STEAM announcements & updates 2013 II - ITT we buy $1 games and complain about them

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No, valve bans people for using VPNs to buy.

That said, if someone wants to hook me up with a preorder at that BR price hit me up. I got a few pals who would love you for it.

Yeah, don't use VPN, I got banned for that two times. We need a few Brazilian GAFfers to buy that thing en masse. :)


Brave New World is $29.99 USD ($26.99 with its current -10%). If you're getting it for a couple bucks then, let's work something out.

Saints Row IV is $49.99 ($44.99 with its current -10%). Considering it's an expansion pack for SR3 that got split off into its own game, that's really expensive.


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
Holy shit at that BR price for the new Civ. If someone can get me a copy I'll love you forever (and pay you back, of course). =p
You have an awesome girlfriend with great taste, my gf hates video games....

As for which one to play, depends on your tastes.

Fez is a puzzle game.

Dust is a Metroidvania Action-RPG.

I know that feel bro.

Also, Final Telltale Humble Bundle #s :

Total payments: $1,050,545.64
Number of purchases: 240,621
Average purchase: $4.37

New Weekly is Serious Sam


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Devolver should just reduce the base prices of the Serious Sam franchise; it's on sale at least once a fortnight. :p


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Can someone tell me how I'm supposed to get rid of this Serious Sam: Double D coupon now that it's basically worthless next to this Humble Sale?

Give it away or let it expire. Valve has functionality that allows you to delete inventory items, however it currently applies only to Dota 2 invites.
I'm always a bit baffled by the random people that BTA when it's like $11.08.

Top Contributors

1.@ForkParker $100.00
2.Jeff $30.00
4.SRSLY $25.00
5.DerLonghi $12.00
6.aybarsiya $11.09
7.Anonymous $11.09
8.Anonymous $11.09
9.Massive penis man $11.09
10.Anonymous $11.09


Anyone from Brazil here willing to help?

Pre-order for Sid Meier's Civilization V: Brave New World is up and it costs only 3.59 BRL (~1.70$) in Brazil.

Damnit, the one time I need my brazilian friend and he's nowhere to be found.


Saints Row IV is up


$44.99 (-10%) if you own SR3?

Plus skins?


Yeees finally, been checking everyday waiting for it to be up.


Those of you interested in getting Brave New World for cheap can PM me your e-mails.

Edit: I can only get 5 or 6 copies because I haven't paid the credit card bill yet.


So I am confused. I am trying to buy all of the DLC for Saints Row the 3rd. Per the image below I have verified I do not have any DLC:


When I go to purchase and click continue to pay I get the following error:




Those of you interested in getting Brave New World for cheap can PM me your e-mails.

Edit: I can only get 5 or 6 copies because I haven't paid the credit card bill yet.

I'm interested, can pay you back via steam wallet (pick a game for $5 and I'll buy it for you)


can't decide if I'm excited or worried about sr4

never go full retard, volition, you knew better in sr3, I hope you still do


Those of you interested in getting Brave New World for cheap can PM me your e-mails.

Edit: I can only get 5 or 6 copies because I haven't paid the credit card bill yet.

Paypal isn't an option in Brazil right?

edit: Huge thanks to FACE. You're the best.
Those of you interested in getting Brave New World for cheap can PM me your e-mails.

Edit: I can only get 5 or 6 copies because I haven't paid the credit card bill yet.

If you can't get that many, ignore my PM and give it to someone else who will play it now.

well, drizzle seems to be helping :)
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