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Your favorite of the PS4 launch titles?


Resogun. Shit is beautiful and so much fun.

New CoD on the other hand is a steaming turd. Played multiplayer for like 4 hours with my friend today and hated every minute of it.


I have a feeling AC IV might end up being my favorite. Ive only played Killzone and Resogun. I have Contrast and Battlefield for tomorrow. But i love AC games and the pS4 version seems to be the best console version so im looking forward to it.
Resogun no contest. I dislike first person shooters, sports games, and asscreed so the only games I have played so far are knack, contrast, and Resogun.


Haven't downloaded Resogun yet, but from the two games I've played (Battlefield 4 and Killzone: Shadow Fall), Battlefield is impressing me a whole lot more.
I have Killzone, NBA 2K, Res0gun and Contrast.

Shockingly? My favourite so far is Contrast. I'm sure the visuals could be done on PS3, and the controls are a bit floaty. But it has a ton of charm, is really inventive, and is just fun to play. I've been at it for hours now, I don't really want to put it down.

I definitely think reviewers were too harsh on it. Fortunately it's on PS+, so it'll find its cult following.


I've only played Killzone and Resogun so far. BF4 and Knack are still sealed. So, I guess so far I'd say I've liked Killzone the most. The MP is pretty awesome, and although the SP story is laughable, it's still fun to play.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Resogun so far

Holy Mother of FUCK is this game Gorgeous

Jesus Veteran is going to be a bitch to master, and god help us all when Master mode unlocks >_<

The last boss of Stage 5 is FUCKING EPIC!, my heart was beating so fucking fast

Gonna give KZ a shot tomorrow, want to save it for the weekend marathon


So far I've played killzone multi and knack coop with my girlfriend. Both have been fantastic experiences. The fact that I can go with beat em up family game to auto aimless core shooter is a testament to the diversity of the launch line-up. I was skeptical, especially when PSN died, but things are pretty great at the moment.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I have Killzone, NBA 2K, Res0gun and Contrast.

Shockingly? My favourite so far is Contrast. I'm sure the visuals could be done on PS3, and the controls are a bit floaty. But it has a ton of charm, is really inventive, and is just fun to play. I've been at it for hours now, I don't really want to put it down.

I definitely think reviewers were too harsh on it. Fortunately it's on PS+, so it'll find its cult following.

I understand why Contrast was reviewed poorly. It's neat and inventive, but it has framerate issues (despite the graphics) and is just a little unpolished.


Loving Killzone. So far I think its really underrated. Lots of tools that keep the gameplay interesting.

Resogun is a lot of fun too.

Least favorite so far is contrast. -Thought it would have been more interesting given its gameplay concept.


Having a ton of fun with killzone mp and resogun. Still have ac4 and bf4 to play. I'll probably will check out ac4 now.. and wait a few days for bf4 since I heard the server are having issue at the moment


Enjoying Knack so far with my brother.... (Is it the only 2 player game at launch?); Have yet to play Killzone or AC. I like the challenge and constantly having to look for breakable walls etc. Pretty fun with two people. I wish Killzone had a offline split screen option...
Battlefield 4 blew me away since I've been playing it on PS3, then got the digital upgrade on PS4... My goodness it was smooth and amazing looking @_@


Of the 7 games I bought today Need for Speed has been the most enjoyable. I've only had the time to put an hour or so into each game but that's the one I want to go back to. The biggest disappointment so far has been Killzone.


I've been playing madden, Ghosts, Lego Marvel and Killzone so far.

And I gotta say I'm loving Killzone multiplayer. It's so much more fun than Ghosts.

And 60fps look incredible.


I was hoping they would have ironed out most of the issues for BF4 while us PC users were beta testing it, sounds like I was wrong...

Sky Chief

I have Killzone, BF4, AC4, 2K14 and all the indies and I am loving them all. The funny thing is I was far and away most excited for Killzone as I enjoy the series but it is actually the game I am enjoying the least (I still like it a lot though). I bought the other three just because I needed more games for my new toy and they have all been great. Really happy that I picked them up because usually I never would have.


So far I would say its a tie between AC4, and Lego Marvel(because its allot of fun to play with my daughter), but I still have NFS,Battlefield, and Killzone to play.

For downloadables I already enjoyed DCUO to begin with, and its much improved on PS4, and Resogun is just fantastic.


Now i dont know if i should return BF4 for knack !!! Already opened killzone:SF and NBA2k14. Really enjoying Killzone, too bad i suck horribly at Nba 2k14 =(


Sad to see no love for Need for Speed Rivals.

I haven't paid much attention to the game and already had my eyes set on DriveClub as my racer, but with the delay I had to get my racing fix. This game has really surprised me and to think I would have missed this gem if DriveClub wasn't delayed. This pretty much the only game I've played on my PS4 and most likely be my first Platinum.


Junior Member
Resogun. It reminds me of when Geometry Wars first came out. I had to own the console that had that game. Resogun was a great reason to buy this console. Killzone is alright and super pretty, but I'm not head-over-heels in love with this game.

Should I just say fuck it and buy Knack? I keep going back and forth. I'm kinda pissed that I chose COD: Ghosts for my Amazon B2G1 deal. :(


Resogun, with a nod to NBA 2k, shit looks nice
watched some killzone, knack, lego marvel & AC4, all decent games but nothing that really caught my eye yet

havnet tried the F2P ones yet
Assassins Creed is my favorite so far.. Killzone comes in second but the multiplayer is too hectic and fast for the sluggish controls. FIFA 14 is by far the worst game I have ever played. I should have purchased NBA 2K14 instead.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I have played:
1. FIFA 14
2. Knack
3. Resogun
4. Flower
5. Contrast
6. Sound Shapes
7. Killzone

I am most impressed thus far with how incredibly smooth FIFA is offline and online. All matches have been indistinguishable from one another as far as connection quality, framerate, and responsiveness.

The rest fall as follows. Note the only game I just didn't get into was Contrast. Also, I still have not started BF4.

2. Knack
3. Killzone
4. Flower
5. Resogun
6. Sound Shapes (not full screen!)
7. Contrast

I still have intentions to try/buy Rivals and Lego Marvel.


Retail I only bought Killzone and I'm enjoying it. All the f2p stuff I like right now, Resogun is amazing. Cotrast surprised me most, really liking it a lot.


Knack. I honestly love it. It is so gorgeous and I like the gameplay to boot. Definitely something i will play again on Hard.

Not seeing the 4/10 reviews at all. I am a jaded 30-something gamer but golly, I think Knack is a hoot to play.
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