STEAM announcements & updates 2013 II - ITT we buy $1 games and complain about them

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gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Those EU III DLC are not Steam and neither is Darkest Hour. I edited my lists early on to reflect that and most of the errors were with Paradox titles. The rest are Steam but Achtung has never been in stock so far and probably won't be, and Ferrari hasn't went on sale quite yet.

Tony was told by Paradox that there are no Steam keys because "the game isn't available on Steam", to which I responded saying that's absolute crap because the game was on Steam as part of the Paradox Complete Pack but disappeared when said pack was pulled in early 2012 as it was never made available individually -- it even uses Steamworks for achievements. I also mentioned that a game not being sold on Steam doesn't preclude Steam keys being made available to third parties (e.g. Disciples Reincarnation).

Tony wasn't convinced and seems to believe what he was told is true, bringing up the matter of legal/contractual issues causing games to disappear, but none of that applies to APK1943 because Paradox is the only publisher involved with the DD version and even if an issue with one or all of its retail distribution partners were preventing said version from being sold, it wouldn't apply to just Steam. Another CAG user raised the possibility that Graviteam obtained self-publishing rights for the Steam version, but that seems decidedly unlikely to me considering Graviteam doesn't have a single game on Steam and it's been well over a year since the PCP was pulled (i.e. the game would have returned by now).


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
Yeah I saw you discussing it there. Makes me sad because I don't own it and can't buy it on Steam and planned to get it from Amazon. :(


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Yeah I saw you discussing it there. Makes me sad because I don't own it and can't buy it on Steam and planned to get it from Amazon. :(

In my travels across Google I did stumble upon a few posts mentioning that you can request a Steam key for APK1943 from Paradox if you provide your non-Steam key as proof of purchase. I submitted a support ticket asking if that is indeed the case, but three days later it's still "awaiting assignment".


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
In my travels across Google I did stumble upon a few posts mentioning that you can request a Steam key for APK1943 from Paradox if you provide your non-Steam key as proof of purchase. I submitted a support ticket asking if that is indeed the case, but three days later it's still "awaiting assignment".

Interesting. Let me know how that turns out.


hey guyz are you this legit


didnt think so


Well, if it's anything like the previous controller, no information is transferred via the cable -only power.

Also true, but I could see Microsoft pulling a Sony and only selling wireless controllers that are capable of being wired via a cable (and sending data through it simultaneously). They would get away with charging more for a controller that way.


Also true, but I could see Microsoft pulling a Sony and only selling wireless controllers that are capable of being wired via a cable (and sending data through it simultaneously). They would get away with charging more for a controller that way.
As long as I don't have to put batteries in if it is wired. Doesn't the logitech g700 work the same way?


I like the visual design, but I'll reserve judgement until they come out. Cautiously optimistic.
Looks like the analogs get more "distance"
not sure what the word is I'm looking for here

Shit where have I been and any clue on how much it will cost?


I'm guessing anyone who posts in this thread already has it if they're interested, but it looks like the original Deus Ex quietly dropped its price to $6.99 after the Human Revolution daily deal—this likely means it'll go down to $1.75 during the summer sale, right?

Also, does anyone think there's a chance that the older TES titles—or rather, Morrowind, since I have Oblivion—will finally go down in price when Skyrim: Legendary Edition hits? It's apparently been sitting at $19.99 since it went up, but I don't want to buy it off someone now if it has a chance of hitting $2.50 this year.



I'm guessing anyone who posts in this thread already has it if they're interested, but it looks like the original Deus Ex quietly dropped its price to $6.99 after the Human Revolution daily deal—this likely means it'll go down to $1.75 during the summer sale, right?

Also, does anyone think there's a chance that the older TES titles—or rather, Morrowind—will finally go down in price when Skyrim: Legendary Edition hits? It's been sitting at $19.99 since it went up apparently, but I don't want to buy it off someone now if it has a chance of hitting $2.50 this year.

if they're actually selling the game for like two bucks they might as well do humanity a favor and give it away for free.

imagine a world in which deus ex is free and available for all



if they're actually selling the game for like two bucks they might as well do humanity a favor and give it away for free.

imagine a world in which deus ex is free and available for all

I think I want to live in that world... I think I'm about 2/3rd of the way through System Shock 2, and Deus Ex sounds like another good (older) game to look into—even if some aspects don't hold up so well today (I've read mixed things). Sub-$2 would be a pretty cool world too.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I'm guessing anyone who posts in this thread already has it if they're interested, but it looks like the original Deus Ex quietly dropped its price to $6.99 after the Human Revolution daily deal—this likely means it'll go down to $1.75 during the summer sale, right?

It's a distinct possibility, yes.

Also, does anyone think there's a chance that the older TES titles—or rather, Morrowind—will finally go down in price when Skyrim: Legendary Edition hits? It's been sitting at $19.99 since it went up apparently, but I don't want to buy it off someone now if it has a chance of hitting $2.50 this year.

Morrowind and Oblivion have been the same price for at least the past ~three years, and the cynic in me says that Skyrim's re-release is unlikely to change that. The Legendary Edition is out in two weeks, anyway, so you don't have to wait long for your answer.


It's a distinct possibility, yes.


Morrowind and Oblivion have been the same price for at least the past ~three years, and the cynic in me says that Skyrim's re-release is unlikely to change that. The Legendary Edition is out in two weeks, anyway, so you don't have to wait long for your answer.

Yeah, I went on steamgamesales to give it the ol' price check. I agree that a $59.99 Skyrim probably won't prompt a lowering of that price, but I thought I'd check to see what you Steam veterans thought. Morrowind would fit well in the month's data usage though, so I don't know if I'll bother to wait.

I could invoke Murphy's Law for the greater good. Dat $2 sacrifice.
I was talking mostly about wireless controllers specifically. Even if MS releases Wired Controllers that are compatible with the PC, I'd still wait for a wireless solution.

apparently this new controller will use wifi wireless connection, so idk if this will be compatible with the current wifi network cards, or it will use some kind of encryption or whatever.

I read that the controller can be used on the pc just by plugging it with the usb cord.


Unconfirmed Member
I think I want to live in that world... I think I'm about 2/3rd of the way through System Shock 2, and Deus Ex sounds like another good (older) game to look into—even if some aspects don't hold up so well today (I've read mixed things). Sub-$2 would be a pretty cool world too.
It holds up perfectly, and it isn't just another good old game; it's THE good old game.

I believe those were the best $2.50 I've ever spent.
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