Fall 2013 Anime |OT| When is Crunchyroll coming to GTA Online?

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Oh man. Kinda want.

Certainly she was.




The Flowers of Evil 7/13

Kasuga, you damned, damned fool. I cannot even. Kid, you have had so many opportunities to repent of your sin, and you haven’t tried even once. You have only to turn to anyone, literally anyone, and confess, and from there, all of this could have been averted. You would sooner wallow in the mires of your sin than even seek help. And do you know, why, Kasuga, you are in sin, and cannot find help, and have not turned to anyone for help?

Because you are evil. You’re arrogant. You think you are better than everyone in this town, and even as you wallow and bitch and moan and cry how tragic your fate is, you show it. Your tragedy elevates you, your debasement exalts you, and your false humility puffs your chest in ways an ape never could. How dramatic! How tragic! How utterly misunderstood you are, by everyone in this town, in this world. They’ve never read Baudelaire, how could they understand you? They don’t know your pain, how could they understand? They’re not sinners, so what do they know of sin?

How exciting it is! To be you, to be judged foul of your peers, who cannot see the “true” you. To be alone among all, isolated from your so-called friends. Do they turn on you because they are not your friends, or because you are not theirs? Who cares? They could not understand you, these quivering masses of flesh, unenlightened as you are.

This is an arrogance I've known all too long, have indulged in all too often. And because I've been this person, Kasuga, let me tell you who and what you are, kid.

A liar. You've lied and lied and lied. You lie to yourself so often now you don't even remember what is true. You try and shunt your sins away from yourself, rather than face them, and in so doing seek out redemption. If you cannot confess your sin to yourself, how can you ever do so to those who could help you? You lied to Nakamura, which was perhaps the one wise move you made in this entire game. You lied to Saeki, who you considered angelic, but who your actions toward bespeak more of a trophy. And let's be honest, no matter how good this girl is, you lift her up in your mind because she's a trophy. You don't raise her up because you truly value her, you cannot value her. You don't know her.

And there's the next thing you need to look at: you know nothing, Kasuga. You think your little worldly knowledge you've picked up from books makes you someone, makes you something, but it doesn't. The more you convince yourself your knowledge makes you something, the less you know. You don't know a thing about Saeki. You've never bothered to try. You don't know anything about Nakamura, and have willingly surrendered your precious knowledge to her.

In the last seven episodes, you have done precisely three good things: forgiven Yamada his treachery, helped Saeki carry her books, and stood up for Nakamura in the face of false accusations. Yet to save yourself from all of this, you have not lifted even a single finger.

I mean SERIOUSLY. The door was opened, and the game was over. Nakamura had lost, the gym clothes were back in the class room and, defeated, she had prepared to walk away. But you foolish, arrogant, little snot, you just couldn't resist rising to that last little barb, could you? "You're just like them."

Oh no! Not normal! That just won't do. SO INSTEAD YOU PLAY RIGHT INTO HER HANDS.

And don't anyone think for a minute that I think Nakamura is going to come out on top because of this. I said it back in the first episode, and have said it since, but I'll say it again: There's something wrong with this kid, and I don't think Nakamura knows what she's really getting into here. Kasuga did this and this is over relatively little. She's going to push him too hard, and things are going to get really, really, really ugly. Her only advantage here isn't the information she has over Kasuga. As the theme song says "I don't think I have this under control anymore." And Nakamura probably doesn't. Her one advantage is that Kasuga doesn't know anything about HER yet.


The Flowers of Evil 7/13

Because you are evil. You’re arrogant. You think you are better than everyone in this town, and even as you wallow and bitch and moan and cry how tragic your fate is, you show it.

He's certainly arrogant, but evil? As foolish as he is, the destructive behavior is limited to himself for the most part. It's the aimless melancholy - the spleen - of teenage years magnified.


He's certainly arrogant, but evil? As foolish as he is, the destructive behavior is limited to himself for the most part. It's the aimless melancholy - the spleen - of teenage years magnified.

He's not pure and utter evil, but he's evil alright. He's petty, arrogant, and I wouldn't say that messing with Saeki's emotions is destructive only to himself.

Not all evil is grandiose. Sometimes it's tiny and pathetic. Like Kasuga.


Hyouka 4-5

Watching this made me think of when I spent time in a university library looking through archival material to piece together events in history that held personal importance to me, or, rather, tear apart a false narrative that I was raised with. It was the time I learned what it felt like to be the detective in these situations, which was engaging to the point that nothing else mattered.

At any rate, reconstructing a historical event is perfect material for this show.

The finale of this arc was when I first really felt that Hyouka had the opportunity to be something more than the usually KyoAni production. The Hyouka arc deals with some complex themes with a surprisingly deft touch, and that thematic richness, along with the first-rate production value and character development that, are what sets it apart from the typical high school anime.

Also, the soundtrack is beautiful.
rozen maiden - 11~12

I doubt it'll change how I feel about the show, though - a good outing, saddled as it was by obligations of it being an adaptation, but in the end, I am less enamored of the show itself than I am with the potential of the director who worked on it.

That's a fair enough opinion, though for me I think the directing skill carried the less interesting Rozen Maiden parts to the point where I was able to be emotionally invested in it to some degree, especially the end of 11 and beginning of 12. I think if Hatakeyama/Omata can get his hands on a really solid character drama he'll be able to make s true masterpiece.
Aria the Natural 18

Pretty hilarious and incredibly sweet episode. I love how the three apprentices can be complete dorks while still showing such a consistently lovely relationship. Also Aika fucking rocks that short hair too, so good.


Subete no aware
Aria the Natural 18

Pretty hilarious and incredibly sweet episode. I love how the three apprentices can be complete dorks while still showing such a consistently lovely relationship. Also Aika fucking rocks that short hair too, so good.
I guess the question is - upgrade or downgrade?



Not all evil is grandiose. Sometimes it's tiny and pathetic. Like Kasuga.

Saeki isn't a victim, she's like his parallel. There's stuff I associate with Kasuga - self loathing, foolishness, etc - but maliciousness or evil isn't among them. It's why, despite the destructiveness of the conclusion in episode seven, it's also cathartic.

That's a fair enough opinion, though for me I think the directing skill carried the less interesting Rozen Maiden parts to the point where I was able to be emotionally invested in it to some degree, especially the end of 11 and beginning of 12. I think if Hatakeyama/Omata can get his hands on a really solid character drama he'll be able to make s true masterpiece.

Yeah, I hope he gets a shot to make something special. Before that, I wonder if he'll be involved with Pupa, given Mochizuki's work on Rozen Maiden.


Yeah, I hope he gets a shot to make something special. Before that, I wonder if he'll be involved with Pupa, given Mochizuki's work on Rozen Maiden.

Pupa is DEEN right? If so he should show up to storyboard one episode or two, unless he's already working on something else which seems unlikely.


Pupa is DEEN right? If so he should show up to storyboard one episode or two, unless he's already working on something else which seems unlikely.

Yeah, that's true. Wondered if it couldn't be something more, given the scope of the other's involvement in Rozen. I guess we'll see soon.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Toradora 15 (rewatch)

Urusai count = Episode: 0 Total: 25

You know, I still think Kitamura's kinda a boring character. Even this arc, which is clearly HIS arc, is just kinda meh. Like, it's good, because it's Toradora, but I just can't really get too invested in his problems for some reason. Also I feel dumb because on episode 14 I said that the new OP/ED would be starting with this episode, but no, it's episode 17 where they start. Which is odd because I could have sworn that they started along with the second cour. Ah well.

And now, a gif of Yasuko being hilarious (holy shit this is kinda nice looking for a GifCam gif).



Poet Centuriate
Kanon (2006) 4

Even had them harem troubles as a kid, huh? smh.

I still don't know what to make of this show. It just feel like it's kinda gaining some traction a little bit but god it's not going anywhere really all that fast.


Saeki isn't a victim, she's like his parallel. There's stuff I associate with Kasuga - self loathing, foolishness, etc - but maliciousness or evil isn't among them. It's why, despite the destructiveness of the conclusion in episode seven, it's also cathartic.

I didn't really view that as cathartic. His actions didn't stem from the need to get what he'd done off his chest, to my eyes. The tipping point for him was that Nakamura had said "You're just like the rest of them." Hence his flashback to when he'd been thinking how much better than everyone he was for knowing who Baudelaire was.

So he disregards Saeki's feelings, and does that crazy stuff to prove to Nakamura that he's special and different. He isn't evil in any big way, but he's definitely evil in the smallish sense of the word. He doesn't want redemption, he wants gratification, notoriety, and to maintain his sense of feeling special.

I don't disagree that, for the most part, Kasuga is just the petty, unsightly aspects teenager, which is why I ought to stress that his evil isn't huge, but it's still there. Why has he gone along with Nakamura's madness all this time? Because he wants to. He wants to be bad, he's spent a significant time thinking about it, and now he's doing it.

Honestly he reminds me of Lelouch from Geass, minus the wit and power to back up his talk. Especially when he starts talking about how evil he is in an attempt to get sympathy from himself. Obviously Kasuga isn't anywhere near as evil as Lelouch, just noting that he sort of reminds me of him in this one thing.

I dunno. I think Kasuga's evil, but I've felt there was something wrong with him from the first episode, so who knows.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Toradora 16 (rewatch)

You do not fuck with Taiga

So I'm pretty sure this is the end of the
Taiga/Kitamura thing
. Which makes the timing of the OP change make a lot more sense than I originally thought. Also Kitamura
pretty much becomes a side-character
at this point, as the show begins to focus much more on the
Taiga/Ryuji relationship
. With only nine episodes left, it's a pretty opportune time to do so. Lots of drama coming up, loooooooooots, but also some kinda dumb stuff that I didn't really realize until after I'd finished the show for the first time. But that's for another post.

Dat fight scene though.


Danganronpa 10-13

Finally got around to finishing this up after putting it off for a while, just before Fall season starts. Though I've still got the last two Tamayura episodes to deal with as well, and god knows when I'll find time for those...

Anyway, I thought it was alright.
They were pretty much forecasting the whole "everyone had their memories messed with" thing for a while, so that wasn't a huge surprise. As for Enoshima being the final boss, I had accidentally picked up some hints it was her from non-GAF sources, though that was only in the last week and was never outright spoiled about it -- anyway, most of episode 12 certainly made her suspicious enough, though I certainly didn't see the twin switch thing coming. The setting was post-apocalyptic in a sense all along, huh, but of COURSE the ending has to be ambiguous as to what the true fate of the outside world is. Ah well. At least the final "Super High School Level Hope" bullet at the end was cheesy but fun.

I do promise that if I ever get my hands on a Vita I'll pick up the full game when it comes out in the U.S. to see the extended characterization.

Oh, also, the OST was fantastic.


Aria the series - so I'm two episodes in and its really not doing it for me. Not the setting, nor the characters. I might persevere for a couple of more episodes though...maybe something will change that wins me over.

You'd think given my Tamayura love that this would be in my wheelhouse, but apparently not.


Poet Centuriate
Toradora 16 (rewatch)

So I'm pretty sure this is the end of the
Taiga/Kitamura thing
. Which makes the timing of the OP change make a lot more sense than I originally thought. Also Kitamura
pretty much becomes a side-character
at this point, as the show begins to focus much more on the
Taiga/Ryuji relationship
. With only nine episodes left, it's a pretty opportune time to do so. Lots of drama coming up, loooooooooots, but also some kinda dumb stuff that I didn't really realize until after I'd finished the show for the first time. But that's for another post.

Dat fight scene though.

Slacking on urusai duty

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Slacking on urusai duty

I'm just gonna stop putting the urusai count in the posts unless she actually says it (which she hasn't done for a couple episodes now). Honestly, at this point in the show she's kinda stopped being the stereotypical Kugimiya tsundere. I feel like the count probably won't get too much higher than maybe 30 by the time it's over.


I didn't really view that as cathartic. His actions didn't stem from the need to get what he'd done off his chest, to my eyes. The tipping point for him was that Nakamura had said "You're just like the rest of them." Hence his flashback to when he'd been thinking how much better than everyone he was for knowing who Baudelaire was.

So he disregards Saeki's feelings, and does that crazy stuff to prove to Nakamura that he's special and different. He isn't evil in any big way, but he's definitely evil in the smallish sense of the word. He doesn't want redemption, he wants gratification, notoriety, and to maintain his sense of feeling special.

I don't disagree that, for the most part, Kasuga is just the petty, unsightly aspects teenager, which is why I ought to stress that his evil isn't huge, but it's still there. Why has he gone along with Nakamura's madness all this time? Because he wants to. He wants to be bad, he's spent a significant time thinking about it, and now he's doing it.

Honestly he reminds me of Lelouch from Geass, minus the wit and power to back up his talk. Especially when he starts talking about how evil he is in an attempt to get sympathy from himself. Obviously Kasuga isn't anywhere near as evil as Lelouch, just noting that he sort of reminds me of him in this one thing.

I dunno. I think Kasuga's evil, but I've felt there was something wrong with him from the first episode, so who knows.

It's a bit of both, isn't it? If you stick strictly to the dialogue, I can see where you're coming from, but to me, that ignores the whole spectacle of episode 7's climax.
It goes above and beyond just proving something to Nakamura. He lets out all those things about himself (lies or not, a part of him believes they're true), and scatters them all across the classroom. And it feels good. They're both smiling. The music and the slow-motion camera draw our attention to the beauty and contentment in what they're doing. It's cathartic, and that doesn't have to be related to why he started writing on that blackboard.

I agree with Dresden that, while there are plenty of negative attributes that Kasuga deserves, evil isn't one of them. All of that self-loathing and guilt would remain entirely internal were it not for Nakamura trying to drag them out of him and externalize them. His reluctant participation in these acts is driven as much by his confusion and disgust with himself as it is by any need to be special. Baudelaire already gave him that sense of superiority before Nakamura came into his life. He never needed her for that.

Everyone has their own selfish view of the world that sometimes hurts those around them, but if that's evil, then they're all sinners, from the parents on down.


Setec Astronomer
Hyouka 6-10

Hah, that was clever. I also see where the Irisu love comes from, but I gotta ask, why does she never brush that hair off of her face?


Diabolik Lovers

Although, again, I wonder if he means bitch or slut. Who knows?

But man, you guys sold this hard and upon watching it, it's just so... I dunno, tame. It really is a little girl version of a Harlequin romance novel. Oh, it's still hilariously disturbing inasmuch as it's the next logical step from something like Kaichou wa Maid-sama, but the vampire motif is just so comically chaste. This is what I assume the Twilight movies are like, with biting something being equated to sex because the person writing this story is some repressed Christian who blushes when she even bumps up against a man.

When has anything in animegaf lived up to the hype?

Doing the 31 Days of Horror movies like a crazy person, so I thought I'd go in and ask this. Any good anime horror films out there? Couldn't really think of any. Would love to throw something on my list just for some extra variety.

I'll second or third Perfect Blue.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I don't.

Haruhi is built on a foundation of stupidity. Without that it would be pretty much nothing.
Yeah, I hope he gets a shot to make something special. Before that, I wonder if he'll be involved with Pupa, given Mochizuki's work on Rozen Maiden.

Heh, I did think Rozen Maiden was something special, but that's just me. For the flaws that it had, it was still my favorite show airing during the summer season. (Well, it's the only show I've bothered to complete anyway.) But if Hatakeyama can continue to hone his craft and improve the quality of the material he's working with, I think he has the potential to make a work even as good as Wolf Children. You don't see talent like his very often.

Anyway, I'd be surprised if he didn't work on Pupa. Even while he was directing Rozen Maiden, he still found time to do a couple storyboards for Hakkenden.


You could make the argument that both male leads get dragged into random stuff they don't really want anything to do with by the female lead. However, Kyon is an out and out loser compared to Oreki.


Hyouka 6-10

Hah, that was clever. I also see where the Irisu love comes from, but I gotta ask, why does she never brush that hair off of her face?
It makes her feel more dominant and empress-like.

@Haruhi comparison: That show doesn't have a Mayaka so it can't even begin to compete.
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