The recent CoD4 thread makes me wish there was a new magical sale for it for a 5 or something. I want to revisit it.
....never gonna happen I know.
That's how I got it
The recent CoD4 thread makes me wish there was a new magical sale for it for a 5 or something. I want to revisit it.
....never gonna happen I know.
That's how I got it
That's how I got it
Me too. Random Amazon sale, iirc.
Midweek Madness #1 is 66% off Sins of a Solar Star: Rebellion ($13.59, $40.79 for a four-pack [~$10.20 per head], $15.29 for the game + OST bundle or $45 for the Stardock Pack)
Midweek Madness #2 is 66% of Cities XL Platinum ($10.20)
Edit: The Daily is 75% off the Dead Space franchise. Mass Effect, Need for Speed and Burnout Paradise were just 2-3 weeks ago. EA testing the water?
is this any good?Midweek Madness #1 is 66% off Sins of a Solar Star: Rebellion ($13.59, $40.79 for a four-pack [~$10.20 per head], $15.29 for the game + OST bundle or $45 for the Stardock Pack)
Quote this post for Drakensang key, and please post if you took it.
I need DS3 on Steam.
I have Dead Space 1 on Steam and Dead Space 2 & 3 on Origin.
For some reason this situation makes my OCD itch much worse than anything else on Steam, including sequels that sort out of order, duplicate and bad games in my collection.
I need DS3 on Steam.
I have Dead Space 1 on Steam and Dead Space 2 & 3 on Origin.
For some reason this situation makes my OCD itch much worse than anything else on Steam, including sequels that sort out of order, duplicate and bad games in my collection.
I have 99 unplayed games and am trying to reduce my backlog...Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't
I added some info on the Tsundoku group. No one wants to join?
is this any good?
it's like a 4x game right?
its more of a strategy game with light 4x features, its fun but you'd be disappointed going in expecting Gal civ.
I have 99 unplayed games and am trying to reduce my backlog...
You should really give the group an avatar/icon whatever, though. I mean, you already have this:
I'm about to pass a massive milestone in my backlog.
After I beat System Shock 2, I will have more games completed than those in my backlog!
You clearly aren't buying nearly enough games. You are like an Oliver Twist that doesn't have enough fire in the belly to demand more gruel.
I've personally put the brakes on buying games.
Decided that there is little value in owning and playing through mediocre games.
Hitman Absolution is a great example, I saw it on sale for $5 on Amazon the other week. Decided to ignore it
I've personally put the brakes on buying games.
Decided that there is little value in owning and playing through mediocre games.
Hitman Absolution is a great example, I saw it on sale for $5 on Amazon the other week. Decided to ignore it
Crap, I'm sad that I hadn't picked a thq humble bundle back in the day, I really want the company of heroes collection, but couldn't find it cheap
I've personally put the brakes on buying games.
Decided that there is little value in owning and playing through mediocre games.
Hitman Absolution is a great example, I saw it on sale for $5 on Amazon the other week. Decided to ignore it
How cheap could you find it?
I've had the backloggery icon for 100+ unfinished games since the day I joined backloggery. Just 45 more completed games until I'm in the clear.I've personally put the brakes on buying games.
Decided that there is little value in owning and playing through mediocre games.
Hitman Absolution is a great example, I saw it on sale for $5 on Amazon the other week. Decided to ignore it
Surely it can't be THAT bad, right?Both of these posts have a sense of self punishment about them
No idea. As I said, I want to get all the non-cheat and non-costume DLC before I even begin to play it xDWasn't there some achievement related to clean driving? How did you guys manage that one? I found driving for even ten seconds without some idiot AI driver veering into my path to be exasperating.
Were all of these Steam activated?Just these for me. The 18 Wheels games are part of this pack which should be $12.50 come the Summer Sale, so they can wait.
Achtung Panzer Kharkov 1943 - $4.99
Darkest Hour - $3.49
Drakensang: The River of Time - $7.49
March of the Eagles - $9.99
Pro Cycling Manager 2012 - $7.99
Rotastic - $2.49
Europa Universalis III: Absolutism - $0.99
Europa Universalis III: Music of the World - $0.99
Europa Universalis III: Revolution 2 - $0.99
IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover - $12.99
War of the Roses: Brian Blessed DLC - $1.99
Silverfall - $1.99
Silverfall: Earth Awakening - $1.99
Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends - $7.49
Vigil: Blood Bitterness - $1.24
Were all of these Steam activated?
Thank you for the info. I was trying to figure out if the Paradox DLC was mixed Steam/Non-Steam or not. Almost bought Darkest Hour/Their Finest Hour figuring that the logical assumption to make would be that they would activate on Steam if they were selling alongside the base game which was Steam activated... Really quite annoying that they aren't. Thanks again for saving me the trouble of making mistaken purchases.Those EU III DLC are not Steam and neither is Darkest Hour. I edited my lists early on to reflect that and most of the errors were with Paradox titles. The rest are Steam but Achtung has never been in stock so far and probably won't be, and Ferrari hasn't went on sale quite yet.
Logged into Dota for the first time since Trading Cards went live and got a Foil Tidehunter.
I'm looking into Steam userscripts to try to enhance my Steam experience. I found one that darkens games in the game list that you already own so it's easier to browse through large categories. That's cool.
I'm looking for one that lists a game's lowest historical price next to the current price (presumably it'd use a third party database). The operative thing here is that I want that price displayed on the page, not having to look it up manually. Does this exist?
Dark Forces II is a really damn good FPS. Superb followup to the first Dark Forces, an overall better game. Kinda janky on Windows 7 64 bit but still playable.
After I complete Mysteries of the Sith, I shall finally experience Jedi Knight 2 and Jedi Academy. OH LAWWWWWD I CAN'T WAIT
Stupid question, but now that sega publishes CoH did they change the THQ logo or they keep it there?
So, how does the Card Drop on Dota 2 works?
You only get the "default" drops if you bought something for Dota 2 BEFORE the Trading Card beta went up?
If I bought a key AFTER it went up, I won't get amny regular drops, right?
All I'll get is a drop on every 9 dollars?
Beta update - May 21st
MAY 21ST, 2013 - AL
We have several profile updates today based on feedback:
Only 3 recent games will be shown on the profile page, down from 6.
The Recent Game Activity section on the profile will show total playtime for the last 2 weeks.
You can now choose a badge to feature from the Edit Profile page
Both Featured Badge and Profile Background can now be unset from the Edit Profile page
Additionally, the following coupons were not working correctly and have been fixed:
Portal 2
Frozen Synapse
Tales of Monkey Island (this coupon still incorrectly says "Episode 1", but applies to the whole pack)
That is some bullshit.
Even Steam Support making fun of the Xbox event