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‘Edge of Tomorrow 2’ Director Doug Liman Gives Update on the Sequel

much to my disain but it still hit all the same notes. I've not read the Light Novels but the movie at least got through everything from the manga aside from Rita's past, which was handled through a short flashback.

I don't get how a prequel could meaningfully incorporate both Rita and Cruise's character either.

It was not a Light Novel, but a normal novel.

the woman died at the end of the novel
i thought this was a Prequel and Sequel. i assumed events after the first lead to going back and forth between the Future/present(?) and the past
In a perfect world I would prefer if they went back and fixed the bafflingly conventional third act (except for the ending which I dug) but I'll take whatever I can get.


Pizza Dog
Edge of Tomorrow

Live. Die. Repeat.

All You Need is Kill

I honestly can't pick the worst name out of this lineup. They're all weapons grade dogshit.

Fantastic movie though. Not sure I needed another one, but I'll gladly check it out.

Edge of Tomorrow is still the better title for me. At least it suggests being stuck in the same day, never reaching tomorrow. I'll never understand why people prefer All You Need is Kill. It doesn't make any sense, grammatically or otherwise. All I need is to kill something?

Also chalk me up as another fan of Oblivion. Fantastic design on display in that film.


Pretty hyped for this,loved the first movie immensely and watched it multiple times.
And i agree with keeping the same name,it's a odd title if you haven't watched the movie but it fits pretty well thematically.
Not sure this movie needs a sequel but Jumper aside, Liman usually delivers so why not. They should just call it All You Need is Live, Die, Repeat Tomorrow for maximum confusion.
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