Does anybody think the dude who says he knows the cause of the outbreak actually does? I think he's talking out his ass for protection.
Does anybody think the dude who says he knows the cause of the outbreak actually does? I think he's talking out his ass for protection.
I'll never understand why people, especially Rick's group of all people, would believe him. Something as massive and suspect as a cure?Does anybody think the dude who says he knows the cause of the outbreak actually does? I think he's talking out his ass for protection.
I'll never understand why people, especially Rick's group of all people, would believe him. Something as massive and suspect as a cure?
Why the hell would they take his word for it? After everything they've dealt with? I know I sure wouldn't be just,"oh, this guys says there's a cure! Sure, let's put our lives at risk!"
I think it might be the best set of episodes since season 1.I feel like a minority, but I thought the last half of the last season with the character-centric episodes was my favorite run. I'm not sure if well see another run like that, maybe that's why it felt special to me.
Maitiú;133057202 said:It's pretty weird that they haven't yet shown anyone asking him about it. If he was supposed to be legit, I would think the producers would want us to be convinced by including at least some bit of educated dialogue. I guess the closest to that was his calculation of Glenn's travels down the track, but that's not very convincing. So far, he just seems like a nice, socially awkward guy who escaped reality by playing video games up until the infection. I don't see what the characters in the show seem to see.
Are you for real? Again?Oh, and we still need to find out who took Beth. No way she drove off like that by herself. And Daryl should have known someone took her instead of thinking she just left without him.
Dale tooI hope Shane comes back
Are you for real? Again?
Yeah those were the bestI feel like a minority, but I thought the last half of the last season with the character-centric episodes was my favorite run. I'm not sure if well see another run like that, maybe that's why it felt special to me.
Chris AND Deaton? This show just got even more interesting!
Lol. It's not a debate, it's so obvious that someone took her and that she didn't just hop in a car and drive off. Someone else was saying this in Part 2 thread. I don't know how you watch shows people, when you think Beth drove off by herself.Not sure what you mean. Again what? Is this some kind of fierce debate or something like if Ward killed the dog in the Agents of Shield thread?
He was pretty clear when he told her they would meet up at the road. She doesn't know how to hotwire cars as far as we know. And they had a few episodes of bonding. She wouldn't just leave him like that.
I feel like a minority, but I thought the last half of the last season with the character-centric episodes was my favorite run. I'm not sure if well see another run like that, maybe that's why it felt special to me.
Lol. It's not a debate, it's so obvious that someone took her and that she didn't just hop in a car and drive off. Someone else was saying this in Part 2 thread. I don't know how you watch shows people, when you think Beth drove off by herself.
Lol. It's not a debate, it's so obvious that someone took her and that she didn't just hop in a car and drive off. Someone else was saying this in Part 2 thread. I don't know how you watch shows people, when you think Beth drove off by herself.
Well if you really want to know who took her, you can watch season 5 trailer..So we agree that someone took her. I thought you were saying I was crazy for thinking that they did. I'm just saying it's unresolved still as to who took her.
Absolutely. Episode 14 is the pinnacle of the show so far.
The poster you're arguing with is saying the same thing as you are.
Because can only take so much mediocrity. I'll check out the first few episodes of the season to see if it's something I can get back into.Man what happened to the GAF hype for this show? I remember the season 3 OTs having way more activity than this.
14 was the episode with Tyreese and Carol right? Fucking loved it.
Man what happened to the GAF hype for this? I remember the season 3 OTs having way more activity than this.
speaking as someone who isn't a hater. There's nothing to discuss yet. No episodes have aired. As soon as it starts we will go back to normal of yelling things during the episodes and then arguing every little thing and then also arguing with people who say they don't like the show but tune in every single week for years.Man what happened to the GAF hype for this? I remember the season 3 OTs having way more activity than this.
Man what happened to the GAF hype for this? I remember the season 3 OTs having way more activity than this.
Well if you really want to know who took her, you can watch season 5 trailer..
Glenn gets my vote. Rick would have had it for most of last season but apparently he's gonna be a bad ass again now that he's done roleplaying as a farmer.The top contenders for making dumb decisions bit the big one, so who do I look to as my easiest to hate member of the crew now?
The top contenders for making dumb decisions bit the big one, so who do I look to as my easiest to hate member of the crew now?
My body is ready
Glenn gets my vote. Rick would have had it for most of last season but apparently he's gonna be a bad ass again now that he's done roleplaying as a farmer.
There's quite a few to choose from. Bob and Sasha. Glenn. The new army Sgt. Carl. Tyreese.
Still plenty to hate for dumb decision making ability.
Does anybody think the dude who says he knows the cause of the outbreak actually does? I think he's talking out his ass for protection.
I was a fan of how they brought back the Governor. I like how his motivations are clear and relatable, but he just can't be bothered about breaking eggs to make that omelette. The whole return episode was a good exersize in studying that complicated dude.Damn right. That episode showcased actual humanity and emotions better than anywhere else in the series.
It's weird that Glenn asked him what caused the outbreak and he just said "it's classified" and somehow that was all he needed.
Little things in the writing on this show just irritate me to no end. The lack of common sense that they sometimes show truly baffles me.
Man what happened to the GAF hype for this? I remember the season 3 OTs having way more activity than this.
speaking as someone who isn't a hater. There's nothing to discuss yet. No episodes have aired. As soon as it starts we will go back to normal of yelling things during the episodes and then arguing every little thing and then also arguing with people who say they don't like the show but tune in every single week for years.
Should be good times.
There's only so much walking around killing zombies in a brown setting that people can get excited for
Brown setting?
Brown setting?
I imagine he's talking about how boring the environments are, and I agree. Not very colorful surroundings. It is perpetually autumn in the Walking Dead world, with dead or dying trees and drab backgrounds. There are never any colors.
Do a few episodes in winter, or in the Appalachians where the flora is hoppin and the sky is blue.
Just do a few. It wouldn't change the tone of the show at all, and would probably add a ton of great contrast to what is going on.
:lol can't waitAhhh can't wait feels like forever, over/under on the "im done with this show" posts this season
what? No gifs on the first page? gaf be slipping