Hidden One
Shoulda picked Texas for a setting just cause red neck zombies.
Also if they bring beth back I'll quit watching.
Also if they bring beth back I'll quit watching.
Shoulda picked Texas for a setting just cause red neck zombies.
Also if they bring beth back I'll quit watching.
I was hoping for like Moscow or England or Egypt. Would love to see how some of those areas would respond to something like this. Obviously 28 Days Later tried to tackle that with the England setting.
LA is just ... how much different from Atlanta is it really?
Oh I'll be watching it. Zombies for lifeLA is a great choice, and has a really large footprint for environments, but not weather.
Day one.
Because in his brief performances he has been a more human, engaging (and largely better performed) character than almost anyone else on the show. I'd argue his story in the pilot was so successful and effecting that it's a large part of why the show became the juggernaut it is today. It legitimized the drama of this zombie story.
LA is a great choice, and has a really large footprint for environments, but not weather.
Day one.
Started a rewatch of the older seasons and noticed some silly things.
Carol's career in pyrotechnics and killing people must have started way longer in her head. In the season 1 finale, she was the one who gave Rick the grenade needed to blast off the glass windows at the CDC for their escape. And why did she have the grenade? She kept it in her bag after she found it in Rick's clothes when she did the washing on the night Rick first met up with the group. Who keeps a random grenade in her bag? Especially when all she has been doing was washing and cooking with no weapons whatsoever. Instead of giving the grenade to someone else or Rick she just went "better keep it in my bag welp". Carol must have always wanted to be a badass.
Dickens will play a guidance counselor whos in a relationship with a divorced teacher (Gang Relateds Cliff Curtis).
Kim Dickens and Cliff Curtis on top of Lennie James (presumably joining the group soon). Talk about a casting boon. All three should be regular cast members and hopefully not guest spots.
Kim Dickens and Cliff Curtis are playing the leads in the spin off. They're definitely not guest stars.
I just hope it has a different tone, feel, and maybe different story telling mechanism to keep it different from TWD.
Why? What has he done to justify and sort of fanfare that fans of this show have for him? Has he done anything notable that anyone can remember?
The most notable thing I can recall is that he wears a ski mask during the summer. Annnnnd that's about it.
I read how Anna Torv was in the runningI miss her.
Because in his brief performances he has been a more human, engaging (and largely better performed) character than almost anyone else on the show. I'd argue his story in the pilot was so successful and effecting that it's a large part of why the show became the juggernaut it is today. It legitimized the drama of this zombie story.
I know I'm late to the party, but I just watched the mid season finale. I thought it was bad for one simple reason: Beth's death. It was so poorly done. To me it seemed like the show runners knew they had to kill someone and couldn't think of a good way to do it. Beth's decision to stab the cop made no damn sense. What did she think would happen if she stabbed her? She's actually lucky an even worse gun fight didn't ensue. She could have killed everyone. And for what? The copy lady (who seemed somewhat decent actually compared to many of the others) was oppressing the other kid? Come on, that doesn't remotely justify Beth's actions and I don't buy at all she'd actually do that. I'd give the episode an F because half the season was leading up to saving Beth and it ended with that bullshit.
the show continues its trend of only developing characters it intends to kill off.
Yeah me too. Only deaths that reallly bother me are Shane and Merle. I wish those two fucks were still alive and out there, with or without the group. Really well-written characters, and really well cast.Rewatching some episodes right now on AMC, and it just reminds me how thankful I am that they killed off Lori
So dumb that they developed Beth to just kill her off for "the emotional impact". I thought this show was past season 2 style dumb writing, but I guess not. Beth, next to Carol and Rick, by far had the best development arc.
If they only kill off underdeveloped characters, or characters obviously at the end of their arc (e.g. Hershel), the show would become even more predictable.
I can't help but see Andrew Lincoln's head on top of a body double's pose if that's the case.
His head looks...strangely large zoomed in.
Hopfully they all stick together this season.
It does look kinda fakeDid they touch up his beard with more fluff it looked kinda fake.
- EW with more casting news
It's unclear who Ross Marquand is playing, but they have a good amount of comic book-based speculation in the article.
"So what were trying to do with The Walking Dead spinoff is keep the story as familiar as possible for people that love The Walking Dead, so youll get the kind of things that you expect from a Walking Dead story. But, at the same time, well want to tell these stories in a completely different way with completely different people in a completely different setting thats going to make for a fundamentally different show. I think the look and feel of The Walking Dead spinoff is going to be startlingly different."
You could watch The Walking Dead spinoff if youve never watched an episode of The Walking Dead and get a really great, rich, fulfilling experience out of it. It has to be a show that can stand on its own. I think thats what weve accomplished, and we start filming in a couple of days. Im really excited.
Kirkman also confirms that no characters from the original comic book will appear on the new show, which makes sense seeing as how they take place on opposite sides of the country.
To further differentiate the two TV versions of The Walking Dead, the new pilot will be directed by Adam Davidson, a newcomer to this world. He hasnt directed The Walking Dead, says Kirkman. So that is one way that were trying to bring a new directing style to the showto bring in new visual language to this show. Thats something that Adam is working really hard to bring. Hell largely be responsible for the different look and feel that makes the show stand on its own.
Kirkman's"a very prominent gay character from the comics will be appearing soon on the show" thing makes me think that he's going to be playing Aaron.
I wonder how the general audience will react if they introduce(comic book character name and trait) into the show.gay Jesus
Explain what this means?I wonder how the general audience will react if they introduce(comic book character name and trait) into the show.gay Jesus
Explain what this means?