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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 7, Part 2 – Sundays on AMC

Or it happened in reverse.. the writers saw the huge desire from the fanbase, and decided to write it in. My problem with that desire is that I don't believe they ever had romantic chemistry before this (as exhibited in the last episode and others) and that it was a pretty shallow calling. It seemed to be simply for the sake of doing so. Which is why I feel it's incredibly tacked on. I kinda feel like just because they're close and they're a man/woman, they had to take it there.

I mean shit you had a lengthy period of time where you wouldn't be able to tell if they were even together at all after the initial episode.

Which is why I don't feel like it adds anything to the story. That's not to say it can't eventually, but so far it feels like "look they're together! now what do we do"
maybe it did, maybe it didn't. we will never know. i honestly can't say i feel like it is tacked on, at this point in the comics rick has a girlfriend so they're being consistent and it makes sense.

it's too bad you ain't widdit but at least you're still enjoying the show. this is pretty much the main reason i still watch coz my interest for the show overall has dwindled. not completely gone, but much less than what it used to be.


The bolded isn't true. People will interpret things differently and that's fine. You wouldn't necessarily be wrong whatever way you read into them. But I didn't really really want it. I do believe there were legitimate hints. I think the most striking hint was the episode where Michonne and Glenn are leading the Alexandrians through the mission to draw the walkers.I'm on mobile so I can't link the scene but I'm pretty sure it's 602 or 603.
One of them was bit. A guy. He tells Michonne his story. How he lost himself, but found himself after meeting his wife on the road. That relationship made him human again. This concept had already been expressed by Michonne several times. The guys goes on to say how at at first they were friends and then more. The story was directly paralleling Michonne's story, including the part about his best friend in the apocalypse becoming more. That was the moment it was obvious tbh. I don't think people necessarily saw what they wanted to see nor did people not see what they didn't want to see. Some people just caught certain details. This whole you saw what you wanted is so weird considering there's more evidence that they were right then not.

Furthermore, using romantic chemistry as justification. How do you define that. That's subjective. Seems like plenty of chemistry to me but deciding it's not romantic. My best relationship involved us acting more like friends than lovers. That plenty of chemistry. But you can't go back to last episode as an example and describe lack of romantic chemistry without constructing what you define as romantic chemistry.

Of course it's not "true", it's an opinion, which is why I said "I think". People can interpret it however they like, but, IMO, there was never a romantic connection there, based on the context provided from the show.

What? Again, it's my opinion that they don't have chemistry. How often do you see ANY characters fall down and laugh hysterically together? The reason, I believe, the writers include scenes like this is because they're failing to show a natural progression of their romantic connection (ie looking like they have feelings for each other, holding each other, kissing, staring at each other, how they respond, body language in general) and feel like they need to have SPECIFIC scenes to communicate to the audience "look, remember Rick and Michonne kissing/having sex? they're still a couple" in a really forced and abrupt way that doesn't respect their characters.

Take a look at Glenn and Maggie. It's very easy to tell that they're together on the show and there aren't forced moments that tap you on the shoulder. It just happens naturally and partly because they slowly built that connection over time. It's brilliantly done and a great accomplishment.


Of course it's not "true", it's an opinion, which is why I said "I think". People can interpret it however they like, but, IMO, there was never a romantic connection there, based on the context provided from the show.

What? Again, it's my opinion that they don't have chemistry. How often do you see ANY characters fall down and laugh hysterically together? The reason, I believe, the writers include scenes like this is because they're failing to show a natural progression of their romantic connection (ie looking like they have feelings for each other, holding each other, kissing, staring at each other, how they respond, body language in general) and feel like they need to have SPECIFIC scenes to communicate to the audience "look, remember Rick and Michonne kissing/having sex? they're still a couple" in a really forced and abrupt way that doesn't respect their characters.

Take a look at Glenn and Maggie. It's very easy to tell that they're together on the show and there aren't forced moments that tap you on the shoulder. It just happens naturally and partly because they slowly built that connection over time. It's brilliantly done and a great accomplishment.

I know it's an opinion, but opinions can still be untrue. So before you commit your opinion to belief, I'm telling you, based off of what I've seen, that opinion is not true. If I said, in my opinion, dogs are too aggressive to own, you can say, well based on xyz, that's not true. Just as you are able to engage and argue people on if Rick and Michone's relationship was sudden or developed. The point I'm trying to make is you give evidence, otherwise, opinions will remain opinions and not even become good(well argued) opinions. So far, I have not seen good evidence from you.

Like I said, it's fine that you have an opinion and interpreted it your way and I'm glad you agree opinions are fine but you're also the one who says it is also of your opinion that people saw what they wanted to see, even while being provided evidence that there were enough subtle hints and faced with the scenario that friendships, especially cross-gender friendship between two heterosexual individuals, can very well evolve into a romantic relationship. This is where I'm coming from. Have your opinion and leave it at that, but you continually appear to be engaging people with your opinion even when they give you great examples and you continue to say, well they have no romantic chemistry when that means nothing because of it's subjectiveness so it's best not to even use it. The matter is, you like them as friends which is fine, but justifying romantic involvements between people never works by pointing out, "you have no chemistry" or "you have so much chemistry". Is this what you say to your friends when they get with someone unexpected. And most of those bolded examples you mentioned, do you really stare at, hold, and kiss people before you are romantically involved?? I'm still not getting the "oh they fell through a roof and laughed. That shows that this is forced" That proves nothing. They fell through a roof onto a bed, a stroke of good luck with some innuendo thrown in. That's laughable. How often do you see two people run after a guy named Jesus and let their truck crash into a lake?? Not sure what you want out of the characters. If the writers aren't allowed to show them having intimate moments, how do you expect to feel that they are intimate...I can even agree that this episode's sole purpose what to show off the relationship, but forcing it down our throats just isn't a clear takeaway. Also, doesn't the example I used of an early hint of Rick and Michonne change your opinion at all. You did say that it came out of the blue, but I gave you a great example of it not, and it was clearly hinting at more than friendship.

Did you really just use Glen and Maggie, the most awkward forced relationship in the show, as justification. As the show went on, and their relationship stabilized, it became more subtle, but near the beginning...Do you even remember them when they first got together and the sex in the watch tower scenes? Dude...lol. My main point isn't to say that you don't have a right to your opinion, or even to say, hey, you're wrong because you may very well be right, it's to say, if it's an opinion regarding any topic, and you really want to convince people that your opinion is reasonable and theirs is less so, you gotta give reasonable answers and examples when they provide you with the same. And don't say, "I think you saw what you wanted to see." even when there are great examples countering it.


Just incredible to me that Michonne has always gotten her sword back. She's been in so many situations where it's been taken and returned or just not taken at all. Neegan or one of his guys absolutely seems like the type to see that and want it.
Her sword is the most OP weapon in the show. It makes no sense that none of the rest of the crew have tried to find their own swords or katanas.


I know it's an opinion, but opinions can still be untrue. So before you commit your opinion to belief, I'm telling you, based off of what I've seen, that opinion is not true. If I said, in my opinion, dogs are too aggressive to own, you can say, well based on xyz, that's not true. Just as you are able to engage and argue people on if Rick and Michone's relationship was sudden or developed. The point I'm trying to make is you give evidence, otherwise, opinions will remain opinions and not even become good(well argued) opinions. So far, I have not seen good evidence from you.

Like I said, it's fine that you have an opinion and interpreted it your way and I'm glad you agree opinions are fine but you're also the one who says it is also of your opinion that people saw what they wanted to see, even while being provided evidence that there were enough subtle hints and faced with the scenario that friendships, especially cross-gender friendship between two heterosexual individuals, can very well evolve into a romantic relationship. This is where I'm coming from. Have your opinion and leave it at that, but you continually appear to be engaging people with your opinion even when they give you great examples and you continue to say, well they have no romantic chemistry when that means nothing because of it's subjectiveness so it's best not to even use it. The matter is, you like them as friends which is fine, but justifying romantic involvements between people never works by pointing out, "you have no chemistry" or "you have so much chemistry". Is this what you say to your friends when they get with someone unexpected. And most of those bolded examples you mentioned, do you really stare at, hold, and kiss people before you are romantically involved?? I'm still not getting the "oh they fell through a roof and laughed. That shows that this is forced" That proves nothing. They fell through a roof onto a bed, a stroke of good luck with some innuendo thrown in. That's laughable. How often do you see two people run after a guy named Jesus and let their truck crash into a lake?? Not sure what you want out of the characters. If the writers aren't allowed to show them having intimate moments, how do you expect to feel that they are intimate...I can even agree that this episode's sole purpose what to show off the relationship, but forcing it down our throats just isn't a clear takeaway. Also, doesn't the example I used of an early hint of Rick and Michonne change your opinion at all. You did say that it came out of the blue, but I gave you a great example of it not, and it was clearly hinting at more than friendship.

Did you really just use Glen and Maggie, the most awkward forced relationship in the show, as justification. As the show went on, and their relationship stabilized, it became more subtle, but near the beginning...Do you even remember them when they first got together and the sex in the watch tower scenes? Dude...lol. My main point isn't to say that you don't have a right to your opinion, or even to say, hey, you're wrong because you may very well be right, it's to say, if it's an opinion regarding any topic, and you really want to convince people that your opinion is reasonable and theirs is less so, you gotta give reasonable answers and examples when they provide you with the same. And don't say, "I think you saw what you wanted to see." even when there are great examples countering it.

I remember that scene and did not think there were parallels to Michonne/Rick at that time at all (considering there were so few of hints suggesting they'd be together during that time) but I don't remember the exact moment clearly. Maybe it's on YT? I'd like to see it again.

Are you reading my posts? Because I've addressed examples others have provided; the stuff that has been presented thus far can easily be interpreted as a deep friendship. The dialogue and context presented could go either way and if you want to see it as a hint toward a relationship, I wasn't trying to say you can't do that. I just don't think there's enough evidence that suggests the writers actually intended to lead them into a relationship. For example I said that if you removed Rick from the scene where she finds Rick/Carl in the house, she'd have the same reaction because of her relationship with Carl. Or that the "cuz I'm OK too" line could have been said between any two characters who had a close friendship and it doesn't have to mean there's something more there.

What did I ignore or fail to refute unreasonably..? You don't have to agree and I'm willing to say that I can see how some people would interpret it as foreshadowing a romance, but IMO, the writers weren't going in that direction and I do think a lot of people interpreted it that way because they wanted it. That doesn't mean I'm right, just what I believe with the information at hand.

Where did I say that anyone else's opinion is "less reasonable" than my own? I was simply expressing my opinion, which is, I don't think there's enough evidence to suggest that the writers were pushing Rick/Michonne in a relationship before the big change and that I don't agree with the evidence people have presented thus far. From what I've seen, I think people have misinterpreted a lot of those examples.

And I think it's painfully obvious how much things had changed during the timejump, and I think it's incredibly lazy to ignore that big gap. It felt out of place throughout the episode, from them playing house to kissing toward the end of the episode. It was totally jarring, for me.

And.. again. They just seemed to totally ignore that they're now in a relationship almost immediately after that episode. Full episodes passed and you'd never even know they're together based on the way they interact around each other. Or their interactions were really limited and their relationship seemed to have been pushed to the side. Which really ties into the idea that it was strung together pretty sloppily, IMO.

It's really difficult to argue that their transition from friendship to romance wasn't clunky as hell.


I remember that scene and did not think there were parallels to Michonne/Rick at that time at all (considering there were so few of hints suggesting they'd be together during that time) but I don't remember the exact moment clearly. Maybe it's on YT? I'd like to see it again.

First, sorry it took so long. I was in the middle of a meeting and then a long commute home. It’s super fair that you want the video. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll be able find it. It's nowhere on youtube that I can tell. ): I can tell you the episode. It’s Episode 6.03 based on the research if you were interested,. Usually, small little scenes like that might end up on youtube but I think the Glenn fakeout overshadowed everything else in that episode. The character’s name was David and his wife was Betsy. You might remember as the one who later killed herself after having David die. I'll definitely keep on the search though :)

Are you reading my posts? Because I've addressed examples others have provided; the stuff that has been presented thus far can easily be interpreted as a deep friendship. The dialogue and context presented could go either way and if you want to see it as a hint toward a relationship, I wasn't trying to say you can't do that. I just don't think there's enough evidence that suggests the writers actually intended to lead them into a relationship. For example I said that if you removed Rick from the scene where she finds Rick/Carl in the house, she'd have the same reaction because of her relationship with Carl. Or that the "cuz I'm OK too" line could have been said between any two characters who had a close friendship and it doesn't have to mean there's something more there.

Friendship and romantic development and attachments aren’t mutually exclusive at all. I think that’s where all the differences in opinions are coming from. You’re not wrong, but you kind of insist it was because they were friends that these moments happened while also admitting it could have been due to either. If you know these moments could have happened under either circumstance of romantic attraction or friendship (assuming they are mutually exclusive) why again was their no hints. Or are you saying these moments would only happen between friends. At the time you might have interpreted it as friendship gestures, but can you look back now and think “Well I guess I could have misattributed the gestures”?

What did I ignore or fail to refute unreasonably..? You don't have to agree and I'm willing to say that I can see how some people would interpret it as foreshadowing a romance, but IMO, the writers weren't going in that direction and I do think a lot of people interpreted it that way because they wanted it. That doesn't mean I'm right, just what I believe with the information at hand.

You consistently say, “There were no clues”, then people give you examples and you say, “Well, I think that was friendship” but don’t tell us why it would be one over the other. Again it’s all about interpretation, yet you go on to say, “hey, well people saw what they wanted to see.” That argument goes both ways and it gets you nowhere because I could say that exact same thing. Of course, no one has to agree. But you're arguing the point and have been arguing the point since it first happened as if you want people to agree with you. If you truly believe what you are saying, then there’s no problem in that.

Where did I say that anyone else's opinion is "less reasonable" than my own? I was simply expressing my opinion, which is, I don't think there's enough evidence to suggest that the writers were pushing Rick/Michonne in a relationship before the big change and that I don't agree with the evidence people have presented thus far. From what I've seen, I think people have misinterpreted a lot of those examples.

You didn’t. I said no such thing. You are arguing your point in a debate like fashion. Debates aren’t bad. I’m not going to attack you for your oppinion, but if we are engaging in a debate and have to oposing opinions, then naturally, the assumption is that one of the opinions might turn up more reasonable or else what’s the point in bringing up the opinion and examples of why it’s true so often. Like I said earlier, I don’t want to come off as saying “Hey, you’re wrong.” I just don’t understand some of your arguments.

And I think it's painfully obvious how much things had changed during the timejump, and I think it's incredibly lazy to ignore that big gap. It felt out of place throughout the episode, from them playing house to kissing toward the end of the episode. It was totally jarring, for me.

As far as we know, not a whole lot changed. These people were on the road or in close living conditions on and off for about a year. I think by that point anyone is going to be comfortable walking around in a robe after walking past each other in raggy clothes and smelly. Things changed after the kiss for sure. We don’t know what happened during the 2 months other than the assumption that Michonne and Rick were jointly attentive to carl as he recovered. Carl has always been something the two have bonded over.

With that said, I do think that the writers played around with the feeling of the episode. It was weird because from the beginning to the end, it's a "just another day" feel. It's like Rick's getting ready for work or to head to the grocery store from the moment he's getting dressed with the radio playing in the background. Take the kid to daycare, go to work, come home. How was your day? Horrible day. Good to be home. After all the shit with the wolves, and the distrust between the Alexandrians and themselves, Alexandria was "home" and it was a civilized type of home like the old days and it was the most stability they'd had since before the turn. I personally wouldn't attribute that too much to Michonne and Rick getting together. I think it was part of it, but the writers had a bigger picture. Rick and Daryl has a similar sort of thing going on, as if it's just another day at work.

And.. again. They just seemed to totally ignore that they're now in a relationship almost immediately after that episode. Full episodes passed and you'd never even know they're together based on the way they interact around each other. Or their interactions were really limited and their relationship seemed to have been pushed to the side. Which really ties into the idea that it was strung together pretty sloppily, IMO.

It's really difficult to argue that their transition from friendship to romance wasn't clunky as hell.

Immediately after that episode, they ran into Jesus. Jesus popped up in thier bedroom post coitus. Things move fast in the zombie apocalypse. Yet still, that episode, Rick approaches carl about it, Rick and Michonne hold hands in the RV, and they share some touches towards the end of the episode. This all happened directly after. If you feel as if the writers are shoving Rick and Michonne down your throat over a season later, I can’t imagine how well you would have taken it the episode directly after, but yes, they do still appear close. I will say that, to me, their relationship's beginning felt clunky (not that that's what you're arguing. You were arguing that there were no hints), but not because of lack of hints. It was due to the fact that chronologically, it was the episode right after Jessie had died.


I have a lot of issues with the show right now but I feel like Rick and Michonne is completely earned and makes a lot of sense.


This is pure garbage so far. I'm at the trash people episode. What the hell is this?
From one moment you go from having the tension of having someone whacked cause Negan's a psycho and then it is happy go lucky full of hope bullshit cause they found 40 dudes who walk like runway models and talk in cryptic ways.

And while the Kingdom could pass in the comic it just all because so goofy and cheesy here in the show.


Mr.Shrugglesツ;231808008 said:
Peter Petrelli won.

Was this a Heroes reference that was actually a Gilmore Girls reference made in response to referencing Supernatural which just referenced The Walking Dead?


First, sorry it took so long. I was in the middle of a meeting and then a long commute home. It's super fair that you want the video. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able find it. It's nowhere on youtube that I can tell. ): I can tell you the episode. It's Episode 6.03 based on the research if you were interested,. Usually, small little scenes like that might end up on youtube but I think the Glenn fakeout overshadowed everything else in that episode. The character's name was David and his wife was Betsy. You might remember as the one who later killed herself after having David die. I'll definitely keep on the search though :)

No problem.

I'd like to watch it, so maybe I'll try to find it. I don't want to give you the impression that I'm not willing to admit that there's evidence, it's just that from what we've seen, before the timejump, I don't remember anything suggesting they'd be together. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I missed something. But the evidence people have produced thus far hasn't been convincing at all. If you find that moment on YT please let me know. I remember it and don't recall there being a parallel between R/M, but I may have missed it.

Friendship and romantic development and attachments aren't mutually exclusive at all. I think that's where all the differences in opinions are coming from. You're not wrong, but you kind of insist it was because they were friends that these moments happened while also admitting it could have been due to either. If you know these moments could have happened under either circumstance of romantic attraction or friendship (assuming they are mutually exclusive) why again was their no hints. Or are you saying these moments would only happen between friends. At the time you might have interpreted it as friendship gestures, but can you look back now and think ”Well I guess I could have misattributed the gestures"?

You consistently say, ”There were no clues", then people give you examples and you say, ”Well, I think that was friendship" but don't tell us why it would be one over the other. Again it's all about interpretation, yet you go on to say, ”hey, well people saw what they wanted to see." That argument goes both ways and it gets you nowhere because I could say that exact same thing. Of course, no one has to agree. But you're arguing the point and have been arguing the point since it first happened as if you want people to agree with you. If you truly believe what you are saying, then there's no problem in that.

What I meant is that the interpretation could go either way, but in my opinion, it wasn't meant that way at the time (from the examples provided). For example, if all the sudden Rick and Daryl got into a relationship, you could very easily go back to some of the moments they shared and say "look, they planted this seed so long ago!".. and I think what I'm trying to get at is that the writers aren't careful enough to plan one episode to the next on a fairly consistent basis (lots of filler/disjointed flow from one to the other), let alone planning this sort of relationship from seasons back. And I think it's very easy, now that they're together, to say WOW I knew it would happen, since there were all these moments they were so close.. and that's fine if you interpreted it that way, but I don't think it was meant as a romance, from the examples I've seen and analyzed. You don't have to agree with that, and I'm not saying you're wrong, if you think there were a lot of things already put in place to propel their friendship into a relationship.

You didn't. I said no such thing. You are arguing your point in a debate like fashion. Debates aren't bad. I'm not going to attack you for your oppinion, but if we are engaging in a debate and have to oposing opinions, then naturally, the assumption is that one of the opinions might turn up more reasonable or else what's the point in bringing up the opinion and examples of why it's true so often. Like I said earlier, I don't want to come off as saying ”Hey, you're wrong." I just don't understand some of your arguments.

Yeah I don't think your criticism of how I respond to questions is helpful. What I'm trying to say is pretty simple and we're getting off topic. You don't have to agree with me, and I can see where others are coming from, but I don't agree with their opinion. It's really as simple as that, you don't need to break down my debating skills, or whether or not it's a debate or.. yeah I'm not seeing where this conversation is going.

Anyway, like I said, if any two characters suddenly move into a relationship, you could easily return to past scenes that may not have been intended to be romantic and reinterpret them because of the new context. And what I'm saying is that, based on the examples provided, there's no evidence to suggest those scenes are any different from other close moments between two or more characters on the show. Which is why I think people were reading into it a little too much. You could make an argument for Rick/Daryl, and hell ESPECIALLY Rick/Shane (because of how incredibly close they were) based on their interactions that there's hints of something more than friendship.

I can only imagine the type of interpretations people would have if they ended up together somehow.. say if Lori died and they both survived. There's a plethora of stuff there. But I would, again, say I think people are reading into it too much and that it was just a close friendship, based on how I interpreted those scenes at the time.

I think this conversation has run its course, though, as we're starting to run in circles. Thanks for the discussion.


don't use guns bc you'll draw the zombies attention

except when you want to pointlessly shoot a can with a rifle in front of a swarm of zombies


don't use guns bc you'll draw the zombies attention

except when you want to pointlessly shoot a can with a rifle in front of a swarm of zombies
Yeah the rules seem to be bent whenever they want them to be. I remember the days when firing off a shot got farms destroyed/overrun.

I really hope they bring back the threat of walkers one day.


Hunky Nostradamus
New episode tonight!

Bury Me Here

Keeping with the routine supply drop-off, a group of Kingdommers deliver goods to the Saviors, but things don't go as planned.

Tonight's episode was written by ? and was directed by ?.

Tonight's episode will run 7 minutes past the hour.

The guest stars on tonight's Talking Dead are:

Lennie James (Morgan)
Michael Rooker (Merle)
Scott M. Gimple (showrunner)


fuck, i kinda liked richard but everything points towards his death...

Yeah the rules seem to be bent whenever they want them to be. I remember the days when firing off a shot got farms destroyed/overrun.

posts like these make me think people either dont watch the show or are doing something else on their phone while watching

the walkers overrunning the farm was a dumb coincidence because the herd passed by while they had their brawl in the moonlight otherwise there would be an army after they cleared out the barn with a million shots before


fuck, i kinda liked richard but everything points towards his death...

posts like these make me think people either dont watch the show or are doing something else on their phone while watching

the walkers overrunning the farm was a dumb coincidence because the herd passed by while they had their brawl in the moonlight otherwise there would be an army after they cleared out the barn with a million shots before

Clearly there weren't walkers around when they cleared the barn. Or When Rick and Shane did shooting practice with everyone. Or When dumbass Andrea shot Daryl. When Michonne fired a high powered rifle around scores of walkers in plain sight, they had pretty much no reaction and it didn't seem to change their clearing plans at all.

In earlier instances in the show, they're very aware of what one shot may do to a crowd of nearby walkers and deliberately choose to kill by hand for this very reason. Remember when Rick showed Shane how to draw them to the fence with blood? They weren't just running in and slaughtering scores with two people. Walkers were dangerous. But now it seems like they can pop off when they're shooting the shit around like a hundred walkers and nothing happens, fall through a fucking roof, laugh it off and go kill as many walkers as they want.

What are you trying to say again?


fuck, i kinda liked richard but everything points towards his death...

Added my thoughts in spoiler just in case but it's purely speculation.

If someone does die is it gonna be Richard? I wouldn't be surprised if its someone like Benjamin. I mean if someone is gonna be killed tonight it's gotta be enough to set off Ezekiel to wanna join Ricks group and stand up against Negan. Not only that I wouldn't be surprised if it brings Morgan around as well.


I still don't get why Rick and Company meet up with Trash People and just hand over half their shit and just trust them. They all look like they have an IQ of 70 what are they supposed to be just fodder for the saviors? Must be from the comics obviously but I'm not caught up that far.
My guess for tonight:

Rick actually died under the zombie pile last week. The last 5 minutes were Michonne's trauma-induced hallucination. This week they bury Rick and Choral takes over the group.

Book it.


I still don't get why Rick and Company meet up with Trash People and just hand over half their shit and just trust them. They all look like they have an IQ of 70 what are they supposed to be just fodder for the saviors? Must be from the comics obviously but I'm not caught up that far.
I think they're so desperate that it doesn't really matter. Any help is welcome in going to war with Negan.
I still don't get why Rick and Company meet up with Trash People and just hand over half their shit and just trust them. They all look like they have an IQ of 70 what are they supposed to be just fodder for the saviors? Must be from the comics obviously but I'm not caught up that far.
Rick and co needs all the help they can get against the saviors.
Yeah, I'm not clear on how the fight against Negan is supposed to go. Are the other people in Alexandria supposed to fight too? Because they're giving all the weapons they find to the trash people but they don't have shit in Alexandria.


Yeah, I'm not clear on how the fight against Negan is supposed to go. Are the other people in Alexandria supposed to fight too? Because they're giving all the weapons they find to the trash people but they don't have shit in Alexandria.
Rick said they're keeping some at the end of the last episode.
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