant, is actually pretty weak against those endgame enemies.

It's a fun game, though a little longer than I would have liked. I don't see myself playing the sequel anytime soon.
You aren't a whiny underpowered bitch in the sequel thankfully.
I'm getting some occasional low framerates in Half Life 2.
I just upgraded my PC (Core i5, GTX 660ti, 8gb RAM, 256 SSD) and I think I should be able to get a rock solid framerate in HL2 at all times with everything maxed, right?

I turned the AA down to 4xMLAA (or whatever the setting is) and that helped, but I still get a low framerate in weird spots, like when I look at a wall when you first get out into the open in City 17.

It could be the vsync because I was getting a TON of screen tearing when I started it up, but I couldn't get triple buffering to work and I HATE screen tearing. Is there some other setting I can mess with to increase my performance?


Anyone want to bet on whether they'll release the Xbox One controller for Windows, or even bother to make it compatible? They actually made it a point to say they're using a new proprietary protocol.

Valve's controller can't come soon enough.

It looks like it uses Micro USB, so I feel like it'll work perfectly fine.


I enjoyed it. Then again, I've never played a hitman game and I'm not exactly a stealth aficionado so I don't know what's considered an amazing stealth game.

I've spent $5 on worse things than it.

Its less about the money and more about the time spent playing an objectively mediocre game.


What makes you hate Hitman Absolution? Played almost 10 hours, I see nothing bad about it. Some missions are somewhat linear and kinda boring but there are fun missions too


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
Have an extra Blades of Time Limited Edition Steam key - quote if you want it.
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