STEAM announcements & updates 2013 II - ITT we buy $1 games and complain about them

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My mind is boggled, I was so hyped for this game that I feel dirty, because I was completely willing to pay the full price.
Talk about an ethical dillema.

It's silly but yes, I was close to preordering it from GMG and seeing if the extra 20% would apply, and then the massive discount from friendly Brazil-GAF, and now I'm not sure how to feel having gotten it for cheap. lol Bah, ah well!

Thanks again to FACE for my copy, and to drizzle for providing to others, and whoever in advance is always helpful and making someone's day better.


Thanks, FACE!

WTF. Why do they have the option to add all DLC to cart if its going to cause issues? Is there anything in the season pass I will miss if I remove it and leave the rest in place?
Season Pass is just a bundle of the three DLC I mentioned, so you basically added them twice.

Are you adding the DLC individually? You'd be better off just buying the Full Package to get them, cheaper that way. Although Full Package doesn't include the vampire DLC (which ruins your game anyway).


I'll buy a Brave New World key off someone. Who's still able to get them? I just added Drizzle to my friend's list, and then saw he is tapped out.


Thanks, Drizzle!

Season Pass is just a bundle of the three DLC I mentioned, so you basically added them twice.

Are you adding the DLC individually? You'd be better off just buying the Full Package to get them, cheaper that way. Although Full Package doesn't include the vampire DLC (which ruins your game anyway).

I clicked the add all DLC and it did just that. I removed the season pass and it let me continue. Why does the vampire DLC ruin the game? Can you disable it?


Stormy Grey
Do you think we should open a new thread to call Brazil-GAF to the rescue while this is still fresh? Might help make buys go a bit quicker. I'd be willing to help arrange an OP for it.


Do you think we should open a new thread to call Brazil-GAF to the rescue while this is still fresh? Might help make buys go a bit quicker. I'd be willing to help arrange an OP for it.

Can't both parties get banned for this? Didn't we already experience this during the Steam sales last year?


Stormy Grey
Can't both parties get banned for this? Didn't we already experience this during the Steam sales last year?

From where? I don't recall GAF handing out bans and the only bans I've seen Valve take action on were for people using VPNs for regional pricing. I don't think anyone got banned over the Sleeping Dogs 90% off pricing error being taken advantage of.


I clicked the add all DLC and it did just that. I removed the season pass and it let me continue. Why does the vampire DLC ruin the game? Can you disable it?
Well, "ruin" is an overstatement. It changes the neck break animation into drinking someone's blood. I've heard it's irreversible, but I only have Season Pass + Shark Gun so I couldn't tell you.


There have been talks about a bundle on Amazon containing

  1. Stealth Bastard Deluxe
  2. Afterfall Insanity Complete
  3. Strike Suit Zero
  4. Mars War Logs and
  5. Galaxy on Fire 2 HD
over at CaG by Tony himself so if u find that more tempting than the current "Covern of Fire Zero" pack i'd suggest that you wait a bit.
Thank you for the heads up about this.


From where? I don't recall GAF handing out bans and the only bans I've seen Valve take action on were for people using VPNs for regional pricing.

GAF didn't hand out bans. I do recall people who were gifting more than a few people getting banned and the receipiant getting banned as well. I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure.


Brasil finally getting due respect from GAF. Figures it's at a time when you guys want to gibbe ur monie HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE.

Hahahaha! I wish I have thought of that sooner!

All right peoples, I got 4 before Steam error'ed on me, so I will stop before being asked to contact support again.

I will gladly buy one from you good sir.

Where do we form a queue?

Would love a hook up if possible.

Sent you a pm

And it goes to these dudes because they asked first and the world is unfair and cool stuff is decided not by merit but by being in the right place. Congratulations on being in the right place, guys!

What I'll ask you to do, to ease my consciousness, is not pay me, but to buy a humble bundle or something. Cheers.


Hahahaha! I wish I have thought of that sooner!

All right peoples, I got 4 before Steam error'ed on me, so I will stop before being asked to contact support again.

And it goes to these dudes because they asked first and the world is unfair and cool stuff is decided not by merit but by being in the right place. Congratulations on being in the right place, guys!

What I'll ask you to do, to ease my consciousness, is not pay me, but to buy a humble bundle or something. Cheers.

Thanks anyways man.


Axel Hertz
Serious Sam HD First and Second Encounters are not the same thing as Serious Sam Classic: First and Second encounters, right?


Can't both parties get banned for this? Didn't we already experience this during the Steam sales last year?
No, it's not bannable. I've done no small amount of regional gifting and Valve is fully aware* of it. Using a VPN or other means to directly buy outside your region may be bannable, but generously gifting your international friends is completely acceptable.

* If you make enough purchases in a small period of time, especially gift purchases, it flags your account and prevents you from making any other purchases until Valve reviews your account. (This is probably a safeguard in case you get hacked or whatever so they can limit the damage.) Those error messages FACE was getting? That's what it is.
Hahahaha! I wish I have thought of that sooner!

All right peoples, I got 4 before Steam error'ed on me, so I will stop before being asked to contact support again.

Holy crap! Thanks man!! Will buy a bundle in your name.

And it goes to these dudes because they asked first and the world is unfair and cool stuff is decided not by merit but by being in the right place. Congratulations on being in the right place, guys!

What I'll ask you to do, to ease my consciousness, is not pay me, but to buy a humble bundle or something. Cheers.

Tha man!! Will buy one in your name!


Stormy Grey
Serious Sam HD First and Second Encounters are not the same thing as Serious Sam Classic: First and Second encounters, right?

Correct. HD changes around a few things, but mostly the removal of secrets. The classic ones run on the original engine, while the HD ones run on the SS3 version of the engine.

Also still lookin for a BRGAF hookup, 3-4 copies of BNW needed, can paypal.


More trading cards

These games now have Trading Cards, Emoticons, Profile Backgrounds and Badges to collect:
Left 4 Dead 2
Sanctum 2
Go Home Dinosaurs!
Triple Town
Cubemen 2

Thanks to the developers and to everyone participating in the beta. Please keep the feedback coming!


Axel Hertz
* If you make enough purchases in a small period of time, especially gift purchases, it flags your account and prevents you from making any other purchases until Valve reviews your account. (This is probably a safeguard in case you get hacked or whatever so they can limit the damage.) Those error messages FACE was getting? That's what it is.

Do I need to contact Support or they'll *review* the account by themselves?


Hahahaha! I wish I have thought of that sooner!

All right peoples, I got 4 before Steam error'ed on me, so I will stop before being asked to contact support again.

And it goes to these dudes because they asked first and the world is unfair and cool stuff is decided not by merit but by being in the right place. Congratulations on being in the right place, guys!

What I'll ask you to do, to ease my consciousness, is not pay me, but to buy a humble bundle or something. Cheers.

Thank you kind sir. And he is not joking. He is refusing to take my money. Classy fella.
Hahahaha! I wish I have thought of that sooner!

All right peoples, I got 4 before Steam error'ed on me, so I will stop before being asked to contact support again.

And it goes to these dudes because they asked first and the world is unfair and cool stuff is decided not by merit but by being in the right place. Congratulations on being in the right place, guys!

What I'll ask you to do, to ease my consciousness, is not pay me, but to buy a humble bundle or something. Cheers.

Thanks so much! I will be more than happy to buy one in your honor.


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
Can't both parties get banned for this? Didn't we already experience this during the Steam sales last year?

Nah, Valve won't ban for this, though occasionally they will send out a message to an individual user. I've helped gift hundreds of times over the past couple years.

Using VPN to buy from Russia for cheap and resell to other regions can get you banned, theoretically anyway, since I know people who've been doing it for a long time and are still operating.


Well, anyway, if anybody from Brazil wants to trade Brave New World for three Tour of Duty Tickets, please add me on Steam: They sell for like $0.8 each, so you'll be able to just sell them on the market and get the DLC without any "real money" involvement.

Reposting to the new page. I can also paypal, but I really prefer this way, because I've had those tickets for a while and don't want them. I'll give you the tickets first.
And it goes to these dudes because they asked first and the world is unfair and cool stuff is decided not by merit but by being in the right place. Congratulations on being in the right place, guys!

What I'll ask you to do, to ease my consciousness, is not pay me, but to buy a humble bundle or something. Cheers.

Thanks, dude, you're doing us a favor.

From that list, I only have Left 4 Dead 2.
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