Maggie? Are you insane?! She needs to live to procreate. She is beautiful and badass and reads books!Well since Sundays are ruined for now, everyone gets to pick two characters that need to die.
Glen and Maggie for me.
Maggie? Are you insane?! She needs to live to procreate. She is beautiful and badass and reads books!
I say Glenn (sorry man, tough choice) and Gabriel.
A lot of those people weren't on the show at the same time. And what the fuck are Nikki and Paulo doing on there? If you're going to include Nikki and Paulo, you've got to include all the cops in the hospital on TWD.
please off tyrese and sasha.
Mopey Tyrese before he gets everyone killedMaggie? Are you insane?! She needs to live to procreate. She is beautiful and badass and reads books!
I say Glenn (sorry man, tough choice) and Gabriel.
What don't you understand? Dawn shot her by mistake. It was a reflex from getting stabbed by scissors. It's pretty weak as far as this show is concerned, but was pretty dramatic.Someone explain the Beth death scene to me.
I just watched it and was like wtf. Not because it was shocking or unexpected, seeing as it had been spoiled to me she would die already, but just to see it going to down... what?
Just, what? explain the Beth death scene to me.
I just watched it and was like wtf. Not because it was shocking or unexpected, seeing as it had been spoiled to me she would die already, but just to see it going to down... what?
Just, what?
What don't you understand? Dawn shot her by mistake. It was a reflex from getting stabbed by scissors. It's pretty weak as far as this show is concerned, but was pretty dramatic.
She hated her? Wanted her dead? How dare she claim Noah? That sort of thing.I followed the chain of events, just now why the the fuck Beth would do something so stupid, and seemingly impulsive.
That still doesn't justify the sheer stupidity of Beth shanking Dawn the way she did. How did she not notice the gun in her hand when she stood so close?
She hated her? Wanted her dead? How dare she claim Noah? That sort of thing.
The cast and crew of The Walking Dead talk about what fans can look forward to in the second half of Season 5. The Walking Dead returns Sun., Feb. 8th at 9/8c.
I just think Beth finally saw herself as not useless anymore...someone who can hold value to the group. I'm assuming her confidence rose to an alltime high with all of her freinds backing her....she let her emotions take over, and in a quick dumb move acted...
I know I know I'm gonna get yelled at, but this show sucks...why actually build up background fodder character to kill them RIGHT after said built.
People are actually petitioning to bring Beth back.
And one site says that they will, Rofl. Can't paste cause I'm on mobile but I'm not sure how legit that is.
There is 0% chance of Beth coming back.
She'll be back (playing her dead corpse when they bury her in the opening scene of the next episode).
Quick Question: I've mostly read the comics up until the most recent arc, but I haven't bothered with watching the AMC series. Exactly how much does it differ from it's source material, if it even does?
People are actually petitioning to bring Beth back.
And one site says that they will, Rofl. Can't paste cause I'm on mobile but I'm not sure how legit that is.
It's got the same basic plot, and that's about it.
The reason why I'm asking, is that I'm curious about watching the series, but I don't want to bother if it's nothing but a retread of it's source material.
Oh dear god, please don't RETCON it into a dream sequence. I hear they want to put her into more flashbacks, but knowing everyone, they would just complain about the flashbacks happening and dragging everything out and not enough action.It's got the same basic plot, and that's about it.
Not sure how legit.
His story is genuinely touching, Lennie James is really commanding in the role, and he is just extremely likeable. The fact that he has only fully appeared in 2 episodes and everyone goes wild for him says it all.Why? What has he done to justify and sort of fanfare that fans of this show have for him? Has he done anything notable that anyone can remember?
The most notable thing I can recall is that he wears a ski mask during the summer. Annnnnd that's about it.
Why? What has he done to justify and sort of fanfare that fans of this show have for him? Has he done anything notable that anyone can remember?
The most notable thing I can recall is that he wears a ski mask during the summer. Annnnnd that's about it.
Why? What has he done to justify and sort of fanfare that fans of this show have for him? Has he done anything notable that anyone can remember?
The most notable thing I can recall is that he wears a ski mask during the summer. Annnnnd that's about it.
.Because in his brief performances he has been a more human, engaging (and largely better performed) character than almost anyone else on the show. I'd argue his story in the pilot was so successful and effecting that it's a large part of why the show became the juggernaut it is today. It legitimized the drama of this zombie story.
TVLine has learned exclusively that the potential series (the pilot of which will be shot in early 2015) will be based in… Los Angeles.
It’s unclear if the show will actually be shot in L.A., or another city that could double as the City of Angels (i.e. Vancouver).
I thought about that too. At least I hope they're stuck in the city.Ugh
So not exactly the different climate several of us were hoping for
so they chose LA. ROFLAlmost from the beginning of The Walking Dead (which is set in Atlanta), fans have been curious about what is going on in the zombie apocalypse in other parts of the world,
I was hoping for Alaska or Hawaii.