STEAM announcements & updates 2013 II - ITT we buy $1 games and complain about them

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Hm, if you hover over the graph it gives more details, highest price according to this was 2,25€.

As I understand it, the "2,25 € 10 sold" means that over this period of time, 10 cards were sold with a median price of 2,25 €. It doesn't show the min/max of sale prices.


Ah yes my fellow GAFfers, I finally finished Half-Life 2.
I know I'm late, please don't joke. :(

Had to play on poor settings since I do not have my Gaming PC with me anymore.



Do you guys think the new TitanFall game will be EA partners, therefore it can be released on Steam?

Kind of sounds like a possibility since Respawn still owns the IP outright.

Ah yes my fellow GAFfers, I finally finished Half-Life 2.
I know I'm late, please don't joke. :(

Had to play on poor settings since I do not have my Gaming PC with me anymore.


What did you think?


Ah yes my fellow GAFfers, I finally finished Half-Life 2.
I know I'm late, please don't joke. :(

Had to play on poor settings since I do not have my Gaming PC with me anymore.


I got 20 hours on it and still didn't finish (4 times restart). One of these days I hope.

Trine 2 got 450++mb update all of a sudden.
New DLC is coming?


What did you think?

Well, to be honest I haven't played the first one (but I have it). I got this one first when it was on sale long time ago, started a bit then never touched it again (because no PC).

I actually can see why this is such a praised game. I played a lot of FPS's and I feel that playing this game now, instead of when it was released is much better because I played so much "bland" FPS's that playing something in such a different world feels amazing. The puzzles here and there are a nice touch on what makes this unique. The only part I did not like was the Boat segment. The City was great, shotgun was very satisfying to use.

I got 20 hours on it and still didn't finish (4 times restart). One of these days I hope.

I had a great time playing it fellow GAFfer, now I'll give some resting time but then I'll be back for the Episode 1 and 2 (and 3?)


As I understand it, the "2,25 € 10 sold" means that over this period of time, 10 cards were sold with a median price of 2,25 €. It doesn't show the min/max of sale prices.

If you go over foils, it tells you this stuff if the market is barron enough. You can individually see that one card sold for X.XX dollars. It's when there's heavy volume that median price kicks in.

EDIT: Just went and checked that card in question. Yeah, there's too much volume to pin point exact prices there. But being as the high point was 10 sales for average of 2.93, there was maybe a single card that fetched 7.00. If more had done so, the median price would have risen higher than that.
Ah yes my fellow GAFfers, I finally finished Half-Life 2.
I know I'm late, please don't joke. :(

Had to play on poor settings since I do not have my Gaming PC with me anymore.


Took me 14 hours as well with 91% of the achievements. I'm actually thinking about playing it again thanks to the trading card update.


I'm not really expecting it. Respawn used their leverage to keep their IP. Would they really wage war over Steam? Especially if EA plopped down a couple money bags?

Although nothing about this deal makes a lot of sense to me. Haven't people reported if it doesn't sell 5 million in the first month, EA can void the contract? So I don't know how, if true, you lock yourself into exclusivity on that. Then again, maybe the money bags are just too big.

EDIT: Sorry about that. Confused it with Bungie/Activision. That's 5 million over 6 months. Little different :lol But still crazy.


I'm not really expecting it. Respawn used their leverage to keep their IP. Would they really wage war over Steam? Especially if EA plopped down a couple money bags?

Although nothing about this deal makes a lot of sense to me. Haven't people reported if it doesn't sell 5 million in the first month, EA can void the contract? So I don't know how, if true, you lock yourself into exclusivity on that. Then again, maybe the money bags are just too big.

Holy shit.


I'm not really expecting it. Respawn used their leverage to keep their IP. Would they really wage war over Steam? Especially if EA plopped down a couple money bags?

Although nothing about this deal makes a lot of sense to me. Haven't people reported if it doesn't sell 5 million in the first month, EA can void the contract? So I don't know how, if true, you lock yourself into exclusivity on that. Then again, maybe the money bags are just too big.

That can't be true surely. New IP, 5 million, not even on all the consoles.


Just seeing this now too since it was pointed out. Is Source engine still prominent? I figured it got left behind by everyone else except Valve since it seemed like everything used UE3.

From the GI article its a heavily modified Source.

Bethesda would just rename the engine.

That can't be true surely. New IP, 5 million, not even on all the consoles.

Would be quite the gamble for Respawn, I highly doubt the legitimacy of that particular rumor.

From what I've been reading it seems that Respawn had all the advantages in negotiation. They were in high demand from every publisher.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Just seeing this now too since it was pointed out. Is Source engine still prominent? I figured it got left behind since it seemed like everything used UE3.

It's use was never very prominent outside of Valve games.

Popping into the Titanfall thread and seeing people call the engine ugly makes me sad, angry, contemplative, then masturbatory.


Thanks for the replies, I guess prominent was the wrong word, I guess relevant is more appropriate.

I'm not a picky man, hell I think CS:GO looks great. edit: and yes, it runs so damn awesome as Grief says.


I say it looks great. Either at 120hz or stereo 60fps, I'm perfectly content with the recent Source games (if we were frozen in time at that fidelity).

Long in the tooth is more like it. I remember HL2 running like a dog on my machine, years when it first came out.

Sounds like bad drivers.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
The Titanfall thread is just great because where else can you go currently to see the same people rag on an engine then espouse the virtues of the cloud?

It's that magical intersection that happens only because videogames are still marketed using technical terms most people don't understand. It's one of the few enthusiast hobbies where you can know a lot of the terms but actually know very little about what they mean.


We know that Hideo is prepping a real trailer for E3, so that is our next hope.

If that PC logo shows up at the end of the trailer, jaws will drop.


Hmm, so Saints Row is free for a weekend, whats to stop you from completing it before monday? Or is it time limited or something?

I already have it just curious and its the first time I've noticed a single player game being free, although I'm sure its happened before.
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