Fallout - Series Reviews


If you're really offended by what the dude said, first ask if he's joking,
I said ''What?'' which is both an implication and a question.

What is your deal?
What is your deal? This is one of the weirdest conversations i've ever had, and on the internet of all places. I really can't figure out why you're so confused/angry about me replying ''what'' to a very bizarre statement.


9/10 great show. Season 2 needs a real bad guy, creators need to watch the walking dead Neegan intro, or heck.. The last of Us... I know Fallout is a comedy in a way, but introduce some terrible bad dude like the games.


Most of the people praising it are hardcore console/xbox warriors who defend anything even tangentially related to their favorite plastic box manufacturer. Then many others are of a certain ideological persuasion who will defend anything that is associated with a particular 3 letter term.

It is boring crap *at best*. At worst it is barely above Rings of Power in the Shit-O-Meter. I am 2 episodes in and already about to drop it.
I've never played a Fallout game on a console. In fact, I haven't even turned on my Xbox 1 in over 10 years (X1s are that old now, right?). I gave away my PS4.

Fallout games belong on PC, and that's the only place I play them.

And I love the Fallout show and I cannot wait for more.

There goes your stupid generalization, and with it, your argument.

Von Hugh

Just finished the last episode. I like it.

Came in expecting nothing, same thing with The Last of Us, but I ended up liking both.

They could have fucked it up in a myriad of ways, but it just kept on going, growing, and surprising. It's got the right balance of feeling like Fallout, but also being a TV show with TV show principles.

With that being said, it does feel a tad safe or cookie cutter-y at times. Sometimes The Ghoul looks like he's fed up with playing the character, and sometimes I just hated how Maximus looked and acted out.

But the way the overarching story, all the undertones and expectations played out and intertwined, they kind of immersed enough so that the minor inconveniences drowned out quite effectively.

Interesting to see what they'll do with season 2.


I've never played a Fallout game on a console. In fact, I haven't even turned on my Xbox 1 in over 10 years (X1s are that old now, right?). I gave away my PS4.

Fallout games belong on PC, and that's the only place I play them.

And I love the Fallout show and I cannot wait for more.

There goes your stupid generalization, and with it, your argument.
Yes, you do have to wonder what kind of "warrior" Tim Cain is.
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Ulysses 31

He based this on ~3 interracial couples in a series where the majority amount of couples in the background of multiple locations(both vaults and cooper flashback scenes) were of similar race?

Wouldn’t that be statistically probable?
Dunno, I haven't seen him point out every couple there is in the series and it seemed more like a footnote of current DEI practices than an issue on the level of the lore/canon changes from the games.

Dr. Claus

I've never played a Fallout game on a console. In fact, I haven't even turned on my Xbox 1 in over 10 years (X1s are that old now, right?). I gave away my PS4.

Fallout games belong on PC, and that's the only place I play them.

And I love the Fallout show and I cannot wait for more.

There goes your stupid generalization, and with it, your argument.

Sure Jan GIF


4 or 5 episodes in. It’s not terrible, but the only real stand out is the cowboy ghoul as a concept. In execution it’s a huge wasted opportunity. Still not as bad as I thought, but fucking faaaaaar from a 9/10. I think a really generous score would be 6/10.

They completely missed the point of BoS, but that’s par for the course when it comes to Bethesda.


Gold Member
As someone who never played a Fallout I liked the show.

So my question now is, what's the best Fallout game to play? Only one because time is scarse.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
As someone who never played a Fallout I liked the show.

So my question now is, what's the best Fallout game to play? Only one because time is scarse.

You can start with any of the post Bethesda ones. They all play pretty identically.

New Vegas has the best writing and quests but FO4 is the most modern with modern control sensibilities.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Ok, thank you very much.

Fallout 4 seems more my cup of tea since it's more modern thought.

Is the PS5 next-gen update any good?

Just a quick two cents: New Vegas has a far more entertaining story and variety of characters than 4, and if you're alright with adding a lot of mods you can make the game look and feel about five-or-so years more recent:

That said, the PS5 update is a native version of the game. I only messed around a little but it adds 60 fps if you enable performance mode, a 4K 30/40 (w/ 120 Hz monitor) quality mode, new weapons and skins, content creation options, and Halloween stuff. And like most other PS5 games there's now very little load times (example: fast travel now takes about 3.5 seconds, it used to take around 10):



Gold Member
Almost finished, i have like less tham 30 min of the last episode left.

The big secret of the vaults is super fucking moronic

so the megacorporations prefer to fuck up the world and reign on a fucking wasteland where they can't even enjoy the rich life because...it's a fucking wasteland?! Such a great fuckin plan

It was predictable but i thought they were doing something less evil mustache twirling villain stuff, but no, they actually chose the most retarded option unless the last 20 min somehow make this shit less stupid.

I dread any future serial tv adaptation if this thing and tlou are considered the good ones, i guess a big budget is all you need nowadays :lollipop_squinting:

You keep goggins out of this and the whole thing would not even reach a pity 6\10.

Maybe not being a fallout fanboy make me judge this thing more harshly but holy shit it was pure brainless mediocrity.

Maximus must be the worst character ever created.
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I actually want this, because it would force Bethesda to learn about and create actual interactive cutscenes instead of just a zoom to a static talking head during dialogue.

I don't know how they've gotten away with it for so long in a world with games like the Mass Effect trilogy, Alpha Protocol, Quantic Dream and Telltale games.


Ok, thank you very much.

Fallout 4 seems more my cup of tea since it's more modern thought.

Is the PS5 next-gen update any good?
Seems to be pretty good, especially for first time players and those that don't rely on mods (these people are playing most likely on PC anyway). F4 has the most modern gameplay, but shit RPG mechanics and very simplified conversation system. NV is very much a superior game in this aspect, but janky in the gameplay department.
Personally I came back to F4 due to the show and put over 30 hours in 2 weeks, something I didn't do in years.

So get Fallout 4, and after you're done feel free to jump into New Vegas.
The big secret of the vaults is super fucking moronic
It was pretty good actually.

We already knew Vaults were social experiments, but now we have a logical explanation given by Bud: time allows you to beat any competitor. Even if the world will become a wasteland from his perspective Vault-Tec will be the only one standing free to shape the world as it sees fit, hence the experiments in the vaults. He is speedrunning to monopoly power without the need to compete.


Gold Member
Seems to be pretty good, especially for first time players and those that don't rely on mods (these people are playing most likely on PC anyway). F4 has the most modern gameplay, but shit RPG mechanics and very simplified conversation system. NV is very much a superior game in this aspect, but janky in the gameplay department.
Personally I came back to F4 due to the show and put over 30 hours in 2 weeks, something I didn't do in years.

So get Fallout 4, and after you're done feel free to jump into New Vegas.

It was pretty good actually.

We already knew Vaults were social experiments, but now we have a logical explanation given by Bud: time allows you to beat any competitor. Even if the world will become a wasteland from his perspective Vault-Tec will be the only one standing free to shape the world as it sees fit, hence the experiments in the vaults. He is speedrunning to monopoly power without the need to compete.
Nah, it's retarded.

You destroy everything that is worth living for and reduce the planet into a wasteland to get an edge on competitors? Super retarded.

None of that is logical in the slightest.

If if didn't knew better i would have thought that this shit was written directly by the dude who wrote the plot of f3, f4 and starfield.
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Nah, it's retarded.

You destroy everything that is worth living to get an edge on competitors? Super retarded.

None of that is logical in the slightest.
I think it could be justified if nuclear war is seen as inevitable. Then the question is not whether you will end up in a lifeless wasteland, but who will rule that wasteland. In that context, triggering the bombs when you are ready and your "opponents" are not, could give you a big advantage post apocalypse. The timing of the nukes in the show kind of indicates that Vault-Tec wasn't actually responsible, so if so that would back up their own reasoning.


Gold Member
I think it could be justified if nuclear war is seen as inevitable. Then the question is not whether you will end up in a lifeless wasteland, but who will rule that wasteland. In that context, triggering the bombs when you are ready and your "opponents" are not, could give you a big advantage post apocalypse. The timing of the nukes in the show kind of indicates that Vault-Tec wasn't actually responsible, so if so that would back up their own reasoning.
Don't they literally say
that they released the bomb and from my understanding they did all they could to get the war going and stop any possible peace!? I'm just going with the info i have, even if they didn't released the bomb, that was their fucking moronic plan so my point doesn't change and the scene make a big deal of when goggins wife say the thing so they clearly thought this was the smart, shocking moment but when you think about it for 30 sec you realize how fucking stupid it is

Maybe the last 20 min are gonna make more sense but i doubt it.
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Don't they literally say
that they fucking released the bomb and from my understanding they did all they could to get the war going? I'm just going with the info i have, even if they didn't released the bomb, that was the fucking moronic plan so my point doesn't change
This seems unlikely as
I don't think Barb would have allowed her daughter to be put in harm's way, and considering she is at the top of Vault-Tec she probably would have wanted for at least her and her daughter to be in a management vault (which she mentions to Cooper - that being in a "management" vault is the best choice for them) when the bombs fell. As you see in the series Bud saved his assistant (Hank), so did Barb (Betty).

I think Vault-Tec wanted to drop the bombs but they didn't have time to prepare - China or the US did it before them. The show makes you think it was Vault-Tec, but we have to proof for that aside from them saying they want to do it.
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Gold Member
This seems unlikely as
I don't think Barb would have allowed her daughter to be put in harm's way, and considering she is at the top of Vault-Tec she probably would have wanted for at least her and her daughter to be in a management vault (which she mentions to Cooper - that being in a "management" vault is the best choice for them) when the bombs fell. I think Vault-Tec wanted to drop the bombs but they didn't have time to prepare - China or the US did it before them. The show makes you think it was Vault-Tec, but we have to proof for that aside from them saying they want to do it.
You don't think that, but it's what they say and it's pretty fucking clear when they say it, so...

If we have to search for excuses or bizzarre interpretations then you are just proving the point of how stupid the plan is.

And like i said before,
even if they didn't released the bomb, that was the plan, and by how the scene is framed, it is clear that it should be a big deal, not something secondary to ignore, they want you to be shocked by how smart their writing is supposed to be in that moment
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Ulysses 31

Almost finished, i have like less tham 30 min of the last episode left.

The big secret of the vaults is super fucking moronic

so the megacorporations prefer to fuck up the world and reign on a fucking wasteland where they can't even enjoy the rich life because...it's a fucking wasteland?! Such a great fuckin plan

It was predictable but i thought they were doing something less evil mustache twirling villain stuff, but no, they actually chose the most retarded option unless the last 20 min somehow make this shit less stupid.

I dread any future serial tv adaptation if this thing and tlou are considered the good ones, i guess a big budget is all you need nowadays :lollipop_squinting:

You keep goggins out of this and the whole thing would not even reach a pity 6\10.

Maybe not being a fallout fanboy make me judge this thing more harshly but holy shit it was pure brainless mediocrity.

Maximus must be the worst character ever created.
Fallout fanboys might be more harsh when they see things like Ghouls having super regeneration and needing a serum or Power Armor design flaws like trapping its occupant when there's no power. :messenger_winking_tongue:


Gold Member
Fallout fanboys might be more harsh when they see things like Ghouls having super regeneration and needing a serum or Power Armor design flaws like trapping its occupant when there's no power. :messenger_winking_tongue:
Those are all things that don't disturb me because i don't know much about fallout lore.

Although i'm sure i killed my fair share of ghouls with ease in the games :lollipop_grinning_sweat:
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Dr. Claus

Nah, it's retarded.

You destroy everything that is worth living for and reduce the planet into a wasteland to get an edge on competitors? Super retarded.

None of that is logical in the slightest.

If if didn't knew better i would have thought that this shit was written directly by the dude who wrote the plot of f3, f4 and starfield.
Nah. This is more reminiscent of the Outer Worlds writing of “reeeeee white men
Bad, capitalism evil, corporations mean!”
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Finally got around to watching the whole thing. Mostly liked it. The reveals in the last episode were awfully stupid though. I do have some hope season 2 has a chance to be better. At least they have established some interesting characters I want to revisit.

They really should focus on the small stories and character development. Stay clear of trying to explain lore or history. It just leads to silly nonsene that breaks our suspension of disbelief.



Here's a bit from his last video on the show where he criticises it for "promoting race mixing."

People can criticise the show for all kinds of reasons but I don't see how that isn't a huge red flag that the guy is a moron who shouldn't be listened to.

What do you find fun about his videos?

Man these pandering youtubers have gotten bold if we're going back to pearl clutching about interracial couples.
9/10 great show. Season 2 needs a real bad guy, creators need to watch the walking dead Neegan intro, or heck.. The last of Us... I know Fallout is a comedy in a way, but introduce some terrible bad dude like the games.
I don’t know but the guy from Vault Tec

who nuked shady sands for selfish reasons doesn’t seem like a great fun guy to be with to me.
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The fact that such a world has been created for a game is truly magnificent. I'm happy to see the great ideas presented in the first two games turning into a series. It has a really intriguing narrative, and I'm curious about what will happen next. One of my favorite actors is playing the ghoul. I don't know what else to ask for? I'm moving on to the 5th episode, and so far, it's going really well. Well done guys!


Biggest Trails Stan
Man these pandering youtubers have gotten bold if we're going back to pearl clutching about interracial couples.

I'm anti woke myself but I find them getting triggered over interracial couples to be hilarious

Seeing my own side getting triggered over stuff like that makes me chuckle. They act exactly like the woke at times

Horseshoe Theory at work

And no I don't watch 95 Percent of that stuff on YouTube lol
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Man these pandering youtubers have gotten bold if we're going back to pearl clutching about interracial couples.

The top pinned comment is from the guy who made the video accusing all the dislikes to reddit bots and blocking people unless they give him the exact sound-bites he needs lol, he's thoroughly up his own ass.
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Finished watching it last night. Loved the look and feel of it, but felt underwhelmed in the end. Did not care for the story too much. Also I was a bit confused why there was one girl in the Brotherhood of Steel, like just one, with no further explanation. She felt really out of place.


Finished watching it last night. Loved the look and feel of it, but felt underwhelmed in the end. Did not care for the story too much. Also I was a bit confused why there was one girl in the Brotherhood of Steel, like just one, with no further explanation. She felt really out of place.
Trans. 2024


Gold Member
Finished, i confirm my barely 6\10.

They should really forget that maximus and the shitterood exist in the second season, they are lame AF.

Just make big eyes, goggings and the doggo have silly adventures in the wasteland.
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