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Your favorite of the PS4 launch titles?

I have a feeling a ton of people are going to say Resogun because it is pretty awesome, but my favorite is (surprisingly) Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag. And I'm not even a fan of the series, but the Giant Bomb QL sold me on it so I tried it out. It's so much fun!

Anyway, what's yours?


tough choice! i guess it would be killzone.

it would be nfs if it wasn't open-world. i don't know why, but that always annoys me with these games.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I've only played Killzone, 2k14, and Resogun. So far I'm really digging Resogun and it plays really well on remote play. I've been having a lot of fun with 2k14 as well though and it looks sooo next gen.

I still have NFS Rivals on the way but for now if I have to pick I'd go with Resogun.


Not being able to play PS4 for a while [uk release date/cash] but after watching hours of streams of various games I'm leaning towards Knack, followed by Killzone then Resogun. Knack is linear and not much platforming but great combat - the enemies seemed so tough and smart, really impressive visuals that also grow on you (those shadows too!). Really liked the way knack moved in terms of flow and there is also co-op too? Sounds like a lot of fun on a launch title. The co-op even works on Vita!

I'd be willing to confirm those choices if someone would let me play on their PS4 in the US with my Vita in the UK :p Sucks that it would need to be on the same account though.

Just catching up on need for speed now though.
I really thought NFS Rivals would be my favorite, but the frame rate is kind of a downer. It isn't horrible, but it's not very smooth either. It is fun though.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I've played Killzone, Ghosts, Battlefield, Resogun, and Contrast thus far.

My favorite has been Battlefield 4. It's like 3, but more stuff, new maps, and better balance and graphics.

I've only reached the trains in Killzone, but surprisingly, I'm not quite feeling it. The game is gorgeous, but as a fan of 2 and 3 (I even kind of liked one by the end of the game), the actual gameplay doesn't seem to work well. There are a lot of good ideas here, but I don't know that any of them play to Guerilla Game's strengths. They had the tight warfare with slow but satisfying progression through a single battlefield thing down with KZ2. Absolutely incredible. 3 was less so, but still serviceable. Shadowfall can be so spacious, the encounters always feel a little rough and awkward. Also, I miss the old cover system, and I don't like that you can't swap out the boring main rifle.

Wait, this wasn't a lightly complain about Killzone Shadow Fall thread? Whoops!

Anyway, BF is great Multiplayer wise (though dying a lot because I don't know the maps kind of hurts). Singleplayer probably isn't amazing, but it seems like a step up from 3 from what I played.


I've only played Resogun and NBA 2K14... both are fantastic. Especially, Resogun.

Have Knack, Killzone, AC4 and the F2P games still to try.


Knack. It's a 90's-era 3D action adventure/platformer littered with old-game ideas. Slippery floor tiles, bridges that collapse as you cross, gusts of wind that push you off of platforms, etc. New hazards/enemies are introduced in one area and then they are immediately built upon in the next. It's like a demonstration on how to make your first game. I love it.

Game's got that Crash Bandicoot influence in spades too, right down to the enemy types and their stage placement. Now, if only had a cool From Software Evergrace/Eternal Ring-like equivalent for my PS4 then I'd be in heaven.


Killzone multiplayer is amazing. Balanced, and tightly packed action. Great visuals, loving the party. Can't wait to see some unique customized game modes.

Resogun is awesome. Love the visuals and its great fun. Any other games that output sound through the DUALSHOCK 4?

Warframe is great fast paced fun.
I've been having fun with Battlefield, although it's really, really broken at the moment. Like, It lost my single player save data already (about 45 minutes of progress, no huge deal), and I can't get into any games on Conquest / if I do get in it crashes minutes later. Sticking to the 20 player modes works fine, but I want the big maps.

It looks / plays great though and I'm having a great time despite the issues.

Resogun is also pretty great, but I'm terrible at it. I've yet to save everyone on a level.


I bought 5 retail games, haven't touched them yet. I'm still playing Resogun.

Game is god damn crack.

No Love

Killzone, followed not too distantly by NBA 2K14. They scratch that 'next-gen' itch so well.

I've got a stack of other games but not sure I'm going to touch them. Ghosts, AC IV, BF4, NFS Rivals, FIFA 14... but I'm thinking maybe only BF4 will be worth going into, and I can do Rivals and AC IV with much prettier graphics on my PC.


Not sure yet. Knack so far is shocking me with how good it is and Killzone is pretty dope. Resogun made my eyes explode with awesome and now Assassin's Creed 4 is pretty freaking cool too. Unless all four games take a nosedive in quality this is going to be one of the better console launches. Absolutely destroys the previous launches imo.
I've only had a chance to play ACIV so far. Didn't get very far. Downloading Resogun and Contrast as we speak. The 30-day PSN plus thing is cool. Kind of feels like the Sega CD launch, because I would have never downloaded Contrast or Resogun had they not been free.
KZ:SF by far.

I picked up AC4 with caution.. hesitated to open the plastic, but did anyway.. only to find out that I wasted my money yet again. The game is very very current gen graphics-wise and I'm exhausted from this franchise..oh well.. I'll just play KZ until something else on PS4 appeals to me.


King Snowflake
Does hammering on the PSN login count as a game? If so it certainly wasn't fun.

Kilzone looks great, plays OK. I need to spend more time with it. Resogun is pretty neat. I will play some more later this weekend. I queued up all the other free games and have Knack sitting on the table.
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