Fall 2013 Anime |OT| When is Crunchyroll coming to GTA Online?

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Kiniro Mosaic - 07


Damn lot of subtext here

In this episode shino went above her limit in the pursuit of her dream !

Also karen worship is a THING , BELIEVE IT !


If anyone wants some more shorts to look forward to, Tesagure! Bukatsu-mono will be in the Straight Title Robot Anime vein. I'm also looking forward to it because it's Karin Ogino (Akiba Yellow!)'s voice acting debut.


Aww, it's the "final episode" Taiga. Bah.

You know, the cynical part of me feels like the Toradora anime ending differed from the LN ending just so they could have another figure to sell. I mean I'm probably wrong here, but eh.

I want the Taiga figure with her in a cat outfit. Its too adorable for words.

I'd be willing to give my interpretation, but I don't think Google would like it very much. Besides, I think the image alone serves well in understanding.

Rape is never adorable.

My Blu-Ray box set came in a while ago, so I show it now!

I am fulfilled.

I wish I understood japanese

No? It's like an 8 second visual gag and her sliding instead of doing an exaggerated dodge is the joke. I know you're not that anal about production nuances so i'm confused why you even care.

I dont actually. It was parodying how some people are with animation.


Doing the 31 Days of Horror movies like a crazy person, so I thought I'd go in and ask this. Any good anime horror films out there? Couldn't really think of any. Would love to throw something on my list just for some extra variety.


Subete no aware
Diabolik Lovers

Although, again, I wonder if he means bitch or slut. Who knows?

But man, you guys sold this hard and upon watching it, it's just so... I dunno, tame. It really is a little girl version of a Harlequin romance novel. Oh, it's still hilariously disturbing inasmuch as it's the next logical step from something like Kaichou wa Maid-sama, but the vampire motif is just so comically chaste. This is what I assume the Twilight movies are like, with biting something being equated to sex because the person writing this story is some repressed Christian who blushes when she even bumps up against a man.


Dark Stalkers 3






Doing the 31 Days of Horror movies like a crazy person, so I thought I'd go in and ask this. Any good anime horror films out there? Couldn't really think of any. Would love to throw something on my list just for some extra variety.

Yami Shibai is a recent one.
Doing the 31 Days of Horror movies like a crazy person, so I thought I'd go in and ask this. Any good anime horror films out there? Couldn't really think of any. Would love to throw something on my list just for some extra variety.

Asura - cannibal horror
Magnetic Rose from "Memories" - spaceship horror
Perfect Blue - idol horror


Doing the 31 Days of Horror movies like a crazy person, so I thought I'd go in and ask this. Any good anime horror films out there? Couldn't really think of any. Would love to throw something on my list just for some extra variety.

The Curse of Kazuo Umezu
Diabolik Lovers

But man, you guys sold this hard and upon watching it, it's just so... I dunno, tame. It really is a little girl version of a Harlequin romance novel. Oh, it's still hilariously disturbing inasmuch as it's the next logical step from something like Kaichou wa Maid-sama, but the vampire motif is just so comically chaste. This is what I assume the Twilight movies are like, with biting something being equated to sex because the person writing this story is some repressed Christian who blushes when she even bumps up against a man.

You obviously have been desensitized!
Doing the 31 Days of Horror movies like a crazy person, so I thought I'd go in and ask this. Any good anime horror films out there? Couldn't really think of any. Would love to throw something on my list just for some extra variety.

Not a movie, but Another.

Joe Molotov

Diabolik Lovers

Although, again, I wonder if he means bitch or slut. Who knows?

But man, you guys sold this hard and upon watching it, it's just so... I dunno, tame. It really is a little girl version of a Harlequin romance novel. Oh, it's still hilariously disturbing inasmuch as it's the next logical step from something like Kaichou wa Maid-sama, but the vampire motif is just so comically chaste. This is what I assume the Twilight movies are like, with biting something being equated to sex because the person writing this story is some repressed Christian who blushes when she even bumps up against a man.

So you're saying it's not The List material?


Subete no aware
You obviously have been desensitized!
When you go from an anime where a guy locks the girl in a cage and she's okay with it, there really isn't much that can surprise you. lol

So you're saying it's not The List material?
It's not good by any means, but then again I was really expecting an abomination on the level of SAO based on the anti-hype here.

Now we know who blame for it coming in behind Madoka.
Oh yeah, in Pac Rim, all the girl does is run and scream. How is she the best part of that movie?! lol


Doing the 31 Days of Horror movies like a crazy person, so I thought I'd go in and ask this. Any good anime horror films out there? Couldn't really think of any. Would love to throw something on my list just for some extra variety.

Blood-C: The Last Dark

Joe Molotov

Doing the 31 Days of Horror movies like a crazy person, so I thought I'd go in and ask this. Any good anime horror films out there? Couldn't really think of any. Would love to throw something on my list just for some extra variety.

Dracula: Sovereign of the Damned

Doing the 31 Days of Horror movies like a crazy person, so I thought I'd go in and ask this. Any good anime horror films out there? Couldn't really think of any. Would love to throw something on my list just for some extra variety.

It's not really horror but Hells is pretty Halloweeny.


Yuyushiki 1

I was once compared to the blonde-haired girl in this show. I forget why. Seems kinda apt, though.

I didn't get the thing about the closer.




rozen maiden - 11~12

Hey, we're finally done with Namek.

Felt detached from much of the arc, but episode 12 was a strong finish and the way it ties together various thematic elements was interesting to watch. I might not care much for the dolls in the end, but how they tie into Jun's growth, and how this growth from his old self to the new is represented by his parting with the Jun-who-wound-the-key, was certainly engaging. As far as alternate dimension/time travel snafus go, using it to delineate emotional growth with that of the body is one of the more clever ones I've seen in fiction.

Looking forward to seeing Saito and all the trappings of Jun's old life return in the last episode. I doubt it'll change how I feel about the show, though - a good outing, saddled as it was by obligations of it being an adaptation, but in the end, I am less enamored of the show itself than I am with the potential of the director who worked on it.


Ergo Proxy 9

Creepy blond guy is confusing, but this episode did sort of clear up some things... In a confusing way, of course.
So Vincent does actually turn into Ergo Proxy after all. Plus the Proxies aren't just mindless monsters like I thought and they're all linked in... some way.
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