Nameless Member Mar 30, 2015 #7,502 It's like Rick and Carol are competing to see who gives the less fucks. I have Carol ahead
M Matrix LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world hed rather have. The problem is, Dwyanes not a woman. Mar 30, 2015 #7,503 Carol haha bad ass
R RPGamer92 Banned Mar 30, 2015 #7,507 jwk94 said: What was he muttering? Click to expand... "This isn't my house"
M Matrix LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world hed rather have. The problem is, Dwyanes not a woman. Mar 30, 2015 #7,518 fuckkkkkkkk Nicholas kill him now
V Violence Jack Member Mar 30, 2015 #7,529 Fucking kill Nicholas and Gabriel before this show is over, or I'm going to be pissed until next season.
Fucking kill Nicholas and Gabriel before this show is over, or I'm going to be pissed until next season.
N Nokagi Unconfirmed Member Mar 30, 2015 #7,530 Damn this is a good episode a lot of shit going down.
S SocksAndShoes Banned Mar 30, 2015 #7,531 Grisby said: He ain't dead. Click to expand... Yep, the old rule of TV: If they don't show you dead/confirm it through dialogue, you ain't dead.
Grisby said: He ain't dead. Click to expand... Yep, the old rule of TV: If they don't show you dead/confirm it through dialogue, you ain't dead.
L Lonestar I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion Mar 30, 2015 #7,533 Feel like this means Glenn makes it.
J jay23 Member Mar 30, 2015 #7,536 Why is Glenn following this guy outside? Who cares if he goes out alone and gets killed.
V Volimar Member Mar 30, 2015 #7,537 So restaurants with breakfast foods are preaching about dystopian futures now?
Z zsswimmer Member Mar 30, 2015 #7,538 Lonestar said: Feel like this means Glenn makes it. Click to expand... samesies
T Takashi Member Mar 30, 2015 #7,540 I don't know if it's just cause this finale is great so far, but it seems like the commercial breaks haven't been that bad.
I don't know if it's just cause this finale is great so far, but it seems like the commercial breaks haven't been that bad.
I IronRinn Member Mar 30, 2015 #7,545 Rick and Carol maybe a bit too confident this will go their way without a hitch.
Nameless Member Mar 30, 2015 #7,546 Gabriel, Nicholas, and Peter top my kill list. Hopefully they show a commercial flashback of Andrea's death too.
Gabriel, Nicholas, and Peter top my kill list. Hopefully they show a commercial flashback of Andrea's death too.
C CrunchyFrog Member Mar 30, 2015 #7,547 This is like superbowl levels of production going into some of these commercials. TWD is kind of a thing huh EDIT: ALso I guess Daenarys Targaryan is Sarah Connor?
This is like superbowl levels of production going into some of these commercials. TWD is kind of a thing huh EDIT: ALso I guess Daenarys Targaryan is Sarah Connor?