If you guys want a good laugh read the Xbox One subreddit.
Yeah, it's best to avoid that place for anything other than news or unintentionally amusing comments.
If you guys want a good laugh read the Xbox One subreddit.
Ok this one:
confused me, I tried thinking about it long enough to make sense of it, but nothing happened, can someone help me out here?
Can someone please repeat that to me in English?Oh it can't be that bad...
:|And I'm sure a side by side comparison shows a microscopic difference to the eye. Sounds to me like Microsoft is using frames and graphical configurations more efficiently... think about it, less frames, same res... Cant wait to play a 60fps on my X1.
Ok this one:
confused me, I tried thinking about it long enough to make sense of it, but nothing happened, can someone help me out here?
And I'm sure a side by side comparison shows a microscopic difference to the eye. Sounds to me like Microsoft is using frames and graphical configurations more efficiently... think about it, less frames, same res... Cant wait to play a 60fps on my X1
Oh it can't be that bad...
This completely has to do with the games development, especially a last-gen port is most likely not going to take advantage of something like this. Games that start rolling out in the years to come will take advantage of the dedicated servers more and more as time goes on.
Nintendo were fine with 15-25fps during the N64 era. Microsoft is purely harkening back to that philosophy of design
I don't see what the issue is. As long as it stays above 10fps, its perfectly playable. The PS4 version will probably have been sped up by double to acheive the 60fps, so good luck trying to aim or jump over things when lara is moving at double the speed, LOL
I wonder what Richard Leadbetter thinks about all this? We did tell him his Digital Foundry comparisons and Microsoft regurgitated PR articles were completely off point. Really bizarre when ordinary forum posters are sometimes more logical in tech theory and maths compared to actual supposed experts in the field. Though granted some posters on here do actually work in the field. Oh well..
Hopefully this entire last year shows many journalists (who I feel sometimes downplay forums like this) that GAF isn't just a forum full of whiney ignorant posters (though we have that too lol), and in fact, looking past that we have numerous well versed people who in my ways are more in tune and on point with such things compared to actual journalists, tech types and PR people that write for actual tent pole gaming sites or otherwise.
You were better off and better informed reading the GAF tech comparison threads and general threads about these two new consoles than you were reading about them elsewhere, even on gaming sites.
What's the point of posting stupid reddit posts here? There are bad posts on every major forum.
Unlocked framerate... Sigh. I'd rather take locked 30. This will be just like Shadowfall which looks like an unoptimized mess instead of the graphical showpiece it was supposed to be thanks to the unlocked framerate.
Anyhow, still a power showcase for PS4 since it's the one closest to 60..
So, just out of curiosity - what would be the equivalent PC graphics cards for Xbox One and PS4 (and what would be the price difference)?
Based on this analysis of Tomb Raider PC - http://www.techspot.com/review/645-tomb-raider-performance/page2.html - it looks like the Radeon 5870 has comparable performance (60fp@1050p) with the PS4 and the Radeon 6970 has comparable performance (30fps @ 1050p) with the Xbone.
Both of these are pretty old cards by today's standard, though, so it's difficult to compare prices.
What's the point of posting stupid reddit posts here? There are bad posts on every major forum.
This completely has to do with the games development, especially a last-gen port is most likely not going to take advantage of something like this. Games that start rolling out in the years to come will take advantage of the dedicated servers more and more as time goes on.And I'm sure a side by side comparison shows a microscopic difference to the eye. Sounds to me like Microsoft is using frames and graphical configurations more efficiently... think about it, less frames, same res... Cant wait to play a 60fps on my X1
Nintendo were fine with 15-25fps during the N64 era. Microsoft is purely harkening back to that philosophy of design
I don't see what the issue is. As long as it stays above 10fps, its perfectly playable. The PS4 version will probably have been sped up by double to acheive the 60fps, so good luck trying to aim or jump over things when lara is moving at double the speed, LOL
...There has been "proof" that the Xbox One is weaker for many months now. Even before the consoles released.
I prefer 60fps at all times, don't get me wrong, but after the woe that is sub 30fps framerates an unstable framerate is my second concern. So much in games is muscle memory and rhythm and developing an instinctual percept-to-input feedback loop, and if framerates fluctuate too much your timing can be thrown off and the whole game can feel awkward. At those times I'd rather have a locked framerate, even if it was lower, if only because it would be more stable and dependable.
Not sure if serious.
Your comparison isn't really fair either as it's missing the TressFX option, which is arguably the biggest single feature resource hog out of all the graphical features.
Ok this one:
confused me, I tried thinking about it long enough to make sense of it, but nothing happened, can someone help me out here?
Even more exciting is the prospect of improvements as we move forward, which is typical for any console generation. Good times ahead.
Nintendo were fine with 15-25fps during the N64 era. Microsoft is purely harkening back to that philosophy of design
I don't see what the issue is. As long as it stays above 10fps, its perfectly playable. The PS4 version will probably have been sped up by double to acheive the 60fps, so good luck trying to aim or jump over things when lara is moving at double the speed, LOL
Unlocked framerate... Sigh. I'd rather take locked 30. This will be just like Shadowfall which looks like an unoptimized mess instead of the graphical showpiece it was supposed to be thanks to the unlocked framerate.
Anyhow, still a power showcase for PS4 since it's the one closest to 60..
Will buy for PS4 and remote play.
Hint: "Nintendo were fine with 15-25fps during the N64 era. Microsoft is purely harkening back to that philosophy of design"
Oh it can't be that bad...
And I'm sure a side by side comparison shows a microscopic difference to the eye. Sounds to me like Microsoft is using frames and graphical configurations more efficiently... think about it, less frames, same res... Cant wait to play a 60fps on my X1
The only worry, if you can call it that, is this generation of console is essentially a closed box PC. The development curve has been dramatically flattened out of the gate, so does it follow that we're going to see "the limits" faster than usual?
If Ocarina of Time can be 20fps or so then Tomb Raider can too, especially in 1080p. And like I said, the Xbox One all in one entertainment center is obviously the lead platform (microsoft wouldn't allow it to be made otherwise) so to get the illusion of 60fps on the PS4 they have to fool SONY by speeding it up by double which means you cannot play it correctly and you wont have the power of Kinect, with exceptional audio commands such as "lara, do something"
If Ocarina of Time can be 20fps or so then Tomb Raider can too, especially in 1080p. And like I said, the Xbox One all in one entertainment center is obviously the lead platform (microsoft wouldn't allow it to be made otherwise) so to get the illusion of 60fps on the PS4 they have to fool SONY by speeding it up by double which means you cannot play it correctly and you wont have the power of Kinect, with exceptional audio commands such as "lara, do something"
30 fps parity for no additional cost!
Actually, I wonder how much this new TressFX factors in. It doesn't look as nice as what's on the PC version, but at the same time it obviously is not hogging as many frames as it. I thought all the talk of an optimized TressFX was bullshit but we're seeing proof right here.
If Ocarina of Time can be 20fps or so then Tomb Raider can too, especially in 1080p. And like I said, the Xbox One all in one entertainment center is obviously the lead platform (microsoft wouldn't allow it to be made otherwise) so to get the illusion of 60fps on the PS4 they have to fool SONY by speeding it up by double which means you cannot play it correctly and you wont have the power of Kinect, with exceptional audio commands such as "lara, do something"
If Ocarina of Time can be 20fps or so then Tomb Raider can too, especially in 1080p. And like I said, the Xbox One all in one entertainment center is obviously the lead platform (microsoft wouldn't allow it to be made otherwise) so to get the illusion of 60fps on the PS4 they have to fool SONY by speeding it up by double which means you cannot play it correctly and you wont have the power of Kinect, with exceptional audio commands such as "lara, do something"
You did an excellent job.I think I mimicked a Reddit poster quite well there, personally.
How long before People prefer the XB1 version due to "sharper textures" and black crush?
I think I mimicked a Reddit poster quite well there, personally.
If Ocarina of Time can be 20fps or so then Tomb Raider can too, especially in 1080p. And like I said, the Xbox One all in one entertainment center is obviously the lead platform (microsoft wouldn't allow it to be made otherwise) so to get the illusion of 60fps on the PS4 they have to fool SONY by speeding it up by double which means you cannot play it correctly and you wont have the power of Kinect, with exceptional audio commands such as "lara, do something"
If Ocarina of Time can be 20fps or so then Tomb Raider can too, especially in 1080p. And like I said, the Xbox One all in one entertainment center is obviously the lead platform (microsoft wouldn't allow it to be made otherwise) so to get the illusion of 60fps on the PS4 they have to fool SONY by speeding it up by double which means you cannot play it correctly and you wont have the power of Kinect, with exceptional audio commands such as "lara, do something"