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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 7, Part 2 – Sundays on AMC

Jay Sosa

Facts are facts. The Negan storyline is killing season 7.

Facts? What facts?

An opinion is not a fact.

There are sooooo many things wrong with this show..but having a truly despicable villain certainly isn't one of them. And yes he's one dimensional..most people are.

Yeah where did he go? Did anyone even mention him? No one gives a shit unless you're one of the leads.

That's what I mean by horrible writing. Dude is gone and no one..literally NO ONE seems to gives a fuck. It's like he never existed.
Ratings don't lie!
season 6 finale definitely had me pissed off. it is the reason why i stopped caring about fear the walking dead and it is the reason why i don't watch the show religiously anymore. i used to be on gaf while the episodes were live. now i'm like meh about it and can just watch it the next day or whatevs


Negan is the only reason I still watch the show. I was going to quit when they paired Michonne up with the white lead last season but by that time Negan was already on the horizon. The Negan + Carl episode was my favorite this season by far. They should've explored that dynamic more.


Maybe the lower ratings will force them to pick up their game.

Who am I kidding. This show was already considered AMC's strongest ratings performer since its premiere of 5 million viewers. It can drop to that and still last forever.


Biggest disappointment is how much they neutered Rick. Not only has there been no payoff after watching him bottle his rage while being emasculated for half a season, but he suddenly seems less pissed at the Saviors after deciding to "Rise Up".

Where's the intense ruthless dead-eyed bastard we know and love?


Maybe that character no longer has a place given the new toned down tenor of the show.
Biggest disappointment is how much they neutered Rick. Not only has there been no payoff after watching him bottle his rage while being emasculated for half a season, but he suddenly seems less pissed at the Saviors after deciding to "Rise Up".

Where's the intense ruthless dead-eyed bastard we know and love?


Maybe that character no longer has a place given the new toned down tenor of the show.

I'll give it til some point during next season for him to return to that. It's hard to walk around with that mentality knowing you don't have many weapons or people to fight against the Saviors. Once that reality changes he'll be back.
I don't think Rick has been neutered. He'll still murder on a dime. But he definitely does the crazy stare less...I miss that stare.

"Shit Happens" and the machete to the head is still one of the greatest moments.


I don't think Rick has been neutered. He'll still murder on a dime. But he definitely does the crazy stare less...I miss that stare.

"Shit Happens" and the machete to the head is still one of the greatest moments.
Or maybe he's changed since he watched one of his best friends and another close confident get murdered with a bat to the skull after he vastly overestimated someone...
The show once had some decent drama that wasn't based on really painful contrivances.

Member Shane? Member the Prison? Member Daryl's brother?

This show has tanked because it underestimates the audiences intelligence every episode.

Not since Carol putting a bullet into that kid has there really been any standout performances. Or ancillary characters worth giving two shits about.


The show once had some decent drama that wasn't based on really painful contrivances.

Member Shane? Member the Prison? Member Daryl's brother?

This show has tanked because it underestimates the audiences intelligence every episode.

Not since Carol putting a bullet into that kid has there really been any standout performances. Or ancillary characters worth giving two shits about.
Yup. Give me Shane and the farm any day over scavenge, rinse, repeat.

The drama is gone, replaced with shock and fake outs. There are some decent character moments but the development feels nonexistent.


Negan is the only reason I still watch the show. I was going to quit when they paired Michonne up with the white lead last season but by that time Negan was already on the horizon. The Negan + Carl episode was my favorite this season by far. They should've explored that dynamic more.


Negan is the best thing of the show right now. Hope he stays around for a long long while. Season after season it was always let's stay here until something bad happens rinse and repeat and sadly once Alexandria became a mainstay it got kinda dull in Season 6. It's really nice to see the group not be on top it's fresh air leaving the farm,sickness at the prison, leaving the prison, terminus it all seemed like the same thing and nobody or maybe one person even remotely important dying He beats the hell out of the Governor any day and really kicked Rick & the gang down a notch while he has some pretty wacky conversations and speeches at least he isn't like "CLAIMED!!!" or writes Ws on people's foreheads like lol come on guys.


Hunky Nostradamus
That first episode really backfired on their asses. Unlike with the Red Wedding, this time people made good on their promise to stop watching lol.

It really didn't backfire though. The season premiere was one of the most talked about moments of the TV season and it pulled in an absolutely massive audience - the second highest rated episode of the series.

That so many people tuned in to the premiere and then tuned out for the rest of the season doesn't necessarily indicate that people are fed up with the show and quit watching after they killed Glenn - after all, The Walking Dead has never averaged 17+ million viewers per episode.

Rather, it indicates that people who don't normally watch the show live tuned in to see the big moment and then tuned back out afterwards because they intended to catch up on the show via DVR/Netflix.

Jay Sosa

Negan is the best thing of the show right now. Hope he stays around for a long long while. Season after season it was always let's stay here until something bad happens rinse and repeat and sadly once Alexandria became a mainstay it got kinda dull in Season 6. It's really nice to see the group not be on top it's fresh air leaving the farm,sickness at the prison, leaving the prison, terminus it all seemed like the same thing and nobody or maybe one person even remotely important dying He beats the hell out of the Governor any day and really kicked Rick & the gang down a notch while he has some pretty wacky conversations and speeches at least he isn't like "CLAIMED!!!" or writes Ws on people's foreheads like lol come on guys.


The Matrix Trash People make no fucking sense.

well..it is a comic book adaption after all..but yeah. But imho this 'trend' started with Abraham and Eugene..when I first heard Eugene talk his 'Human Genome' crap I was like wtf is going on? Are the writers on crack? Who in the world (even with zombies around) would believe this clown..and what the fuck is this red haired caricature of a soldier doing in my zombie show? And then these goofy ass 'knights' (at least the king is cool)

The trash people are only the logical evolution of that.

Originally Posted by Opticability

Negan is the only reason I still watch the show. I was going to quit when they paired Michonne up with the white lead last season but by that time Negan was already on the horizon. The Negan + Carl episode was my favorite this season by far. They should've explored that dynamic more.

dude..you should really clarify what you meant by that.

Btw..this is one of the few things I applaud the writers for. Even if it doesn't make much sense (iirc it was just..'there, they're now a couple') storywise.

Btw maybe it's just my perception of the US (right now) but I can totally see this being one of the reasons why the show lost a lot of it's viewers.


Just incredible to me that Michonne has always gotten her sword back. She's been in so many situations where it's been taken and returned or just not taken at all. Neegan or one of his guys absolutely seems like the type to see that and want it.


Biggest disappointment is how much they neutered Rick. Not only has there been no payoff after watching him bottle his rage while being emasculated for half a season, but he suddenly seems less pissed at the Saviors after deciding to "Rise Up".

Where's the intense ruthless dead-eyed bastard we know and love?


Maybe that character no longer has a place given the new toned down tenor of the show.

And even more badass Carol need to make a return. What they've done to Rick and Carol is a damn shame.
Negan is the only reason I still watch the show. I was going to quit when they paired Michonne up with the white lead last season but by that time Negan was already on the horizon. The Negan + Carl episode was my favorite this season by far. They should've explored that dynamic more.

what? Rick x Michonne is the BEST thing about this show

I've been wanting them to fuck ever since season 4, which is when I first started watching the walkin dead


what? Rick x Michonne is the BEST thing about this show

I've been wanting them to fuck ever since season 4, which is when I first started watching the walkin dead

Eh, I'm not a fan of Rick being in a relationship because then he always turns super cheesy. His character is better served as a lone wolf.


I really like Rick and Michonne together. Rick's kinda cheezy but it was established in Season 2 that Rick's pretty awkward with women in at least one conversation with Shane if I remember right. Makes him more human and relatable for him to be confident in one dimension and an awkward goof with a bag of chilli mac in another. I'm always happy to see more representation of interracial couple on popular television and I'm happy with Michonne's representation in the show lately. Feels like she's moved up closer to main character status.Think that's part of the reason I didn't mind the goofiness of last episode along with the focus on their relationship, because other than the guns, that's all the episode was really meant for so it definitely didn't move the story forward much but it developed the type of relationship they have when alone. I don't mind that development. They don't need another though. I'm happy to see the story seems to be about to pick up again.


I really like Rick and Michonne together. Rick's kinda cheezy but it was established in Season 2 that Rick's pretty awkward with women in at least one conversation with Shane if I remember right. Makes him more human and relatable for him to be confident in one dimension and an awkward goof with a bag of chilli mac in another. I'm always happy to see more representation of interracial couple on popular television and I'm happy with Michonne's representation in the show lately. Feels like she's moved up closer to main character status.Think that's part of the reason I didn't mind the goofiness of last episode along with the focus on their relationship, because other than the guns, that's all the episode was really meant for so it definitely didn't move the story forward much but it developed the type of relationship they have when alone. I don't mind that development. They don't need another though. I'm happy to see the story seems to be about to pick up again.

You just reminded me how much more enjoyable the show got when Lori died.
Eh, I'm not a fan of Rick being in a relationship because then he always turns super cheesy. His character is better served as a lone wolf.
there was his wife, there was jessie, and now there's michonne. i don't find anything cheesy about rick x michonne, i love every goddamn moment of it.


You just reminded me how much more enjoyable the show got when Lori died.

Lol coldblooded. Also to be fair, Michonne is far superior to, from my understanding of what occurs in the comics
, Andrea. Don't know about comic Andrea, but TV Andrea was shit. Far worse than Lori.


Bad episode but I liked the ending... Sasha is the show's underrated badass.

The idea of these two women who have all these reasons to hate each other teaming up for a secret suicide mission / sniper assassination attempt... pretty damn cool.
too bad one of them is Rosita but still


The show once had some decent drama that wasn't based on really painful contrivances.

Member Shane? Member the Prison? Member Daryl's brother?

This show has tanked because it underestimates the audiences intelligence every episode.

Not since Carol putting a bullet into that kid has there really been any standout performances. Or ancillary characters worth giving two shits about.

I member. You're right, the real drama is gone replaced by cartoon characters.
Bad episode but I liked the ending... Sasha is the show's underrated badass.

The idea of these two women who have all these reasons to hate each other teaming up for a secret suicide mission / sniper assassination attempt... pretty damn cool.
too bad one of them is Rosita but still

they only really have one reason to hate each other and it's Rosita hating on Sasha, I don't think the feeling is mutual


The show once had some decent drama that wasn't based on really painful contrivances.

Member Shane? Member the Prison? Member Daryl's brother?

This show has tanked because it underestimates the audiences intelligence every episode.

Not since Carol putting a bullet into that kid has there really been any standout performances. Or ancillary characters worth giving two shits about.

I miss those days, period. The cast and storyline is way too spread out now. IMO, the show doesn't really work in the Game of Thrones format of having a bunch of different, simultaneous stories in different groups. I miss when it was simpler, and it was just the main group trying to survive with each other


there was his wife, there was jessie, and now there's michonne. i don't find anything cheesy about rick x michonne, i love every goddamn moment of it.

My biggest problem with them being involved romantically is that they don't have any chemistry together in that way, IMO. They work brilliantly as close friends and I really wish they wouldn't have tacked on the relationship because fans wanted it to happen. When they're on screen together and acting romantically, they often act out of character or moments seem very forced. It's almost like you have scenes where they're naturally playing off of each other as friends, and then you have forced "we just fell through the roof and it's so funny" moments, as if the writers are saying SEE? Remember? They're a couple, they have chemistry. I feel like a lot of times when they're interacting in a romantic way, both of their characters feel forced and unnatural. It would have worked much better for the writers to have gotten a feel for how the romance could have naturally evolved instead of time jumping into them playing house and kissing, all in one episode.

They worked incredibly well as close friends and I wish they would have left it that way because I really don't think they have any romantic chemistry, which is at least partially due to how it was written.
My biggest problem with them being involved romantically is that they don't have any chemistry together in that way, IMO. They work brilliantly as close friends and I really wish they wouldn't have tacked on the relationship because fans wanted it to happen. When they're on screen together and acting romantically, they often act out of character or moments seem very forced. It's almost like you have scenes where they're naturally playing off of each other as friends, and then you have forced "we just fell through the roof and it's so funny" moments, as if the writers are saying SEE? Remember? They're a couple, they have chemistry. I feel like a lot of times when they're interacting in a romantic way, both of their characters feel forced and unnatural. It would have worked much better for the writers to have gotten a feel for how the romance could have naturally evolved instead of time jumping into them playing house and kissing, all in one episode.

They worked incredibly well as close friends and I wish they would have left it that way because I really don't think they have any romantic chemistry, which is at least partially due to how it was written.
in season 4, michonne was already playing a motherly role to carl and was hinting at feelings she had for rick. when he asks her are you okay? she goes, yeah. and he goes, i'm okay. and she goes, i know. and he goes, how?

coz i'm okay too.

and the scene where she finds carl and rick after the prison was destroyed


who was happier to see who?


in season 4, michonne was already playing a motherly role to carl and was hinting at feelings she had for rick. when he asks her are you okay? she goes, yeah. and he goes, i'm okay. and she goes, i know. and he goes, how?

coz i'm okay too.

and the scene where she finds carl and rick after the prison was destroyed


who was happier to see who?

Right, but I don't think any of what you just said has to do with them being involved romantically. Clearly they've always had a deep connection since they got to know each other. Confirming that you're OK because someone you care about is also OK is not evidence of romance.

That's one of the best scenes in the show, that YT video. But she just discovered that the only people she can really call family, Rick and Carl, are alive and well. That's got absolutely nothing to do with a romance between Rick/Michonne. Remove Rick and you've got the exact same reaction because of her connection with Carl.

I think the the "hints" that came before the timejump was simply people really really really wanting it to happen.

Their romance straight up came out of the blue.
Right, but I don't think any of what you just said has to do with them being involved romantically. Clearly they've always had a deep connection since they got to know each other. Confirming that you're OK because someone you care about is also OK is not evidence of romance.

That's one of the best scenes in the show, that YT video. But she just discovered that the only people she can really call family, Rick and Carl, are alive and well. That's got absolutely nothing to do with a romance between Rick/Michonne. Remove Rick and you've got the exact same reaction because of her connection with Carl.

I think the the "hints" that came before the timejump was simply people really really really wanting it to happen.

Their romance straight up came out of the blue.
the "friendship" there that you're talking about I think better describes how rick feels about carol, or more importantly, daryl and carol. all the interactions we've been discussing about rick and michonne however are clear signs pointing to a potential and eventual romance, that's how i was interpreting it and it turned out to bear fruition


the "friendship" there that you're talking about I think better describes how rick feels about carol, or more importantly, daryl and carol. all the interactions we've been discussing about rick and michonne however are clear signs pointing to a potential and eventual romance, that's how i was interpreting it and it turned out to bear fruition

Or it happened in reverse.. the writers saw the huge desire from the fanbase, and decided to write it in. My problem with that desire is that I don't believe they ever had romantic chemistry before this (as exhibited in the last episode and others) and that it was a pretty shallow calling. It seemed to be simply for the sake of doing so. Which is why I feel it's incredibly tacked on. I kinda feel like just because they're close and they're a man/woman, they had to take it there.

I mean shit you had a lengthy period of time where you wouldn't be able to tell if they were even together at all after the initial episode.

Which is why I don't feel like it adds anything to the story. That's not to say it can't eventually, but so far it feels like "look they're together! now what do we do"


Right, but I don't think any of what you just said has to do with them being involved romantically. Clearly they've always had a deep connection since they got to know each other. Confirming that you're OK because someone you care about is also OK is not evidence of romance.

That's one of the best scenes in the show, that YT video. But she just discovered that the only people she can really call family, Rick and Carl, are alive and well. That's got absolutely nothing to do with a romance between Rick/Michonne. Remove Rick and you've got the exact same reaction because of her connection with Carl.

I think the the "hints" that came before the timejump was simply people really really really wanting it to happen.

Their romance straight up came out of the blue.

The bolded isn't true. People will interpret things differently and that's fine. You wouldn't necessarily be wrong whatever way you read into them. But I didn't really really want it. I do believe there were legitimate hints. I think the most striking hint was the episode where Michonne and Glenn are leading the Alexandrians through the mission to draw the walkers.I'm on mobile so I can't link the scene but I'm pretty sure it's 602 or 603.
One of them was bit. A guy. He tells Michonne his story. How he lost himself, but found himself after meeting his wife on the road. That relationship made him human again. This concept had already been expressed by Michonne several times. The guys goes on to say how at at first they were friends and then more. The story was directly paralleling Michonne's story, including the part about his best friend in the apocalypse becoming more. That was the moment it was obvious tbh. I don't think people necessarily saw what they wanted to see nor did people not see what they didn't want to see. Some people just caught certain details. This whole you saw what you wanted is so weird considering there's more evidence that they were right then not.

Furthermore, using romantic chemistry as justification. How do you define that. That's subjective. Seems like plenty of chemistry to me but deciding it's not romantic. My best relationship involved us acting more like friends than lovers. That plenty of chemistry. But you can't go back to last episode as an example and describe lack of romantic chemistry without constructing what you define as romantic chemistry.


I do have to agree with the opinion that the show has dumbed down waaay too much in order to find it enjoyable. The quality just went to utter shit. I'm still watching because I'm kinda holding on to what this show once was and not because of what it is today. The show became it's own Carol and I still have hope that it'll pick up in quality some day again.

The same thing happened to Supernatural aswell. After Season 5 it really became a borefest but people including myself still wanted to know what's going to happen to main characters and so on and then we got Season 11 which was amazing so there is that.
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