Does Rocket have any powers? Would be weird and a bit interesting for the hero to rely on equipment/skill and the sidekick be super-powered. Also, are there any female superheroes with male sidekicks?
If you're talking about New 52 Static, then being godawful is what killed it. After that's DC pretty much stopped using Milestone characters and the rights reverted.
Hey come on now, he was in Young JusticeAin't really nothing been done with Static in what? A decade or so?
So, why FOX is passing on it or letting it go to another network?
So, why FOX is passing on it or letting it go to another network?
Only if it has my girl cassBlack Lightning.
High profile.
Does not compute.
Make it an Outsiders show, then you cooking.
Make it an Outsiders show, then you cooking.
Black Lightning.
High profile.
Does not compute.
Make it an Outsiders show, then you cooking.
The X-men TV show being put together by Bryan Singer?
Isn't that going to FX
It will be.
It will be.
I'm kinda amazed Gotham is still on air, love the show but something like that should be in danger of cancellation every season at Fox
They should move the other xmen show to fx. Plus a channel like that allows for you to break the mould a bit more than the networks
I'm kinda amazed Gotham is still on air, love the show but something like that should be in danger of cancellation every season at Fox
It's Batman related. Of course it's doing well.
It's like Smallville. A poor show, but associating it with a big-name character like Superman guaranteed it the kind of longevity most show's don't even dare to dream of.
It's all I need.
Tho they're gonna shove Batman down our throats if it is, can already tell.
Smallville actually gets passable with the comics set after the show ended (they even just call them season 11).
It's not GOOD. But it's decent enough to at least warrant existing.
They seem to be really afraid of using him.
Every CW show is really an ensemble show. DC will cram whoever they can into the supposed cast. Black Lightning will of course have Thunder and Lightning, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Katana again, Geo-Force, Halo, and likely Grace. The latter because I doubt they'll skip Thunder being a lesbian.
Metamorpho feels expensive, so I'm counting him out.
Oliver has Spartan, Black Canary, Wild Dog, Ragman and Mr. Terrific
Barry has Kid Flash and Vibe
Kara has Martian Manhunter, Mon-El, Guardian and Miss Martian
Eventually, they ALL become team shows.
Has Black Lightning been seen in any of the comics in the last few years? I know he hasn't been in Rebirth, but was he even in the Nu52? I don't remember seeing him for quite some time.
Has Black Lightning been seen in any of the comics in the last few years? I know he hasn't been in Rebirth, but was he even in the Nu52? I don't remember seeing him for quite some time.
Him and Blue Devil got a one shot series for a hot minute, that's the last I remember seeing him.
Completely MIA. Had a brief one-shot with Blue Devil. I don't think DC has a take on him yet. Given my guess, Static Shock took his spot in the New 52 and Cyborg later on.
Has Black Lightning been seen in any of the comics in the last few years? I know he hasn't been in Rebirth, but was he even in the Nu52? I don't remember seeing him for quite some time.
Completely MIA. Had a brief one-shot with Blue Devil. I don't think DC has a take on him yet. Given my guess, Static Shock took his spot in the New 52 and Cyborg later on.
If they're really serious about the show I suspect we'll start to see him pop up in the comics soon. Otherwise that's just a wasted opportunity to try to help the show a bit.
The shows help the comics, not the other way around unfortunately.
Has Black Lightning been seen in any of the comics in the last few years? I know he hasn't been in Rebirth, but was he even in the Nu52? I don't remember seeing him for quite some time.
Also, I hope they don't devote a lot of time on Arrow, Flash and Legends to set this up (As they did when the launched Legends).
Written by the Akils, Black Lightning centers on Jefferson Pierce. He made his choice: he hung up the suit and his secret identity years ago, but with a daughter hell-bent on justice and a star student being recruited by a local gang, he'll be pulled back into the fight as the wanted vigilante and DC legend Black Lightning.
For reference, here's the pitch from when this series was first announced as being in development:
It's getting ridiculous. The CW is basically Comic-book show Land. Seeing their transition from catering almost exclusively to teenage girls with relationship dramas to catering a lot but not exclusively to teenage girls with comic-book-based, actiony, supernatural relationship dramas has been absolutely fascinating.
Black Lightning vs Livewire
Make it happen.
This will be a little hard for me to watch thanks to Harvey Birdman, I always think of this when I heard either Black Lightning or Black Vulcan..I know they're completely different characters and Vulcan is a Lightning knockoff because they couldn't get the rights to use BL...but still.