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San Fran. Hosts GAYMERX, The World's First Gay Video Gamer Convention Last Weekend


This was planned before the whole Russia problem. And this is a summer Olympic like event.

Being planned beforehand is a reason why we should Russia's policies, then? There is no reason not to have a gay Olympics in a city anyway. Do you really have any reasoning for saying there shouldn't be?


So the fact that you're obviously incorrect about the Olympics being so open and inclusive doesn't cause you to question any of your other previous assumptions?

I was not incorrect. This is a problem caused by the host being backwards and not the Olympic games in general.


Being planned beforehand a reason why we should Russia's policies, then? There is no reason not to have a gay Olympics in a city anyway. Do you really have any reasoning for saying there shouldn't be?

I'm not saying there shouldn't be. I'm asking myself why there should be in an open western world where homosexuality is accepted.


It seems some people in this thread don't really notice how much the gaming industry (and beyond) caters to straight men. It's pretty much the default. So it's nice for minority groups to have a little something that caters to themselves.
Good for these guys and gals. I can't see why anyone would be objectively against it.

I'm no homophobe. I have some gay friends. But for a group that wants to be treated as equals they sure seem to like making exclusively gay events for some reason. If any majority did something like this we wouldn't hear the end of it.
A) rule of thumb: anything that comes before "but" doesn't count. I'm not saying this to make fun of you or anything but it tends to work.
B) it's like pretty much any minority debate: "assuming the majority did the same thing" tends to ignore that the majority already does the same thing without having to even acknowledge it. I'll be more than happy to lose this argument the day conventions aren't made for white males and most people don't give a fuck about gender or sexual orientation but let's not pretend we're there yet.


I'm not saying there shouldn't be. I'm asking myself why there should be in an open western world where homosexuality is accepted.

Oh, you think being gay is completely accepted in the U.S.. You're pretty sheltered then, I suppose, since it definitely isn't.


Is any gaming convention necessary?

For any current gen game, they could simply release a demo. Press releases, twitter, FB and other social media should cover news and announcements. Besides giving an opportunity to maybe play next gen stuff, what is the point?

Conventions are so much more than waiting in a long ass line to play a demo. Though you certainly can do that. The best part of something like PAX is the sense of community and it being one of the few places there is no social pressure to hide your interests, since everyone there is there to be at a gaming convention.


Neo Member
I'm not saying there shouldn't be. I'm asking myself why there should be in an open western world where homosexuality is accepted.

Because they want to, I see it only as a natural reaction to any and all discrimination homosexuals experience, not everyone that went has been hated on I'm sure, but it ultimately comes down to a way to connect with like-minded, tolerant people, without worry of persecution.

Anytime something like this happens you're bound to see someone say "well, what about a straight person convention?" and that's fine, but you see, those feelings of exclusion are just what some gay people feel, so they say "well, what about a gay person convention?" And here we are...


It seems some people in this thread don't really notice how much the gaming industry (and beyond) caters to straight men. It's pretty much the default. So it's nice for minority groups to have a little something that caters to themselves.
When it's such an established norm anything different seems a bit crazy.

Having a place to go meet like minded people seems like a great idea. If this was at all local I woulda shown up myself with my bf, sounds like it was a fun time.


Oh, you think being gay is completely accepted in the U.S.. You're pretty sheltered then, I suppose, since it definitely isn't.

I'm not from the US. And I'm out of here because this is becoming too heated and I don't won't people to misunderstand me. This is too sensitive among many people and I don't want to be labeled anything I'm not.

Mr Jared

I attended this, hosted a panel, 'twas awesome. Definitely one of the most positive con experiences I've had in years. You could tell that those in attendance were genuinely enthusiastic and appreciative of being able to openly discuss extremely touchy subjects within gaming culture freely and without judgment.

I also just now realized that I don't remember seeing the Westboro protesters. They said they'd be there and everything! ;)


I'm not from the US. And I'm out of here because this is becoming too heated and I don't won't people to misunderstand me. This is too sensitive among many people and I don't want to be labeled anything I'm not.

If you're not from the U.S., I apologize for that specifically, but I don't understand how you can possibly stand by everything else you're saying.


I don't understand why gamers that happen to be gay would want to go to this. Why not just hold a video gamer convention?

My thoughts exactly. There is already enough exclusionary crap in the world without segregating our hobby this way. If this is a convention to celebrate gaming why label it this way.


listen to the mad man
I was not incorrect. This is a problem caused by the host being backwards and not the Olympic games in general.

Don't you think that in life, people who are gay run into situations that make them feel hurt, hated, alienated, physically threatened, or second-class citizens? That's why there are LBGT groups and events. To give them a safe space where they can be sure that stuff doesn't happen. These events are not closed--you can attend, provided you are a friend of the values of the organization organizing them.

It's like any other minority organization. They don't have jewish groups to hate you for your religion, they have jewish groups to have a safe space filled with friends. They don't have black history month to argue that white people suck and contribute nothing, they have black history month to call attention to some of the contributions of people of colour that went unnoticed. They don't have take back to the night to make men feel threatened, they have take back the night so that women don't have to be threatened.

The reason why I made the first post is that I'm mindboggled anyone would make a post like your first post. You have gay friends? No shit. Everyone on earth has gay friends. And it's because you have gay friends that you should momentarily stop and say "Wait a minute, what if I'm reading this the wrong way?". And ask them. Ask them what it's like to live their life. And listen to them. There's plenty of people with black friends who cross the road when they see a stranger who is a person of colour, it doesn't mean their logic becomes bulletproof because they couldn't possibly racist. Racism, homophobia, and sexism aren't cartoon villains tying people to train tracks, they're mostly very banal and everyday, they're all the small ways that we marginalize others.

Even if you're a nice guy who is friendly to everyone and makes a lot of friends and considers himself empathetic, that doesn't mean you understand in any way the minority experience.

A gay olympics exists because, although the Olympics is intended to be inclusive, there are many ways where it and all other form of sport fall short. We're seeing a wide and systemic movement in American professional sport--by the way, there are literally 0 openly gay players in most American leagues, and fewer than a dozen in all of them; either you can conclude that gays suck at sports, or you can conclude that athletes don't feel comfortable coming out--to try to fight back against the homophobia, homophobic epithets, and cruelty hurled at gays. That amateur sport would want the same sort of safe space, especially and most importantly in light of the fact that the Olympics is taking place in an openly homophobic country that is rapidly backsliding and tacitly encouraging violence against gays, is not a surprise or an exclusion.

You are welcome to join your brothers and sisters in pride. Pride about who they are. Pride about who everyone can be. Mutual love and respect, humanity, and true empathy. Those are the values that drive Gay Olympics, Pride Week, GAYMERX, and every other safe space carved out for minorities anyway.

And that's why "Boy, those minorities sure are uppity? Won't they shut up about how bad they've got it?" comes off as cruel and inconsiderate.

My thoughts exactly. There is already enough exclusionary crap in the world without segregating our hobby this way. If this is a convention to celebrate gaming why label it this way.

Because when they hold a video game convention, Johnny CoD shows up and calls them unmentionable names because they look the wrong way or because they aren't playing enough or just because. Because they want to wear what they want to wear, be who they are, and act the way they are, without worrying about how their identity bothers people. Because they want to have their husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, and friends there with them without getting sideways glances, rude stares, or heckled.

And if you're saying "Yes, but I'd never call somebody a f-----! That's so mean!" then why don't you go to GAYMERX, have a good time being around likeminded kind people, and not worry about the fact that you're a straight man standing under a rainbow banner. You're not unwelcome. You're not segregated. Go where you please. It doesn't make you less straight. It doesn't make it less OK to be straight. You are who you are. No one minds one bit.

P.S. When you do attend, and there's a panel about gay characters in gaming, please don't show up so you can say "There aren't many gay characters because <most people aren't gay / gaming is a business and it should cater to the majority / who would want to play as a gay character / authors shouldn't be forced to be fake diverse / who cares you can have gay sex in BioWare games so what are you even complaining about?>". Have an open mind. These are people speaking their heart about the pain they feel on a daily basis. They want you to be kind and to care and to empathize. They don't want you to remind them why they don't open their mouth to begin with.


Ignoring that sexual and gender minorities have a long history of persecution, I don't see the questions to why this convention exists. If NeoGaf had a convention would people really think it was that bizarre?

Even if there hasn't been big scandals at other conventions it doesn't mean that some people won't feel uncomfortable going to them. The threat of persecution can really hang over some people. Given the aim of this convention, attendees would know that they are free to be and act however they want without there being any backlash.

I'm glad to hear that it went well.

I think it's similar to females that play games being labelled "girl gamers" instead of just gamers. People feel the need to differentiate them (and by extension, make the affected person feel the need to differentiate themselves) and their identity from the majority of the group.

On a sidenote, I personally dislike the term gaymer. Such a lame pun.

Yeah, I think this is right. People identify by their sexuality and by their interests in the hobby. It seems pretty logical that they would use both quantifiers together.

And I hate the term gaymer too. I'd never use it myself.

Going by that metric, do gay 14-18 year old males smell better than straight ones?

Didn't you know? Gay youths sweat glitter and perfume. :p

I'm not saying there shouldn't be. I'm asking myself why there should be in an open western world where homosexuality is accepted.

Just a couple of weeks ago there was news about a lesbian couple receiving death threats in the city where I went to University. I live in Canada and we have legislature in place to protect sexuality and we've had gay marriage for years now.

It most certainly is not universally accepted in the western world.


My thoughts exactly. There is already enough exclusionary crap in the world without segregating our hobby this way. If this is a convention to celebrate gaming why label it this way.

Oh no, 'segregating' your poor hobby by making a convention that's for queerness in video games. This is a convention to celebrate the queerness in gaming, not just gaming. It's not exclusionary, anyway, since anyone can go. Maybe read through the rest of the thread, but the convention is for gay gamers with similar hobbies to meet up. Having a safe and welcoming space is a big deal for a lot of people.

This post is just shit-tier. I can't believe somebody said making a convention like this is 'exclusionary' and 'segregates' your fucking hobby. Are you serious?


I sucked six dicks to get this tag.
It seems some people in this thread don't really notice how much the gaming industry (and beyond) caters to straight men. It's pretty much the default. So it's nice for minority groups to have a little something that caters to themselves.

So when's the black, mexican, or indian gamer convention for other minorities? :p

I don't understand why EVO and The International exist as separate events. Why do the FGC and DOTA players have to segregate themselves like that? Aren't they all just gamers?


So when's the black, mexican, or indian gamer convention for other minorities? :p


Gaming is inherently for people who are straight - which is fine, but conventions like this tries to change that. Much of the 'culture' is also homophobic though, where calling people faggot and shit like that is commonplace. That's why there's a convention for getting away from that. People can make their own conventions for racial minorities if they want, there's nothing stopping them.
Wait, people are upset/confused as to why this would exist? It's just an event for gay nerds to meet other gay nerds with themes, activities/panels catering more to gay interests. It's not about excluding anyone out, (I'm sure everyone is welcome to attend), and it's not a jab at other events "not being gay-friendly" or anything.

Also, places like these are nice for single geeky gays who are dating around, cause the ratio is usually in their favor. While everyone is absolutely welcome to attend, chances are as a gay dude you're not gonna accidentally hit on a straight-guy which is usually just awkward for everyone involved.
Why the detractors? If there was something more local, I would definitely attend.

It isn't about separating ourselves, its about learning that we have a place in this culture, coming together, and learning about how we are represented and giving input on how we should be represented.

Else we'd just have more Comical Drag Queens and stereotypical DL Drama storylines with no inbetween. We'd be made even more of a spectacle.


listen to the mad man
So when's the black, mexican, or indian gamer convention for other minorities? :p /justsaying

It would be entirely reasonable for hispanic gamers to hold an event where they can play games without being called racial slurs, or where they can sing the national anthem without people asking why non-Americans are allowed to sing the national anthem, or where they can talk about hispanic representation in gaming.

The fighting game community, for all of its exclusionary practices, is very racially diverse (owing perhaps to the fact that it tends to be more working class as a result of its arcade heritage). And I think if you go to an FGC event, you'll be able to understand that one of the reason why those people see themselves as a community is because, along a racial dimension, it is a very safe space filled with loving people.

It's not a competition. If you happen to volunteer for a cancer charity, I don't respond with "Oh, you don't give a shit about diabetes?" These are people working to build a better world and a better community, to have fun and be happy and be safe. It's not a competition to see who is more excluded and who more needs an event like this. Live and let live. If there was a hispanic gaming convention because a hispanic gaming community locally wanted one, I can guarantee you that non-hispanic members of this organization would attend just to wish them well and encourage connections between the communities.
Gaming is inherently for people who are straight - which is fine, but conventions like this tries to change that. Much of the 'culture' is also homophobic though, where calling people faggot and shit like that is commonplace. That's why there's a convention for getting away from that. People can make their own conventions for racial minorities if they want, there's nothing stopping them.

I don't know if I would go as far as saying gaming is inherently for straight people, but the culture as it is now DEFINITELY has problems.

I wish I'd still been in Cali to check this con out.


I don't know if I would go as far as saying gaming is inherently for straight people, but the culture as it is now DEFINITELY has problems.

I wish I'd still been in Cali to check this con out.

I missed a word, oops. I meant that most games are made specifically to appeal to straight people, from the so-called fan service some games have, to most relationships in games, to appealing to dudebros or whomever. Which is true for any medium, really.


I seriously hope they have other types of gamer conventions after this. Gangster Gamer Convention in New Jersey, Farmer Gamer Convention in Kansas, Stoner Gamer convention in Amsterdam etc. This has the potential to be huge.


I think most posters' inability to understand why gay gamers might want something like this illustrates the need for it. There are people who would like to enjoy the things they enjoy, in a setting that makes them more comfortable, or at least doesn't make them uncomfortable.

Do you have a problem with the idea?

seriously. people are judging the hell out of this when they say "what's the need for it?" obviously there's a need for it if people are doing it.


I'm straight, but I'm pretty sure I'd rather attend a gay orientated games convention. Is it still bigotry if I'm positively stereotyping? Probably.

I tend to enjoy gay clubs more than straight clubs too. Better vibe, I find.

Anyway, seems like a good idea, hope everyone had a blast.

Good point. Got no problems with it, but puzzles me why.
A welcome escape from heteronormativity at its most negative, I'd assume.
I'm just gonna go out on a limb and guess

a) They don't want to listen to 15-year-old straight convention goers talking about how everything is 'so ghey'
b) They want to meet likeminded people (possibly hook up?)

Aren't there a lot of gay gamers on GAF? Maybe someone went there.

Christ, really? Typical hetereonormative vidya gaem cons are already full of neckbeards jizzing themselves over that up-and-coming porn star that got commissioned to dress like Chun Li, and let's not forget the dude that whipped his dick out for some chick because he thought their mutual interest in Minecraft warranted the secks. Why does this being a gay con immediately get you thinking that's on the itinerary?
I seriously hope they have other types of gamer conventions after this. Gangster Gamer Convention in New Jersey, Farmer Gamer Convention in Kansas, Stoner Gamer convention in Amsterdam etc. This has the potential to be huge.

If there's niche-group with enough interest, a convention catering to them will happen no matter how specific.


Christ, really? Typical hetereonormative vidya gaem cons are already full of neckbeards jizzing themselves over that up-and-coming porn star that got commissioned to dress like Chun Li, and let's not forget the dude that whipped his dick out for some chick because he thought their mutual interest in Minecraft warranted the secks. Why does this being a gay con immediately get you thinking that's on the itinerary?

To be fair, meeting up can lead to dating. I doubt he meant hooking up = sex, more hooking up = dating. At least, that's how I took it.
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