Grand Theft Auto: Online |OT| The Stimulation Has Began!


Hmm, seems the game will let me online but wont return the character I spent 5 hours today, lame, I really liked her too.

For those actually playing, how important are the lifestyle choices you make in the character creation? How easy is it to level up certain skills?

Levels up like in SP as far as I am aware, it is just what you start with, pretty sure you can hit max without any real troubles besides grinding them as you normally would.


For those actually playing, how important are the lifestyle choices you make in the character creation? How easy is it to level up certain skills?

It seems to help slightly(I mean some extra gun skills are always nice), but a fair amount is just slight variances to your face(acne, moles, frowns, freckles, etc).

edit: visuals still aren't saving on PS3 for me; just tried to exit to SP and back to MP and lost my character appearance(retained rank, money, clothes, etc lol). Seems like it's improving though.


Just did the opening race and after i won the game just was hanging during the transition screen after i ranked up. Had to quit the game , hope it doesn't make me do the intro again.


Well it all seems to be working now (PS3), though there aren't that many making it online it seems, since most of the sessions I joined were pretty empty.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
Just did the opening race and after i won the game just was hanging during the transition screen after i ranked up. Had to quit the game , hope it doesn't make me do the intro again.

Just hung up on me also.

Edit: Just loaded, yay.
PS3 version in the US seems to be making baby steps towards operating properly. Yesterday, I was hit with an error message as soon as my character walked into the first race. Today, I managed to make it past the error message and into an infinite "finding players" load screen.



Played early yesterday for an hour.

So. Much. Fun.

The team death match gave me Socom 1/2 vibes, and capture the briefcase was fucking amazing.


I wish there was a type of deathmatch that incorporated the entire map. I think it could work if it was done Battle Royale style where the game will mark an area as restricted randomly and you have 20 seconds to get out or your head explodes.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Finally got in. Not my character and no cloud but the people in my free roan were cool. One dude helped me with a gang fight then gave ne a lift in a 4runner to a liquor store lol... this could be fun. ....

E92 M3

If anything, the issues are proof of how many people are interested in playing and are hammering the servers; this should be fixed in less than a week (hopefully) and still get people hooked before CoD or whatever game comes out a month from now on the new systems.

Most here are talking like these errors are never going to be fixed, just give them a few days and all should be straightened out. Look at how peoples characters and money are starting to come back. Now if its the end of October (that would be about the time that PSN was down, I think?) and there are still severe issues, then I understand being pissed at R*.

True - but when will they give up? If I lost an 8-hour character, chances are I wouldn't restart - even though I love GTA V to death. Time is a premium commodity, in my situation and I hate restarting things I've already done.

Socom community was in shambles to begin with. That was the final blow to it

I always thought SOCOM was really popular...makes more sense now, though.


Junior Member
There are contact missions that have way more variety. Also get new contacts as you level and progress.

the only stuff ive gotten was Lamar's friend telling me i have to go do a TDM match which just endlessly loops "searching", before he'll give me actual missions(which will probably just be other TDM's)

and Simeon gives me cars to grab which just turn into 3+ star wanted chases, and theres no option to stealthy get the car either, its instant wanted when you enter. doesnt matter if you have a silencer and take the guys out,

these arent missions and the things on the map that are caled "mission" are just TDM, writing a paragraph of text trying to explain why you need to play TDM, doesnt all of a sudden make it not TDM.

if COD had loading screen with a psudo-mission brief before each match, that doesnt all of a sudden make it something its not

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
First time I ever reached the waiting for other players on PS3 just now

and my people are back

When I first saw that last night (8 hrs ago) after all the connection problems I was likw Dr Frankenstein "IT'S ALIVE, IT'S ALIVE"!

Had a good session. Stole a players bike while he went into the clothes store then went and stole a jet. Much laughs to be had.
Waiting for other players for first race on PS3. It glitched a couple times with the guy bringing my car up and someone spawning beside me in between. Now waiting for other players for a while now.

Managed to kill some cops after the marker wasn't there earlier.


I'm worried these launch issues will wound the community beyond repair :(

It could use some wounding at the moment. If half of you guys would stop trying, I could get in.

Seriously, though, can you imagine being someone who knew nothing about video games, but bought GTA and fell face first into this?


Hopefully R* gets their server situation unfucked soon... I really want to play this, but ain't nobody got time for online jank.


I always thought SOCOM was really popular...makes more sense now, though.
It was popular. Confrontation kind of fucked up the fan base plus there was a long time frame between Confrontation and 4. 4 was starting to bring back some life into it tho
Well it's more stable now. By that I mean it's failing in the exact same way everytime.
It just loops when I enter the tutorial race, wont find a game, and then spawns me in the mission circle and does it all again.
For those asking/complaining about muting earlier in the thread, you can do it through the Online menu. Select Players and then select the person you want to mute.
I played 3 hours yesterday. Tried to play today. Connected no problem, but i wasn't able to play deathmatch of race because nobody accepted invetes. When i played race 1 on 1 when other guy undestood that he'll lose he just left, before that he won.
And i can't do any jobs. Started like 3 of them but when it loads in 2-3 seconds i get mission failed screen when i just moved, so yeah i'll wait for a fix.


Is it just me or is the world like practically empty in free roam? Los Santos feels like a ghost town online a lot of the time.


When I first saw that last night (8 hrs ago) after all the connection problems I was likw Dr Frankenstein "IT'S ALIVE, IT'S ALIVE"!

Had a good session. Stole a players bike while he went into the clothes store then went and stole a jet. Much laughs to be had.

Trying to get there...nothing like hearing EDM station playing while looking at a blurry background


I reloaded the game and was able to connect without any problem again which is a good thing. However I lost all the money I had.
Well it's more stable now. By that I mean it's failing in the exact same way everytime.
It just loops when I enter the tutorial race, wont find a game, and then spawns me in the mission circle and does it all again.

ignore the mission when it allows you to do it. Anyways, your character will most likely vanish into thin air (if ps3)
seems to be working ok right now.

Besides spending 7000 upgrading my main ride until the nicer cars..... and reloading only to find it's still using my old ride, but the money didn't come back.

sure 7000 can be recovered easily with 2 repo missions, but still. this sucks.


Had to make my character again, lost my rank but kept my money. (Weird)

Now I'm stuck on the "Launching Session" screen for the first race.



Here's my amiga


Already had a change of outfit, but rsc was being spotty. Seems crazy you can't even remotely delete from the website.
Is it just me or is the world like practically empty in free roam? Los Santos feels like a ghost town online a lot of the time.

makes sense due to now your game could have a bunch of other players on screen (is 16 the max?) and also every pedestrian would have to be rendered for everybody, have collision detection etc.


makes sense due to now your game could have a bunch of other players on screen (is 16 the max?) and also every pedestrian would have to be rendered for everybody, have collision detection etc.
But even if I am like a mile from any player, the world is still empty.
I'm not sure I've seen or heard of a single instance where someone managed to get past the first race on the PS3 version.

Has anyone had success on PS3?


Been playing for the past few hours, having fun.. unable to connect with friends but still fun. Wondering if its safe to quit yet? If i quit is my guy gone?


Thank you everyone for continuing to bear with us since yesterday’s initial roll out of Grand Theft Auto Online – we’re aware that a variety of technical difficulties have made it difficult to get access and that the experience has been a bit less than smooth for many of you who jumped in straight away, so here are a few updates as of this afternoon to keep you all apprised.

At the Rockstar Games Support site, there is a dedicated article listing out the most common technical issues being reported. Things are changing and developing frequently but here are some latest updates as of this afternoon:
For PlayStation 3 users, a PlayStation Network server issue was detected that was limiting the amount of possible concurrent users. This was preventing most players from accessing GTA Online altogether and as of this morning, that problem was resolved.
There is an issue that is preventing some players from getting through the first tutorial mission across both platforms. Many players have been able to get through this with repeated retries, and we are working on unblocking this for everyone as soon as possible.
This morning, we experienced some instability across the GTA Online services which is affecting even people who have progressed beyond the tutorial mission. We are identifying these issues now and are working to restore stability for users as soon as possible.
For the time being and until we have been able to get everybody access to GTA Online and things are running smoothly, we have disabled the option of purchasable GTA$ cash packs. Players can however keep on earning GTA$ by pulling off Jobs and other profitable gameplay activities rather than purchasing cash packs.

You can keep updated on these and other common issues by subscribing to the GTA Online Launch Status Rockstar Support article at Subscribers will be sent an automatic notification as updates happen.

All of these initial technical issues will be ironed out as soon as we can. Please know that the entire team here at Rockstar and all of our relevant partners are and will continue to be working around the clock to get the experience to be as smooth as possible, as soon as possible.

In the meantime, for anyone experiencing technical problems, we encourage you to report them to our dedicated Support Team at and at This is the best place to get direct technical help and we are constantly looking at the most commonly reported issues there to resolve.

For those of you who have been getting into and playing GTA Online, we also encourage you to please share your gameplay experience feedback with us at so that we may know what aspects you’re liking and disliking to help guide how the game will grow and evolve past this initial period.

Thanks again everyone for your patience and your support – we will continue to keep you updated.


Any PS3 owner actually got past the first race? I am STILL on "Launching session"
Swear I heard a guy on a mic a minute ago, but nothing since.


I always thought SOCOM was really popular...makes more sense now, though.

It was in the PS2 days... But the horrible launch of Confrontation eliminated most of the community, and the PSN hack the day after SOCOM 4 came out pretty much finished the job.

Not to mention SOCOM 4 was absolute trash, but thats another topic altogether.

Anyway, hearing the PS3 success stories recently makes me want to give GTAO another go...
But even if I am like a mile from any player, the world is still empty.

I see a few pedestrians here and there but admittedly cars are harder to come by as well. I've been searching for the mini cooper for a while now, gotta head to class and keep searching later when i come back.

As to the guy asking if it's safe to quit, I'd suggest switching to one of the single player characters as when you do the game autosaves. So online is entirely based off cloud and autosaving.
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