STEAM announcements & updates 2013 II - ITT we buy $1 games and complain about them

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Axel Hertz
Heys bros, I have all the brave new world keys you'd want.

It actually costs me around 2,50 with the taxes to receive the money through paypal, but you're free to pay as much as you'd like, as long as it's in USD and 2,50 or more.

Add me on steam:

Apparently you all wanted more copies than Steam would allow me to buy.

Can't help anybody else.


If you can't get that many, ignore my PM and give it to someone else who will play it now.
I won't play it now, but I will play it in July when it comes out.

So I am confused. I am trying to buy all of the DLC for Saints Row the 3rd. Per the image below I have verified I do not have any DLC:


When I go to purchase and click continue to pay I get the following error:


It depends what's in your cart, but I'd guess the Season Pass and one of the content DLCs (which are included in the Season Pass). Either remove The Trouble With Clones, Genkibowl VII, and Gangstas in Space, or remove the Season Pass. Or just buy the Full Package.


Those of you interested in getting Brave New World for cheap can PM me your e-mails.

Edit: I can only get 5 or 6 copies because I haven't paid the credit card bill yet.
'Cause of edit, feel free to disregard my PM.

Heys bros, I have all the brave new world keys you'd want.

It actually costs me around 2,50 with the taxes to receive the money through paypal, but you're free to pay as much as you'd like, as long as it's in USD and 2,50 or more.

Add me on steam:
Added you on Steam.


I won't play it now, but I will play it in July when it comes out.

It depends what's in your cart, but I'd guess the Season Pass and one of the content DLCs (which are included in the Season Pass). Either remove The Trouble With Clones, Genkibowl VII, and Gangstas in Space, or remove the Season Pass. Or just buy the Full Package.

WTF. Why do they have the option to add all DLC to cart if its going to cause issues? Is there anything in the season pass I will miss if I remove it and leave the rest in place?


I can just see Drizzle spending all of today just buying this one game on steam, over and over.
Added him as well, can't pass up on that opportunity.


I think they're already fixing the price, I got this error when I tried to send a gift to Tomodachi:

There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance.


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
Thanks to drizzle for being awesome and getting me a copy of Brave New World for 75% off :D


Hmmmm. Would someone be kind enough to hook me up with the Civ5 price error gift? I will definitely tip. :)
My Steam is under my profile under homepage.


My mind is boggled, I was so hyped for this game that I feel dirty, because I was completely willing to pay the full price.
Talk about an ethical dillema.


Brasil finally getting due respect from GAF. Figures it's at a time when you guys want to gibbe ur monie HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE.
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