Fall 2013 Anime |OT| When is Crunchyroll coming to GTA Online?

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Damn that's a gorgeous pic.

(Must watch more Precure...)
Blu-ray cutoff was a whopping 5,645, and DVD cutoff is 829, so that means a LOT of stuff from this week isn't known yet, thus these results are kinda useless until Thursday gives us the full list, but anyway.

Blu-ray cutoff was a whopping 5,645, and DVD cutoff is 829, so that means a LOT of stuff from this week isn't known yet, thus these results are kinda useless until Thursday gives us the full list, but anyway.

Well I guess Blood Lad isn't getting a season two.

Kwekwekwekwe, Danganronpa is gonna be in the top five best selling for summer.
So I was bored and decided to watch a little bit of Ben-To (somebody in the US needs to license this anime stat, I've been craving a blu-ray for this forever now) and I actually listened to the OST during the battle's. Something I noticed is that the music sounds exactly like the music from Panty & Stocking w/Garterbelt.

That techno music can go with anything, it makes everything seem so hyped.

EDIT: Actually I just looked it up and the same studio that animated Ben-To, also worked on Panty & Stocking. Well that explains the music.


Animation Production: Production アイムズ (can't figure out the right way to romanize it)

They're called Production IMS judging from this company listing, although with no website in place it's impossible to say for certain.

The studio appears to have only been formed in February this year and has mostly worked on individual episodes - I think Inari may be their first anime (interesting, given that the anime adaptation was announced last year so presumably had a studio already in place?). It appears to be founded by Yoshiyuki Matsuzaki, a veteran anime producer most recently attached to AIC where he produced the most recent Strike Witches instalments - I have no idea where the staff have come from to form this studio.


They're called Production IMS judging from this company listing, although with no website in place it's impossible to say for certain.

The studio appears to have only been formed in February this year and has mostly worked on individual episodes - I think Inari may be their first anime (interesting, given that the anime adaptation was announced last year so presumably had a studio already in place?). It appears to be founded by Yoshiyuki Matsuzaki, a veteran anime producer most recently attached to AIC where he produced the most recent Strike Witches instalments - I have no idea where the staff have come from to form this studio.
Ah, thanks. Looking stuff up I thought they had some connection to AIC but couldn't figure out quite what.


Darker than Black - 4

This arc had a strong Elfen Lied feel. Or maybe it just shared its theme. But I like the idea of an incredibly powerful character, who is lost in the world.

I don't understand why they killed her dad. His cooperation was very necessary to understand his research. I wonder what happened to the girl, and if we'll ever see her back.
Ro-Kyu-Bu! 1-4

I saw one screenshot, looked this show up, read its premise, and said to myself; "meh, why the hell not?" and took a look.

I gotta say this show has pleasantly surprised me so far. I'm definitely liking the heartwarming atmosphere around this show. Though with what I've seen so far, I am concerned about the plot going in....questionable directions. But thankfully things have been fine so far.


Darker than Black - 4

This arc had a strong Elfen Lied feel. Or maybe it just shared its theme. But I like the idea of an incredibly powerful character, who is lost in the world.

I don't understand why they killed her dad. His cooperation was very necessary to understand his research. I wonder what happened to the girl, and if we'll ever see her back.

I assume Tahara would have killed Mai if he'd been able to reach the knife again, hence why Luco kills him first - she's the important link in the research.


The Light of El Cantare
I propose replacing "Fractales" with "Stellas" as the official unit of failure. I stuck with C3bu to the bitter end and attest that it richly deserves being one of the worst retail disasters in recent memory. It's like if Okadabot rewrote Girls und Panzer, except with even less believable characterization and more irrational melodrama.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Ro-Kyu-Bu! 1-4

I saw one screenshot, looked this show up, read its premise, and said to myself; "meh, why the hell not?" and took a look.

I gotta say this show has pleasantly surprised me so far. I'm definitely liking the heartwarming atmosphere around this show. Though with what I've seen so far, I am concerned about the plot going in....questionable directions. But thankfully things have been fine so far.

You're a good person.

It's a fun show with some actually enjoyable basketball.


I propose replacing "Fractales" with "Stellas" as the official unit of failure. I stuck with C3bu to the bitter end and attest that it richly deserves being one of the worst retail disasters in recent memory. It's like if Okadabot rewrote Girls und Panzer, except with even less believable characterization and more irrational melodrama.

I stuck with Stella C3-bu to the end and attest that your opinion sucks.

(Besides, the Fractale makes more sense as a unit of failure since that was an original anime project with no source material to promote, so its failure is pretty cut and dry. Stella is a manga adaptation, so even if the discs don't sell - though they damn well should - it can still serve as an effective promotion of the manga. Or something.)


Seeing as how I'm finished with JoJo, can someone recommend me a hot-blooded, exciting anime to watch?

(I'm aware of TTGL, but I don't want to watch it)
Needless, Hellsing Ultimate, Tenjo Tenge, and maybe Air Master, Air Gear, Kenichi and Black Lagoon.


Gatchaman Crowds 11-12

After hearing bad things about episode 11, I decided to wait until I had a chance to watch both 11 and 12 together. Man, I don't know how to feel about this ending. Thematically, it's very interesting. I love the stuff they do with crowds and the ideas about social media they use.

On the other hand, from a plot perspective the ending is an absolute mess. So much about the nature of the world is just left in the air. There's almost no closure for any of the Gatchaman themselves and fates of important characters like
are just sort of left out there. There's also the fact that they build up to
OD finally transforming
, and outside of a cool fight nothing comes of it. Seriously? Why did they make such a big deal of
OD's wings destroying the world
when absolutely nothing bad happens. Felt really forced and disingenuous.

I also really was fed up with Hajime by the end. It's not that her personality is terrible, it's that she's such a damn plot contrivance at every moment. Her only reason for existing in this show is to say exactly the right thing and the right time. She doesn't grow, she doesn't change. She never has any conflict, except for the moments where such conflict would benefit the plot and in those cases it's quickly swept under the rug. I've not seen such an annoyingly "perfect" main character in quite some time.

I also just want to state how BS it is that they pulled a half episode recap at episode 11. There is really no reason or excuse to do that for a 12 episode show. The plot's not really contrived enough to make such a recap necessary or useful. It was such a massive waste for time in a show that wasted far too much already.

Overall, despite my issues, I did enjoy Crowds. It has some great themes and ideas, even if it doesn't execute all that well on them. I also felt it had some really interestingly portrayed characters in OD and Rui. OD is currently my favorite new character of the year probably, and I wasn't expecting that. I really disliked him at the beginning, but he's grown into one of the most interesting characters this year. Crowds also has one of the best soundtracks of the year.


Sentai's January Slate is up for preorder at Right Stuf. I'm loving the sub only releases being $35 (bluray). If you are going to give a bare bones package at least make it cheaper.


Setec Astronomer
Hyouka 1-2

I'm liking everything about this EXCEPT adorning a certain line with catchphrase status. Detracts from the mood. Otherwise I don't really mind seeing a bunch of characters get worked up over mundane things, as it's really the character interaction that makes it enjoyable. That, and promoting systematic reasoning and investigation over superstition is always a plus.

In short, it's the K-ON of Sherlock Holmes so far, and I liked K-ON.


Hyouka 1-2

I'm liking everything about this EXCEPT adorning a certain line with catchphrase status. Detracts from the mood. Otherwise I don't really mind seeing a bunch of characters get worked up over mundane things, as it's really the character interaction that makes it enjoyable. That, and promoting systematic reasoning and investigation over superstition is always a plus.

If you like it already, you'll love it later on.

This isn't related to your post, really, but I've been thinking that painting all the mysteries in Hyouka as mundane is doing a disservice to it. Mundane is often used as a synonym for meaningless or unimportant, and it's true that some of them are, especially early on in the show. But the bigger mystery arcs of the show are not mundane in the sense of being unimportant, because even if they aren't murders or serious crimes, they still have a real impact on the characters and their development, which is the point of the story.
I stuck with Stella C3-bu to the end and attest that your opinion sucks.

(Besides, the Fractale makes more sense as a unit of failure since that was an original anime project with no source material to promote, so its failure is pretty cut and dry. Stella is a manga adaptation, so even if the discs don't sell - though they damn well should - it can still serve as an effective promotion of the manga. Or something.)

But from everything I hear about the manga its not even a good tool for that. The manga is just a basic slice of life about a girls airsoft club without any of the dumb drama the anime introduced.
So I was bored and decided to watch a little bit of Ben-To (somebody in the US needs to license this anime stat, I've been craving a blu-ray for this forever now) and I actually listened to the OST during the battle's. Something I noticed is that the music sounds exactly like the music from Panty & Stocking w/Garterbelt.

That techno music can go with anything, it makes everything seem so hyped.

EDIT: Actually I just looked it up and the same studio that animated Ben-To, also worked on Panty & Stocking. Well that explains the music.

I have a feeling nobody really wants to license it because it did pretty badly in Japan.

Which sucks, because it was one of my favorite series in 2011. Possibly even in my top 5 for that year.
I have a feeling nobody really wants to license it because it did pretty badly in Japan.

Which sucks, because it was one of my favorite series in 2011. Possibly even in my top 5 for that year.

I didnt think performance in JPN affected the desire of licensing of series for American companies...if it did then why would sentai have Flowers of Evil and From the New World.
Sentai's January Slate is up for preorder at Right Stuf. I'm loving the sub only releases being $35 (bluray). If you are going to give a bare bones package at least make it cheaper.

So bare bones. I guess at least Sentai isn't charging so much for these sub no frills releases.


But from everything I hear about the manga its not even a good tool for that. The manga is just a basic slice of life about a girls airsoft club without any of the dumb drama the anime introduced.

I don't see how that's a problem. If anything, I'd be less inclined to buy a manga if it was just a straight retread of the material I've already seen in the anime. The anime builds up interest in the characters, the manga provides antics involving those characters. Sounds like a pretty sweet setup to me.

(Though personally, what I really want is moar of those characters animated. Just wouldn't be the same without Rento's gorgeous voice.)

Looks like Sentai changed course on their first Little Busters collection's cover art, ditching Riki in favor of all the girls.

Always a smart move.
Casshern Sins 01

Alright so a friend told me that Mikami was apparently inspired by Casshern while designing the ARS Suit for Vanquish. I looked into it and saw that there was an old series but being the monster that I am I can barely watch anything in 4:3 these days unless it's the greatest human accomplishment ever such as Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

How did this skinny ass motherfucker inspire the ARS Suit?

At least Casshern is Amuro Ray so that's cool. Also he's apparently a robot and doesn't know much about anything that's going on. All he knows is the name Luna, how to kill robots and that some stupid kid robot called him beautiful.

What's the deal with kid robots anyway? It was annoying. Did the old man build it to be his companion or something?

I like the world and reserved dialogue thus far. What I don't like is using the word 'world' because it brings back memories of School Days which is fucking haunting me even 22 hours after finishing it.


Devil Survivor 2 The Animation BD volume 5 cover a.k.a. duckroll's gonna find some excuse to buy this no matter how much he may have disliked the series

She IS pretty cute. I never got around to watching the show.

School Days 7

So when I thought that Setsuna would at least get the ball rolling on making it clear to Makoto that he should man the fuck up and tell Katsuragi what's up she instead goes on to continue the passive-aggressive act with more aggression thrown in. I feel bad for Katsuragi, she is either really daft or really deep in denial.

Oh and the only moment that Makoto throws any attention at her is when she is reduced to walking around the school with a wet shirt. "When I see her like this, she is really.." what? Thinking of swapping girls again there for a second? You lowlife trash.
"It's not good to just leave her alone." - he says as if he's hypnotized by a seethrough shirt. Except that he's been leaving her alone for the past four episodes. Forgetting the horrors of not getting any for a week there, Makoto? Is your brain made of sawdust and viagra?

Oh, now he's thinking about wanting to maybe not be a total monster to Katsuragi? This is one switch you can't flick at will and you sure as hell are not manipulative and cunning enough to date two girls at once, Makoto. Spouting stupid excuses at Katsuragi when she came to his door was embarrassing to watch and the only thing you succeeded at was pissing off two girls at once. This man is a failure at everything. His only goal in this world is to jam it in and I doubt he can even figure that out without pissing off a realdoll.

What any of these girls manage to find attractive in Makoto is a god damned mystery. This no good sleazeball is just as bad, if not worse, than Tsukune from Rosario to Vampire. I've seen only the anime of that but now that was a shitty MC.

Katsuragi bitchslapped Sekai. A fitting punishment.

This show and reactions to it will never get old. Im pretty certain of it.

It rears its ugly head again lol.
This is truly a clusterfuck family tree. It would produce shockingly deformed offspring IRL.

The Flowers of Evil 5





This show is going to end with Kasuga knifing Nakamura. All joking aside, if he doesn't put her in her place, he's never, ever going to go anywhere.

I love how watching School Days suddenly has people expecting THAT ENDING in every harem. It changed the game truly.

Fate kaleidfsodsl magic thing Illya 1-10

wtf is going on with her fingers

Its the bad art in general. Wasted opportunity.

Well it certainly is the type of review that I would expect from one that has Cowboy Bebop in their favorite anime.

I said damn.


Setec Astronomer
If you like it already, you'll love it later on.

This isn't related to your post, really, but I've been thinking that painting all the mysteries in Hyouka as mundane is doing a disservice to it. Mundane is often used as a synonym for meaningless or unimportant, and it's true that some of them are, especially early on in the show. But the bigger mystery arcs of the show are not mundane in the sense of being unimportant, because even if they aren't murders or serious crimes, they still have a real impact on the characters and their development, which is the point of the story.
In anime, anything that doesn't threaten the very existence of the planet is mundane. Ojamajo Doremi is fairly mundane for this reason, and is still one of the best magical girl shows made. It wasn't really meant as a slight, but a point of contrast.


In anime, anything that doesn't threaten the very existence of the planet is mundane. Ojamajo Doremi is fairly mundane for this reason, and is still one of the best magical girl shows made. It wasn't really meant as a slight, but a point of contrast.

I know you weren't, but I have seen it used that way by others. My main point was that mundane /= meaningless, since that's a misinterpretation about Hyouka I've sometimes seen given to the uninformed.
Casshern Sins 01

Alright so a friend told me that Mikami was apparently inspired by Casshern while designing the ARS Suit for Vanquish. I looked into it and saw that there was an old series but being the monster that I am I can barely watch anything in 4:3 these days unless it's the greatest human accomplishment ever such as Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

How did this skinny ass motherfucker inspire the ARS Suit?

At least Casshern is Amuro Ray so that's cool. Also he's apparently a robot and doesn't know much about anything that's going on. All he knows is the name Luna, how to kill robots and that some stupid kid robot called him beautiful.

What's the deal with kid robots anyway? It was annoying. Did the old man build it to be his companion or something?

I like the world and reserved dialogue thus far. What I don't like is using the word 'world' because it brings back memories of School Days which is fucking haunting me even 22 hours after finishing it.


Also get use to the "Sun named Moon". It won't end.
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