That's the secret to enjoying any venue in my experience.Higher percentage of big breasted women?
That's the secret to enjoying any venue in my experience.Higher percentage of big breasted women?
I seriously hope they have other types of gamer conventions after this. Gangster Gamer Convention in New Jersey, Farmer Gamer Convention in Kansas, Stoner Gamer convention in Amsterdam etc. This has the potential to be huge.
I seriously hope they have other types of gamer conventions after this. Gangster Gamer Convention in New Jersey, Farmer Gamer Convention in Kansas, Stoner Gamer convention in Amsterdam etc. This has the potential to be huge.
Don't you think that in life, people who are gay run into situations that make them feel hurt, hated, alienated, physically threatened, or second-class citizens? That's why there are LBGT groups and events. To give them a safe space where they can be sure that stuff doesn't happen. These events are not closed--you can attend, provided you are a friend of the values of the organization organizing them.
It's like any other minority organization. They don't have jewish groups to hate you for your religion, they have jewish groups to have a safe space filled with friends. They don't have black history month to argue that white people suck and contribute nothing, they have black history month to call attention to some of the contributions of people of colour that went unnoticed. They don't have take back to the night to make men feel threatened, they have take back the night so that women don't have to be threatened.
The reason why I made the first post is that I'm mindboggled anyone would make a post like your first post. You have gay friends? No shit. Everyone on earth has gay friends. And it's because you have gay friends that you should momentarily stop and say "Wait a minute, what if I'm reading this the wrong way?". And ask them. Ask them what it's like to live their life. And listen to them. There's plenty of people with black friends who cross the road when they see a stranger who is a person of colour, it doesn't mean their logic becomes bulletproof because they couldn't possibly racist. Racism, homophobia, and sexism aren't cartoon villains tying people to train tracks, they're mostly very banal and everyday, they're all the small ways that we marginalize others.
Even if you're a nice guy who is friendly to everyone and makes a lot of friends and considers himself empathetic, that doesn't mean you understand in any way the minority experience.
A gay olympics exists because, although the Olympics is intended to be inclusive, there are many ways where it and all other form of sport fall short. We're seeing a wide and systemic movement in American professional sport--by the way, there are literally 0 openly gay players in most American leagues, and fewer than a dozen in all of them; either you can conclude that gays suck at sports, or you can conclude that athletes don't feel comfortable coming out--to try to fight back against the homophobia, homophobic epithets, and cruelty hurled at gays. That amateur sport would want the same sort of safe space, especially and most importantly in light of the fact that the Olympics is taking place in an openly homophobic country that is rapidly backsliding and tacitly encouraging violence against gays, is not a surprise or an exclusion.
You are welcome to join your brothers and sisters in pride. Pride about who they are. Pride about who everyone can be. Mutual love and respect, humanity, and true empathy. Those are the values that drive Gay Olympics, Pride Week, GAYMERX, and every other safe space carved out for minorities anyway.
And that's why "Boy, those minorities sure are uppity? Won't they shut up about how bad they've got it?" comes off as cruel and inconsiderate.
Because when they hold a video game convention, Johnny CoD shows up and calls them faggots because they look the wrong way or because they aren't playing enough or just because. Because they want to wear what they want to wear, be who they are, and act the way they are, without worrying about how their identity bothers people. Because they want to have their husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, and friends there with them without getting sideways glances, rude stares, or heckled.
And if you're saying "Yes, but I'd never call somebody a faggot! That's so mean!" then why don't you go to GAYMERX, have a good time being around likeminded kind people, and not worry about the fact that you're a straight man standing under a rainbow banner. You're not unwelcome. You're not segregated. Go where you please. It doesn't make you less straight. It doesn't make it less OK to be straight. You are who you are. No one minds one bit.
P.S. When you do attend, and there's a panel about gay characters in gaming, please don't show up so you can say "There aren't many gay characters because <most people aren't gay / gaming is a business and it should cater to the majority / who would want to play as a gay character / authors shouldn't be forced to be fake diverse / who cares you can have gay sex in BioWare games so what are you even complaining about?>". Have an open mind. These are people speaking their heart about the pain they feel on a daily basis. They want you to be kind and to care and to empathize. They don't want you to remind them why they don't open their mouth to begin with.
I'm straight, but I'm pretty sure I'd rather attend a gay orientated games convention. Is it still bigotry if I'm positively stereotyping? Probably.
I tend to enjoy gay clubs more than straight clubs too. Better vibe, I find.
Anyway, seems like a good idea, hope everyone had a blast.
A welcome escape from heteronormativity at its most negative, I'd assume.
To be fair, meeting up can lead to dating. I doubt he meant hooking up = sex, more hooking up = dating. At least, that's how I took it.
So when's the black, mexican, or indian gamer convention for other minorities?
I get that it's a social event and common interests are a good icebreaker (plus I mean hell, it's already SanFran), but that's the kind of shit that just screams "all gays are promiscuous" to me. With GAF you can never tell if it's a simple observation or a militant neo-Redditor just barfing ignorance all over the walls.
The one instance where I'd be willing to give them the benefit of the doubt is if they're naive enough to think hooking up can be something other than sex in such a general context.
I get that it's a social event and common interests are a good icebreaker (plus I mean hell, it's already SanFran), but that's the kind of shit that just screams "all gays are promiscuous" to me. With GAF you can never tell if it's a simple observation or a militant neo-Redditor just barfing ignorance all over the walls.
The one instance where I'd be willing to give them the benefit of the doubt is if they're naive enough to think hooking up can be something other than sex in such a general context.
So when's the black, mexican, or indian gamer convention for other minorities?
Not to go against what you're saying, but I don't see why "hooking up" is not a valid appeal of events like these. I'm gay, and I like that such events usually have ratios that are in my favor. I'm definitely a "gotta date you a while before anything happens" kind of guy, but if other dudes wanna cut-to-the-chase and romp around, I don't see why anyone should look down upon them. It's not my business
but that's the kind of shit that just screams "all gays are promiscuous" to me.
Wait, people are upset/confused as to why this would exist? It's just an event for gay nerds to meet other gay nerds with themes, activities/panels catering more to gay interests. It's not about excluding anyone out, (I'm sure everyone is welcome to attend), and it's not a jab at other events "not being gay-friendly" or anything.
Also, places like these are nice for single geeky gays who are dating around, cause the ratio is usually in their favor. While everyone is absolutely welcome to attend, chances are as a gay dude you're not gonna accidentally hit on a straight-guy which is usually just awkward for everyone involved.
This is such a welcome point of view. Catering to a more niche interest =/= separatist. As a gay dude, I don't ever want people to feel like LGBT-oriented events are exclusionary or unwelcoming.
Not to go against what you're saying, but I don't see why "hooking up" is not a valid appeal of events like these. I'm gay, and I like that such events usually have ratios that are in my favor. I'm definitely a "gotta date you a while before anything happens" kind of guy, but if other dudes wanna cut-to-the-chase and romp around, I don't see why anyone should look down upon them. It's not my business.
I'd recommend checking out the two presentations linked here from GDC. And there's some cool panels, etc. on Youtube if you know what to search for. Thankfully this is something that's happening more and more. I want more video game conferences talking about feminism and more feminist conferences talking about video games.This minority tak made me think that it really needs a feminist convention to talk more openly about how gaming culture is MALE oriented before even being straight, white or cisgender oriented.
Is this post real?
What do you mean? I don't see anything wrong with any particular group of people gathering to enjoy gaming.
I'd recommend checking out the two presentations linked here from GDC. And there's some cool panels, etc. on Youtube if you know what to search for. Thankfully this is something that's happening more and more. I want more video game conferences talking about feminism and more feminist conferences talking about video games.
I know those ones ... and exactly because it is happening more and more that I think that we reached the point of "lets make some convention ABOUT this"
In the same way that pax already had LGBT panels and now .. this ! =D
I think it's important to also affirm and validate the need for exclusionary events. Like, as a man, I totally get that sometimes women need to have space away from men in order to be safe, open, candid, etc. As a cisgender man, I know the same is true for some trans events.Whenever those groups wanna throw a convention for themselves? No matter how specific these events may be, so long as everyone's welcome, I don't see what's the problem.
Totally. There's also the Queerness and Games Conference happening in October in Berkeley, CA.I know those ones ... and exactly because it is happening more and more that I think that we reached the point of "lets make some convention ABOUT this"
In the same way that pax already had LGBT panels and now .. this ! =D
Just going to quote him again:
That's why. A comment like what he's referring to can just be promoting stereotypes.
I think it's important to also affirm and validate the need for exclusionary events. Like, as a man, I totally get that sometimes women need to have space away from men in order to be safe, open, candid, etc. As a cisgender man, I know the same is true for some trans events.
It's nice to have open, totally inclusive events, but closed events are important, too.
Big Disclaimer: this does not apply to people in privileged positions. Like, if you're a white able-bodied hetero cis guy like me, you need to make your events welcoming and inclusive for everyone. We don't get to close our events in the name of "safe space".
Fear of stereotypes shouldn't dictate your behavior. Just live how you wanna freaking live.
Not to go against what you're saying, but I don't see why "hooking up" is not a valid appeal of events like these. I'm gay, and I like that such events usually have ratios that are in my favor. I'm definitely a "gotta date you a while before anything happens" kind of guy, but if other dudes wanna cut-to-the-chase and romp around, I don't see why anyone should look down upon them. It's not my business.
Whenever those groups wanna throw a convention for themselves? No matter how specific these events may be, so long as everyone's welcome, I don't see what's the problem.
I think you misunderstand me. I don't mean that it's not OK to go to an event like that to hookup. I'm just repeating the person I quoted, who stated that assuming people go to events like this solely to hookup is stereotyping that gay people are promiscuous and only go to things like this for sex, which is obviously bad.
I'm bi myself and spend more time being a slut than I'd like to admit, it's just the idea of the stereotype itself, like Grakl said. I don't mind if people do go there with the intention of finding someone, but to think that's going to be at the forefront of everyone's intentions because it's a gay con is just ridiculous.
Not every gay person who also happen to be a gamer lives in a big city where it's easier to find like-minded people
Yeah, but events like these aren't always about increasing visibility or forging a path into mainstream culture. Sometimes they're just about being around people like you, creating community and solidarity.I see no problem in having a convention more open to a certain group of people. However, we should make strides at other conventions, especially the larger more important ones, to establish ourselves as a subset, help fight stereotypes, and continue to integrate ourselves into the "traditional" industry. Only way to really instigate further change and acceptance.
Yeah, but events like these aren't always about increasing visibility or forging a path into mainstream culture. Sometimes they're just about being around people like you, creating community and solidarity.
Yeah, but events like these aren't always about increasing visibility or forging a path into mainstream culture. Sometimes they're just about being around people like you, creating community and solidarity.
My wife and I were just talking about this last week. We both love going to cons. We both enjoy them a ton. But there's absolutely a need for something like this. I told her we should start one up, but we kinda live in the middle of nowhere now... Maybe after we move.. I want more video game conferences talking about feminism and more feminist conferences talking about video games.
I seriously need to live on the west coast.There's also the Queerness and Games Conference happening in October in Berkeley, CA.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised about people's reactions to this, but c'mon guys. You really can't see why a gay gamer might want to have a convention that is geared towards them?
This post is full of good sense and humanity. Beautiful.Don't you think that in life, people who are gay run into situations that make them feel hurt, hated, alienated, physically threatened, or second-class citizens? That's why there are LBGT groups and events. To give them a safe space where they can be sure that stuff doesn't happen. These events are not closed--you can attend, provided you are a friend of the values of the organization organizing them.
It's like any other minority organization. They don't have jewish groups to hate you for your religion, they have jewish groups to have a safe space filled with friends. They don't have black history month to argue that white people suck and contribute nothing, they have black history month to call attention to some of the contributions of people of colour that went unnoticed. They don't have take back to the night to make men feel threatened, they have take back the night so that women don't have to be threatened.
The reason why I made the first post is that I'm mindboggled anyone would make a post like your first post. You have gay friends? No shit. Everyone on earth has gay friends. And it's because you have gay friends that you should momentarily stop and say "Wait a minute, what if I'm reading this the wrong way?". And ask them. Ask them what it's like to live their life. And listen to them. There's plenty of people with black friends who cross the road when they see a stranger who is a person of colour, it doesn't mean their logic becomes bulletproof because they couldn't possibly racist. Racism, homophobia, and sexism aren't cartoon villains tying people to train tracks, they're mostly very banal and everyday, they're all the small ways that we marginalize others.
Even if you're a nice guy who is friendly to everyone and makes a lot of friends and considers himself empathetic, that doesn't mean you understand in any way the minority experience.
A gay olympics exists because, although the Olympics is intended to be inclusive, there are many ways where it and all other form of sport fall short. We're seeing a wide and systemic movement in American professional sport--by the way, there are literally 0 openly gay players in most American leagues, and fewer than a dozen in all of them; either you can conclude that gays suck at sports, or you can conclude that athletes don't feel comfortable coming out--to try to fight back against the homophobia, homophobic epithets, and cruelty hurled at gays. That amateur sport would want the same sort of safe space, especially and most importantly in light of the fact that the Olympics is taking place in an openly homophobic country that is rapidly backsliding and tacitly encouraging violence against gays, is not a surprise or an exclusion.
You are welcome to join your brothers and sisters in pride. Pride about who they are. Pride about who everyone can be. Mutual love and respect, humanity, and true empathy. Those are the values that drive Gay Olympics, Pride Week, GAYMERX, and every other safe space carved out for minorities anyway.
And that's why "Boy, those minorities sure are uppity? Won't they shut up about how bad they've got it?" comes off as cruel and inconsiderate.
Because when they hold a video game convention, Johnny CoD shows up and calls them faggots because they look the wrong way or because they aren't playing enough or just because. Because they want to wear what they want to wear, be who they are, and act the way they are, without worrying about how their identity bothers people. Because they want to have their husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, and friends there with them without getting sideways glances, rude stares, or heckled.
And if you're saying "Yes, but I'd never call somebody a faggot! That's so mean!" then why don't you go to GAYMERX, have a good time being around likeminded kind people, and not worry about the fact that you're a straight man standing under a rainbow banner. You're not unwelcome. You're not segregated. Go where you please. It doesn't make you less straight. It doesn't make it less OK to be straight. You are who you are. No one minds one bit.
P.S. When you do attend, and there's a panel about gay characters in gaming, please don't show up so you can say "There aren't many gay characters because <most people aren't gay / gaming is a business and it should cater to the majority / who would want to play as a gay character / authors shouldn't be forced to be fake diverse / who cares you can have gay sex in BioWare games so what are you even complaining about?>". Have an open mind. These are people speaking their heart about the pain they feel on a daily basis. They want you to be kind and to care and to empathize. They don't want you to remind them why they don't open their mouth to begin with.
of course not, it's a pretty transparent dismissal
the hits keep comingWhy stop here, next they will be black,white,lesbian,Christian,Muslim,Scientology only gaming shows.
how would you classify the above?It seemed more like a slightly sarcastic suggestion.
I seriously hope they have other types of gamer conventions after this. Gangster Gamer Convention in New Jersey, Farmer Gamer Convention in Kansas, Stoner Gamer convention in Amsterdam etc. This has the potential to be huge.
the hits keep coming
how would you classify the above?
Mine was a more obvious sarcastic remark to try and show the ludicrously of the idea of a gay or any gaming convention with attendees that compromise of a certain group of people that some parts of society deem outcasts,not normal,inferior, or just plain wrong.
fucking please
Why stop here, next they will be black,white,lesbian,Christian,Muslim,Scientology only gaming shows.
wait, what?Mine was a more obvious sarcastic remark to try and show the ludicrously of the idea of a gay or any gaming convention with attendees that compromise of a certain group of people that some parts of society deem outcasts,not normal,inferior, or just plain wrong.
I guess you think its a good idea then?
I must be dense but what would be so ludicrous about these?Mine was a more obvious sarcastic remark to try and show the ludicrously of the idea of a gay or any gaming convention with attendees that compromise of a certain group of people that some parts of society deem outcasts,not normal,inferior, or just plain wrong.
Mine was a more obvious sarcastic remark to try and show the ludicrously of the idea of a gay or any gaming convention with attendees that compromise of a certain group of people that some parts of society deem outcasts,not normal,inferior, or just plain wrong.
Me too, it'd be full of hoes.I'd go to a farmer gamer convention.