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Fall 2013 Anime |OT| When is Crunchyroll coming to GTA Online?

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Maturity, bitches.
By Bee Train, a 13 episode drama anime about bgbw's moe-ness.

So a show where I'm trying to the most moe thing for everyone and failing because appeal to everyone is an impossible task, thus the final lesson is to just be yourself and don't try to conform to the tastes of others.


Coppelion Episode 2:

The distracting elements of this show continue to do just that; tone down your filters and outlines Coppelion. Also, we almost had our lead trio ditch the stupid school uniforms for some blue civvies for no real reason other then some pointless foreshadowing. Still, those issues aside, this was a stronger episode as we get to meet the people who were left behind in the old capital and greater insights into our trio of the Coppelion Unit.
Indeed we learn that the sorts of people left behind are criminals, some of whom have done unspeakable things and have very strange ways of atonement. Yea, this tale is rather pitch black and I don't think the tone is getting brighter. Also, they keep calling themselves dolls but the designation does not really work since we see in spite of the artificiality they have things like will and emotions in spades. Perhaps thee is something deeper to that?

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Kyoukai no Kanata 2

Pretty good. Looks like most of the awesome moments from the PV came from this episode. Also,
a large-breasted mother named Yacchan? I APPROVE


Kyoukai no Kanata ep.2

Ah, so
that's what you guys were talking about in spoilers but still got revealed by some careless people earlier. Thankfully it came out of nowhere so I was still surprised and was able to react to it properly, so no harm done in this case. Also it was damn funny.
KnK 2

It's a shame KyoAni is being wasted on LN dreck because the show looks great and the action scene was excellent. The dialog continues to border on being cringe-worthy and the humor falls flat. The banter between MC and the black-haired girl is pretty much the only thing worthwhile outside of the visuals.


By the way, apparently a rule change was made in Saimoe, under the pretense of stopping cheaters, that gives the tournament organizers basically free reign to manipulate the vote however which way they want, destroying even any shred of fun credibility the tournament had left. So I'm no longer going to bother reporting on matches since virtually the entire rest of the tournament will probably be essentially rigged by the admins.

tl;dr: J-Saimoe is absolutely, completely dead.


By the way, apparently a rule change was made in Saimoe that gives the tournament organizers basically free reign to manipulate the vote however which way they want, destroying even any shred of fun credibility the tournament had left. So I'm no longer going to bother reporting on matches since virtually the entire rest of the tournament will probably be essentially rigged by the admins.

Anime fans are the worst. You can see what happens when they get even a shred of control or power: MAL, Saimoe, the GOP, Scientology, etc.
Madoka Magika - Series Review

Instead of an Episode 12 reaction I'm just going to comment on the series as a whole. Actually expected to be 13 episodes for some reason but oh well.

When first suggested the series I was wary of it due to it being a Mahou Shoujo/Magical Girl genre and was doubting it it actually lived to his reputation of being dark themed and tragic. So after finishing Attack on Titan I needed to watch another dark-themed anime and finally decided to check Madoka Magika out.

Since it's a 12-episode series each episode that aired had a role in telling the story and filler was nonexistent. So I greatly enjoyed how the plot progress, both music and the abstract art present in witch battles were both enough to peak my curiosity until Episode 3 came to which I was finally hooked in.

The ending
was sort of a disappointment for me though I still enjoyed it. I wanted it to be more tragic somehow, though it was still pretty damn tragic with everyone but Homura dying essentially. Also enjoyed Kyubei as a villain despite the pseudo-science-alien-stuff that was revealed.

Aside from that the only disappointment I could pick out was the lack of depth with the Was-something-nacht (still can't remember the name) not having any depth despite being some apocalyptic force. It served its role but I just thought it would've been something more when the rest of the show kept my on edge the entire way.

Another thing, specifically Madoka. I really enjoyed how they put off her becoming a Magical Girl into the very end. Reading some other reviews/reactions online people found this to be bad and Madoka being annoying. To me, however, Madoka was perfect/believable in every episode despite her repeated crying. Voice acting (subbed) was solid to which perhaps led me to like her character.

As for characters, really damn hard to rank them as I love them all but nonetheless I thought on it overnight and they are:

1. Homura (the final episodes bumped Kyouko into second place!)
2. Kyouko
3. Madoka
4. Sayaka
5. Kyubei
6. Mami

Finally, I put Madoka Magika over both Steins;Gate and Mawaru Penguindrum due to how clear it was to follow with its plot. It didn't hide behind symbolism or pseudo-science in telling its tragedy, everything was precise and clear and still retained its ability to portray its tragedy to the audience.

And if I were still Catholic/Christian I would hold Madoka as my representation of Jesus.



Kyoukai no Kanata 2

Trying Too Hard - The Anime.

Seriously, if they cut out all the terrible humourous bits - or at least downplayed some of them so every character was operating on Mitsuki's level of withering sarcasm - there might be something less aggravating here. Even Mirai manages some moments of being an interesting, sympathetic character when she's not squeaking around being a moeblob. As it is, the writing seems so desperate to have stupid LN things like the glasses fetish and
Akihiko's mother being a ridiculous catgirl
that it drowns out everything else.

The action was good, and I'm keen to see more of Mitsuki and Hiroomi in the future so I will keep watching. I just wish it wasn't trying to be funny when it just isn't.
KnK 2

It's a shame KyoAni is being wasted on LN dreck because the show looks great and the action scene was excellent. The dialog continues to border on being cringe-worthy and the humor falls flat. The banter between MC and the black-haired girl is pretty much the only thing worthwhile outside of the visuals.

If they have to adapt light novels at least they could adapt something way better.....like more of Full Metal Panic *cries*
Kaiji S1 - Episode 12

Ok, this show is totally not what I expected. I thought this show was going to be about gambling, cards, and dice. This is actually more about a series of messed up stuff the protagonist has to do to get his debt payed.

This time Kaiji has to
cross a beam that is 22 stories high
. Totally not about gambling. Season 2 started off amazing and was full on gambling but this is kinda turning a little random with these tasks.

Regardless, Kaiji is pretty interesting. I think him and everyone else cries a little too much, but after that this show is pretty interesting.
Kyoukai no Kanata 2

Hacky Writing 2: Judgement Day. Outside of the dialogue, the show continues to impress to the point that I can't dislike it. KyoAni are doing their damndest to sell what's happening with good direction and it works to some degree. Like Seraphis Cain
, I noticed the Mother deja vu and had to laugh when her name was said.
The episode opened on some nice action that lasted longer than I expected, which was nice. There's no saving the LN crap, but that won't change so I'm probably a bit numb to it now. I'm also not too averse to the emotionally burdened warrior thing that Mirai has going on, but that's been kept on the down low in favour of bad jokes, so I'll have to wait and see how they handle it.

The ED is really nice and I like how the music is cut in during each episode's closing.
By the way, apparently a rule change was made in Saimoe, under the pretense of stopping cheaters, that gives the tournament organizers basically free reign to manipulate the vote however which way they want, destroying even any shred of fun credibility the tournament had left. So I'm no longer going to bother reporting on matches since virtually the entire rest of the tournament will probably be essentially rigged by the admins.

tl;dr: J-Saimoe is absolutely, completely dead.
Fear the power of the proxy servers !

No internet vote is safe... its useless to fight it unless you can have a proper view of the packets to prevent cheating.
Kaiji S1 - Episode 12

Ok, this show is totally not what I expected. I thought this show was going to be about gambling, cards, and dice. This is actually more about a series of messed up stuff the protagonist has to do to get his debt payed.

This time Kaiji has to
cross a beam that is 22 stories high
. Totally not about gambling. Season 2 started off amazing and was full on gambling but this is kinda turning a little random with these tasks.

It is gambling. With your life.

Regardless, Kaiji is pretty interesting. I think him and everyone else cries a little too much, but after that this show is pretty interesting.

Don't disrespect manly tears!


No one posted the new Samumenco teaser? They're doing one every day until it airs.


Curry is the soul of a hero!

Hopefully they solved the production problems... *sigh*, why couldn't Brain Base animate this?

Official site and key visual are live for the upcoming cross-media project Hamatora anime:


Looks like the only newly revealed staff members we didn't know about before are Hiroshi Kimura as the normal director and Seiji Kishi as series director.

Key character visuals from Animate.tv:


What is this?


The Garden of Words

I just watched Garden of Words. I hope it's kosher to talk about it. I've never posted in this thread. I'll be the first to admit, I'm not an anime hobbyist. But lately I've found myself only watching Anime films. I recently marathoned all of Miyzaki's work and saw Paprika. Then I recently watched "Children Who Chase Lost Voices" and "The Garden of Words".

Damnit, Makoto Shinkai he always gets me. First it was 5cm a year ago. Now these films. I don't know what it is, but something about his films always leave me really depressed. I suppose it's his focus on long distance and how it impacts relationships. Or just his films always having a deep sense of yearning for something - and never being able to achieve it. I think Garden of Words was actually kind of a bone being thrown to the viewer. That ending where she runs to him and embraces him. But it still ended with them being separated by distance, and him working towards eventually being in a place where he could be back with her.

It was pure coincidence, but I actually watched this film on a very rainy day today (it doesn't rain often in So Cal), and I didn't even know the film had that element to it. So that definitely added to the aesthetics of the film as I watching in my room with the lights off, and the rain dropping outside my window. I just loved the animation, and the music. My only gripe was actually the ending. I dunno. I kind of found Takao unleashing on her to be a little over the top. Although I certainly understand why he was upset with her. I dunno.

I guess I found the film fascinating, just because it looked at how people of different age/background can still have a deep connection to one another.


Kyoukai no Kanata /Beyond The Boundary 2:

The Ultimate Example Of The Polishing A Turd Metaphor Anime: Indeed Kyoto Animation is really bringing their top notch animation to the fore and the action sequences among the best I have seen all year. The dialog and characterization are some of the worst seen this side of Sword Art Online. Yea, the glasses fetish talk is annoying and creepy and
Akihito's Mother
is a crime against comedy on the scale of Bleach. Seriously, you can't go over the top like that and then try to get all serious, fucking inconsistent tone. Indeed watching the charisma free Akihito and the worst moe archetype Mirai fumble their way thorough scene to scene borders on painful.To top it all off they are going all Day Break Illusion on us at the end. Unless this make for a quick turnaround Beyond the Boundary is looking to end up on the cut list.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
beyond the boundary 02
this show sucks. looking forward to the flailing action .gifs.
The Garden of Words

I just watched Garden of Words. I hope it's kosher to talk about it. I've never posted in this thread. I'll be the first to admit, I'm not an anime hobbyist. But lately I've found myself only watching Anime films. I recently marathoned all of Miyzaki's work and saw Paprika. Then I recently watched "Children Who Chase Lost Voices" and "The Garden of Words".

Damnit, Makoto Shinkai he always gets me. First it was 5cm a year ago. Now these films. I don't know what it is, but something about his films always leave me really depressed. I suppose it's his focus on long distance and how it impacts relationships. Or just his films always having a deep sense of yearning for something - and never being able to achieve it. I think Garden of Words was actually kind of a bone being thrown to the viewer. That ending where she runs to him and embraces him. But it still ended with them being separated by distance, and him working towards eventually being in a place where he could be back with her.

It was pure coincidence, but I actually watched this film on a very rainy day today (it doesn't rain often in So Cal), and I didn't even know the film had that element to it. So that definitely added to the aesthetics of the film as I watching in my room with the lights off, and the rain dropping outside my window. I just loved the animation, and the music. My only gripe was actually the ending. I dunno. I kind of found Takao unleashing on her to be a little over the top. Although I certainly understand why he was upset with her. I dunno.

I guess I found the film fascinating, just because it looked at how people of different age/background can still have a deep connection to one another.

It's a great film, and I agree with most of what you said. Your comment about yearning and it's impact feels spot on, because the film is very much about love as longing, which is inherently sad. The isolated location of Takao and Yukino's meetings and the condition they meet under adds to that, while making the progression of their relationship feel sincere and natural, devoid of outside influence.

I think the ending is part of exploring the nature of relationships and the purpose they have. I didn't mind Takao's outburst, despite it being the most cliche element of the film, because it felt like an excuse to bring up the concept of saving somebody and what that means. It's love, but perhaps not as we know it. I don't know if Takao genuinely intends to be together with Yukino again, or if the comfort and motivation brought about by the idea is enough.

Shinkai's brand of emotional honesty always gets me too. I feel like a girl while watching his work at times. I'm glad you liked it though, it's nice to read impressions of this type of anime.


Yes! Pretty Cure 5: (END)

Ah finally... the series that nearly burned me off of Precure is finished. And the weird thing is, it wasn't really bad, either. It wasn't all that great, all honesty, either. To me, this was a season of strengths and weaknesses, with no middle ground. The amount of characters that got detailed characterization was great. The animation quality took a sharp nosedive. The plot was solid, if a bit unspectacular. However, there was a sense of power tiers in the Precure group, with Dream overpowering the rest.

I don't even know where to place this, full series-wise. Obviously, its not good enough to be on the top, but I don't think its the worst I've seen, either. Its just kind of, middle ground.

Since this one nearly killed my interest, I'm taking a break for a while before I tackle either Splash Star or Yes! Pretty Cure 5 Go Go. That could be a week, or it could be several months, I don't know.

Andrew J.

Mitsuki /Beyond The Boundary 2:

The Ultimate Example Of The Polishing A Turd Metaphor Anime: Indeed Kyoto Animation is really bringing their top notch animation to the fore and the action sequences among the best I have seen all year. The dialog and characterization are some of the worst seen this side of Sword Art Online. Yea, the glasses fetish talk is annoying and creepy and
Akihito Mother
is a crime against comedy on the scale of Bleach. Seriously, you can't go over the top like that and then try to get all serious, fucking inconsistent tone. Indeed watching the charisma free Akihito and the worst moe archetype Mitsuki fumble their way thorough scene to scene borders on painful.To top it all off they are going all Day Break Illusion on us at the end. Unless this make for a quick turnaround Mitsuki is looking to end up on the cut list.

You had better be mixing up Mirai and Mitsuki there, son.


Noucome Episode1: Well, I didn't think I would see an anime as stupid, manic and insane as Kill La Kill this season and yet here we are. Though this series is working with very different mediums as it put its spin on the whole visual novel adaption by dragging in the actual choices with it. Also, yes, I know this is an actual manga adaption, I don't need it pointed out to me. Anyway, seems Kanade is cursed by this god of absolute choice; side note, I got your gimmick show, didn't need that 5 minute history lesson pounding said gimmick into my head. Anyway, beyond the premise, I am not sure what to think of this show, I think I liked it, but drooling insanity was a little much to handle at times. Still, I could do with a madcap comedy that actually makes me laugh now that Love Lab is over and done with.
How many fucking animes need to have a special school of super smart students of some sort?

If we take into consideration the amount of schools that are specialized then the whole country would be a special school.


Madoka Magika - Series Review

Instead of an Episode 12 reaction I'm just going to comment on the series as a whole. Actually expected to be 13 episodes for some reason but oh well.

When first suggested the series I was wary of it due to it being a Mahou Shoujo/Magical Girl genre and was doubting it it actually lived to his reputation of being dark themed and tragic. So after finishing Attack on Titan I needed to watch another dark-themed anime and finally decided to check Madoka Magika out.

Since it's a 12-episode series each episode that aired had a role in telling the story and filler was nonexistent. So I greatly enjoyed how the plot progress, both music and the abstract art present in witch battles were both enough to peak my curiosity until Episode 3 came to which I was finally hooked in.

The ending
was sort of a disappointment for me though I still enjoyed it. I wanted it to be more tragic somehow, though it was still pretty damn tragic with everyone but Homura dying essentially. Also enjoyed Kyubei as a villain despite the pseudo-science-alien-stuff that was revealed.

Aside from that the only disappointment I could pick out was the lack of depth with the Was-something-nacht (still can't remember the name) not having any depth despite being some apocalyptic force. It served its role but I just thought it would've been something more when the rest of the show kept my on edge the entire way.

Another thing, specifically Madoka. I really enjoyed how they put off her becoming a Magical Girl into the very end. Reading some other reviews/reactions online people found this to be bad and Madoka being annoying. To me, however, Madoka was perfect/believable in every episode despite her repeated crying. Voice acting (subbed) was solid to which perhaps led me to like her character.

As for characters, really damn hard to rank them as I love them all but nonetheless I thought on it overnight and they are:

1. Homura (the final episodes bumped Kyouko into second place!)
2. Kyouko
3. Madoka
4. Sayaka
5. Kyubei
6. Mami

Finally, I put Madoka Magika over both Steins;Gate and Mawaru Penguindrum due to how clear it was to follow with its plot. It didn't hide behind symbolism or pseudo-science in telling its tragedy, everything was precise and clear and still retained its ability to portray its tragedy to the audience.

And if I were still Catholic/Christian I would hold Madoka as my representation of Jesus.

Haha, the first thing I thought
from the ending is "and then Madoka was Jesus".

I actually really like the ending because it manages to be both uplifting and depressing at the same time. Witches don't exist, but magical girls still fight monster and die, just when they die they get spirited away by Madoka or whatever instead of turning into despair monsters.

You might want to link that image? It's sort of vaguely spoilery.

Anyways, great show, glad you enjoyed it.


It's a great film, and I agree with most of what you said. Your comment about yearning and it's impact feels spot on, because the film is very much about love as longing, which is inherently sad. The isolated location of Takao and Yukino's meetings and the condition they meet under adds to that, while making the progression of their relationship feel sincere and natural, devoid of outside influence.

I think the ending is part of exploring the nature of relationships and the purpose they have. I didn't mind Takao's outburst, despite it being the most cliche element of the film, because it felt like an excuse to bring up the concept of saving somebody and what that means. It's love, but perhaps not as we know it. I don't know if Takao genuinely intends to be together with Yukino again, or if the comfort and motivation brought about by the idea is enough.

Shinkai's brand of emotional honesty always gets me too. I feel like a girl while watching his work at times. I'm glad you liked it though, it's nice to read impressions of this type of anime.

I truly appreciate you replying. The movie is still weighing heavily on me, and like is usual for his films, I'm sure I'll be thinking about it for weeks to come. As I said, what his movies are about typically impact me a lot deeper than most films. But I will say, as depressing as I find the subject matter of his movie's, I think they are refreshing, as they really touch on human themes that are very real. They are aspects to life that isn't wonderful. So I like that these films do touch on these moments, and they feel very REAL to me (well more so 5cm and The Garden of Words, although his other works still have those emotions that feel very real to me).

Maybe it's just where I am at in my life right now, but his films always cut pretty deep for me. But my god, I just really loved the Garden of Word's setting. I think that while the story is fairly simple, I loved the dynamic between the two characters, and how their relationship had an impact on each other (even in the slower moments in the beginning, where they weren't saying much to one another). I liked how subtle and quiet this film was.

So perhaps that is why the ending part kind of took me back a bit. I actually thought she was going to confess that she loved him too. I was glad that it didn't go that route, and instead was more about her getting her feelings out. Because she always kept things pent up, and didn't like to say what she was really feeling. So I should give the ending more credit, in that while it was kind of cliche (the moment itself) -- I thought the actual themes tied to it was handled well.
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