Making some nice progress on my Daemon Prince. Oughta pick up some glue and glue the legs + torso together before deciding how to do the arms.
Do you paint your model in parts before gluing them?
Making some nice progress on my Daemon Prince. Oughta pick up some glue and glue the legs + torso together before deciding how to do the arms.
]The person who is tainted is decided by who's got the most chaos inside them.I got Jonah Orion in one play through, and Avitus in another
Sry, was using iPhone, tapped bold instead of spoiler. Hope nobody saw![]()
Do you paint your model in parts before gluing them?
Yeah, I glued my plastic marines first before realizing what a pain in the ass it's to paint joints and do highlights and other small details.
Oh man, Kill Team was so good. IIRC it was supposed to unlock something for Space Marine, but I couldn't ever find the code it was supposed to give.Kill Team is an excellent little twin stick shooter that does not get enough love. I played the entire game with each class, twice in couch co-op!
You really feel like a killing machine in the game. Boss fights were fun, and fighting "more than just orks" was pretty sweet.
Oh man, Kill Team was so good. IIRC it was supposed to unlock something for Space Marine, but I couldn't ever find the code it was supposed to give.
Oh man, Kill Team was so good. IIRC it was supposed to unlock something for Space Marine, but I couldn't ever find the code it was supposed to give.
If I were to find some minis on the cheap, is there a good place to buy cheap paints/brushes that isn't GW?
With brushes you generally get what you pay for. Ideally I'd recommend Windsor and Newton Series 7 brushes- I have some which are several years old, and yet to all intents are like new.
If you want something a little less pricey, look at Vallejo brushes (and indeed paints!). They should have their own range which isn't too steep.
Anyone know if Vallejo sells any paint sets specifically geared towards painting 40k minis, or do you just have to eyeball it?
Kill Team is an excellent little twin stick shooter that does not get enough love. I played the entire game with each class, twice in couch co-op!
You really feel like a killing machine in the game. Boss fights were fun, and fighting "more than just orks" was pretty sweet.
Didn't play through Chaos Rising multiple times but I think I saw some youtube videos. What were the reasons given for everyone falling to Chaos?
From what I remember:
Jonah Orion: General warp nastiness
Tarkus: Corrupted by that OP blaster (that thing was insane when powered up.)
Avitus: General anger management issues?
Thaddueus: Corrupted by someone he met?
Cyrus: Bitter over losing teammates?
and there were others as well too right? The Medic and the Techmarine NPCs as well?
I lap alternate endings like this shit up but there's no wiki that lists all of them. I think Tarkus' was my favourite ()the fluff text on that bolter.. man
You can find conversion charts for the GW paints to Vallejo. Or at least you used to be able to. GW changed most of their paint names a bit ago.
25 For 25 is a great start, mixing a large variety of the best 40k short stories out there. Many of the authors mentioned above have stories in it. It covers a wide variety of races, scenarios, and history in the 40k universe.
I would always recommend the various short story collections as the best place to start. I certainly wouldn't suggest starting at the Horus Hersey, that's for sure. Talk about throwing someone into the deep end of the pool!.
Black Library is the brand that nearly all 40k literature is published under, but with hundreds of books and dozens of book how do you know what's good and what's bad? The answer is almost certainly with any picked book is 'bad',
Dan Abnett: . . . He's by no means perfect; he can fall into the habit of repeating metaphors to the point of annoyance
Who was the guy who wrote the Blood Gorgons stuff?
He was a decent read but got caught plagiarizing stuff I think, which i assume is the reason he doesn't write for Black Library anymore.
But anyway the three books he did get published were fun reads. Offered a slightly more nuanced look at Chaos Space Marines as well.
The first one i ever read was
Finished Flight of the Eisenstein earlier today. I really like Garro, and I'm contemplating whether to read Fulgrim, I've read it before but I really cannot stand Eidolon and most of the traitor marines, they just annoy me for some reason![]()
You should check out James Swallow's Garro audio series (if you haven't already), they're what got me to listen to Flight of the Eisenstein. #PartOfTheProblem
Wish they'd do some more, you can't just release a bunch ofstories and then leave me hanging like that, Black Library Audio.origin
Book also made me realise what an asshole Rogal Dorn is. Jesus what a moody bastard.
Dan Abnett: ...I don't think he's written a book where the pacing didn't fall apart at the end
Anyone had a look at the new Space Marines Codex yet?
There's a lot of kickstarters for miniature games that I'd be interested in backing to get some minis to paint for cheap. Unfortunately a lot of the time those same kickstarters don't have much in the way of examples so you don't know what you'd get out of them.
Finished Flight of the Eisenstein earlier today. I really like Garro, and I'm contemplating whether to read Fulgrim, I've read it before but I really cannot stand Eidolon and most of the traitor marines, they just annoy me for some reason
Even worse, if I skip that I get to Descent of Angels and fucking Lion EL' Jonson is another dickhead I cannot stand; plus I read it before. I think I best just skip ahead to Legion which was cool, John Grammaticus is really interesting as a character, but goddamnit I want to see/read about!Fulgrim punching in a fucking Avatar's face
Alright then. Let's say that you've played Dawn of War or the tabletop game and want to read something a bit more meaty set in the grim darkness of the 41st millenium, with the laughter of thirsting gods and so on. Black Library is the brand that nearly all 40k literature is published under, but with hundreds of books and dozens of authors how do you know what's good and what's bad? The answer is almost certainly with any picked book 'bad', but here's a brief rundown of the more popular Black Library authors and recommendations for them anyway. I'll be ignoring the Horus Heresy series here, as it is hard to recommend single books from the series due to most depend on reading other novels (of varying quality) first.
None of these books are written from the POV of xenos: It's because the books all suck.
But I like the Eldar: Sorry!
Ben Counter: He's crap. Not much more to say, really.
Recommendations: Even I have my limits on money I'll spend on bad books. If anyone has any recommendations of books he's written that aren't an affront to God, though, I'll add 'em.
With brushes you generally get what you pay for. Ideally I'd recommend Windsor and Newton Series 7 brushes- I have some which are several years old, and yet to all intents are like new.
If you want something a little less pricey, look at Vallejo brushes (and indeed paints!). They should have their own range which isn't too steep.